
2017-18 General Catalog

History Department
201 Humanities
(831) 459-2982

Program Statement | Course Descriptions

Faculty and Professional Interests

Karen Bassi (Literature)
Greek and Latin literatures; gender; literary and cultural theory; pre- and early modern studies; tragedy;historiography; visual and performance studies; death studies

Mary-Kay Gamel (Literature), Emerita

Gildas Hamel (History), Emeritus

Charles W. Hedrick Jr. (History)
Greek and Roman history

John P. Lynch (Literature), Emeritus

Jennifer Lynn (History)
Later Roman Republic and Principate; Homeric epic; Hellenistic and Augustan poetry; women in the ancient world

Daniel Selden (Literature)
Afroasiatic languages and literatures, Greek and Latin, Hellenistic culture, the classical tradition, history of criticism, literary theory

Revised: 09/01/17