FAQs for Students: Leave of Absence
Q: What is a leave of absence? [show]
A: A leave of absence (LOA) is an interruption of study with a planned return quarter. Some university services are available for a fee during the LOA. Students returning from LOA are able to enroll with the continuing students during priority enrollment.
Q: How do I request a leave of absence? [show]
A: The colleges approve LOA for undergraduates; Leave of Absence Petition. To request a LOA for the purpose of Non-UC Study Abroad (NUCSA), use the same petition and submit the Independent Program Abroad Information Form and Waiver of Liability. The departments approve LOA for graduate students; submit the Request for Leave of Absence form.
Q: Is there a fee for a leave of absence? [show]
A: Undergraduate students are charged a processing fee, which is added to the student's account. The application fee is $70.00.
Q: Do I need to sign the Withdrawal/Leave of Absence petition? [show]
A: We need the student's signature, but it may be a separate written notification that the college can staple to the petition.
Q: What is the reason for the leave of absence deadline on the Academic and Administrative Calendar? [show]
A: Students are encouraged to make their plans for the next quarter by the LOA deadline. Between the calendar deadline and the start of classes, the colleges use discretion in approving LOAs. Note that the process for applying for Non-UC Study Abroad can take several months.
Q: How can I confirm that I am on a leave of absence? [show]
A: You can confirm your LOA status and your return term on the MyUCSC Student Center. Select the Student Center from your MyUCSC home page. Then click the Student Advising Summary link at the top of the Student Center..
Q: May I withdraw or take a leave of absence during the quarter? [show]
A: Yes, but after the sixth week of the quarter a withdrawal or LOA must be for medical or emergency reasons. Discuss your options with your college academic preceptor.
Q: Where can I find more information about leave of absence? [show]
A: Undergraduates can find more information under Leave of Absence in The Navigator. Information about Non-UC Study Abroad is on the International Education Office's Non-UC Study Abroad web site. Graduate students can find more information in the Graduate Handbook.
Revised: 05/05/23