VII. Inspection and Review of Student Records by Students

A. Student review of his or her own records:

1. Policy. A currently or previously enrolled student has the right to inspect and review official records, files and data directly related to the student as a student, except:

a. Confidential letters and statements of recommendation placed in a student's records after January 1, 1975, if the student has voluntarily waived access to the information. (See Section 130.421[c] of the Universitywide Policies.)

b. Confidential letters and statements of recommendation obtained or prepared before January 1, 1975, under specified conditions. (See Section 130.421[b] of the Universitywide Policies.)

c. Parent's financial records and statements. (See Section 130.421[a] of the Universitywide Policies.)

The student's right of access must not conflict with the right of privacy of other students. Thus, if a record contains information on more than one student, only those portions of records relating directly to the requesting student may be revealed.

Campus police records pertaining to a student (or any individual) are accessible to the individual only when the release of such records does not conflict with the laws governing the release of police records. For campus police records, consult the campus Student Records or Information Practices Coordinator.

2. Procedure. Each administrative unit maintaining student records will establish its own procedures for accommodating requests for student review of such records. These procedures should be written and available to students. The recommended procedure for student review of his or her own records is the following:

a.  A student may initiate access to his or her record by contacting the administrative unit responsible for the record.

b. The student requesting access may be required to present a valid student ID card as personal identification. Former students may present a current, valid driver's license with photo or other official document as personal identification.

c.  If an appointment time is not immediately available, the student may make an appointment to review the official record within a reasonable time period, and in no case should the time limit exceed fifteen (15) working days.

d. The student may be required to complete a written form if the desired information is not immediately accessible or if questions of confidentiality need to be investigated.

e. The student should review the record in the presence of an authorized staff member. The student may request in writing and receive a copy of records contained in the student folder if the student does not live within commuting distance of the campus. Copies of transcripts from other institutions will only be provided to students if failure to provide the copies will effectively prevent the students from exercising their right to inspect and review the records. Students may be asked to provide some proof that they have tried and failed to obtain copies of the records from the other institutions. Copies of any records will be clearly designated "Original on File in (office name) at UCSC. Copy Issued to Student per FERPA." Copies of transcripts from other institutions will be marked "Not an Official Copy." The copying fee of $0.20 per page is payable in advance. An official transcript of the student's UCSC academic record may be obtained for the regular fee from the Registrar's Office. Under no circumstances should materials be removed from the official record.

B. Hearings to challenge the contents of records:

1. Policy. A student shall be entitled to an explanation of any information contained in official records, files, and data directly related to the student as a student; to ask that the records be amended if the student believes they contain inaccurate or misleading information or information that is otherwise in violation of the student's privacy or other rights (except grades or evaluations); and, if a request to amend is denied, to have the opportunity for a hearing to challenge the content of such records to ensure that they are not inaccurate or misleading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of the student. A written explanation in regard to the content of the record may be inserted by the student.

The student may not challenge substantive judgments of a faculty member as expressed in grade notations and evaluations of a student's work. Questions regarding a grade assigned in a course and the evaluation of the student's performance should be referred to the instructor of the course, the department chair of the course sponsoring agency, or the Registrar.

2. Procedure. A student may challenge information contained in his or her record by filing a written request for a hearing with the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs. The Vice Chancellor will assign the matter to a hearing officer, selected from among a panel of hearing officers appointed for such purposes, who will conduct the hearing in accordance with the procedures specified in Sections 131.10-131.32 of the Universitywide Policies.