Legal Studies

2017-18 General Catalog

27 Merrill College
(831) 459-2056
Department web site

Program Statement | Course Descriptions

Faculty and Professional Interests

Elizabeth Beaumont, Associate Profesor, Politics
Constitutionalism, democracy, and American political development; civic engagement and education; citizenship, rights, and problems of inequality; social movements and popular constitutionalism

Donald Brenneis, Professor of Anthropology
Linguistic anthropology, folklore, legal anthropology, ethnomusicology, overseas Indians, South Asia, disputing and dispute management, legal language, bureaucratic institutions, knowledge production, improvisation

Ryan Coonerty, Lecturer, Legal Studies
American political history, democratic systems, local governance, constitutional and international laws

Gina Dent, Associate Professor, Feminist Studies, History of Consciousness, and Legal Studies
Africana literary and cultural studies, legal theory, popular culture

Hiroshi Fukurai, Professor of Sociology
Citizen participation in the justice system, international law, race and inequality, East Asian law and politics, military and justice, and advanced quantitative methods

Craig W. Haney, Professor of Psychology
Applications of social psychological principles to legal settings, assessment of the psychological effects of living and working in institutional environments, social contextual origins of violence, development of alternative legal and institutional forms

Ruth Langridge, Lecturer, Legal Studies
Water resource issues, including control over, access to, and management of water; climate change; drought; groundwater management; theoretical and political issues related to property

Mark Fathi Massoud, Associate Professor of Politics
Law and society; human rights; international law and development, with a special interest in Sudan; field research, with an emphasis on qualitative and ethnographic methods

Triloki Nath Pandey, Professor Emeritus of Anthropology

Daniel M. Press, Professor of Environmental Studies
U.S. environmental politics and policy, social capital and democratic theory, industrial ecology, land and species conservation, regionalism

Craig Reinarman, Professor of Sociology
Political sociology; law, crime, and social justice; drugs and society

Daniel J. Wirls, Professor of Politics
American politics, including national political institutions (Congress) and the President; public policy (military and foreign policy) and political history

Donald A. Wittman, Professor of Economics
Economic theory, politics, law

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Dane Archer, Emeritus

John Dizikes, Emeritus

Walter L. Goldfrank, Emeritus

Michael E. Urban, Emeritus

Revised: 09/01/17