FAQs for Faculty: Grading
Q: When can I enter grades? [show]
A: Grade rosters should be available by noon on the first business day after the Change Grade Option deadline.
Q: When are grades due for the quarter? [show]
A: Grades should be posted by the Grades Due deadline for quarter. The deadline is typically 4-5 calendar days following the last day of the term. See GRADES DUE on the Academic and Administrative Calendar for details.
Q: How do I enter grades? [show]
A: Please see the following instructional documents:
For technical assistance with grade entry contact the ITS Support Center at (831) 459-4357 or help@ucsc.edu.
For help with other grading questions contact the Office of the Registrar at (831) 459-4412 or registrar@ucsc.edu.
For summer course support, contact summer@ucsc.edu.
Q: Who can enter grades? [show]
A: The instructor of record and some TAs can enter grades. Only the instructor of record can post the grades.
Q: When will students be able to view their grades? [show]
A: Students can see the grades as soon as they are posted. Instructors post the grades as the last step of the grade entry process. The Status column of the grade roster reads Posted when the grades have been posted.
Q: Can faculty change grades online after they have been entered? [show]
Please note that the “Date Completed” field should reflect the last day that the student submitted coursework, not the date that the coursework was graded. For Incomplete grades, undergraduate students have one academic quarter to submit the coursework; graduate students have three academic quarters. Coursework for any other grade change, including the resolution of DG grades, must have been submitted by the last day of the quarter in which the class was taken.
Q: Do teaching assistants have access to enter current quarter grades for faculty approval? [show]
A: Once the Registrar's Office is notified of Teaching Assistant (TA) assignments, the Teaching Assistant's MyUCSC account will be modified, providing access to the folder Faculty Center in the menu. TAs have access to enter grades for faculty approval. Course assistants, undergraduate assistants, and tutors do not have access to enter grades. Grade entry directions for TAs can be found in the pdf Teaching Assistants Instructions for Grading.
Q: What is the Legal Name on my Grade Roster? [show]
A: Per the Gender Recognition and Lived Name policy, Legal name will no longer be on the grade roster. Legal name was previously required for Narrative Evaluations (NES). NES now uses the student’s lived name.
Q: What Names are Displayed on my Grade Roster? [show]
A: Both the students’ and instructor’s lived names are used on the grade roster.
Q: How do I prepare my Canvas gradebook for import to MyUCSC? [show]
A: Please refer to these instructions. If you have any questions related to Canvas, email canvas.help@ucsc.edu.
Revised: 12/18/24