Biomolecular Engineering

2017-18 General Catalog

Baskin School of Engineering
335 Baskin Engineering Building
(831) 459-2158

Faculty | Program Statement

Lower-Division Courses

5. Introduction to Biotechnology. F,W
Introduces the tools and applications of biotechnology in the fields of medicine, agriculture, the environment, and industry. (General Education Code(s): PE-T.) The Staff, N. Pourmand, W. Rothwell

51A. Applied Electronics for Bioengineers Part 1 (4 credits). W
Lab-based course that introduces measuring, modeling, and designing electronics circuits, emphasizing voltage dividers and complex impedance culminating in simple, negative-feedback op amp circuits for amplifying audio signals. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): Mathematics 19A; or Mathematics 11A by consent of instructor. High school physics recommended. Enrollment restricted to bioengineering majors and proposed majors; other majors by consent of instructor. Enrollment limited to 66. K. Karplus

51B. Applied Electronics for Bioengineers Part 2 (4 credits). S
Lab-based course that introduces designing, measuring, and modeling electronics circuits, emphasizing RC filters and negative-feedback amplifiers for various sensors circuits for amplifying audio signals, design of multi-stage amplifiers, transimpedance amplifiers, instrumentation amplifiers, and class-D power amplifiers. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): course 51A. Enrollment limited to 66. K. Karplus

80G. Bioethics in the 21st Century: Science, Business, and Society. F
Serves science and non-science majors interested in bioethics. Guest speakers and instructors lead discussions of major ethical questions having arisen from research in genetics, medicine, and industries supported by this knowledge. (Also offered as Philosophy 80G. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) (General Education Code(s): PE-T.) The Staff, S. Dreisbach, M. Akeson

80H. The Human Genome. F,S
Course will focus on understanding human genes. Accessible to non-science majors. Will cover principles of human inheritance and techniques used in gene analysis. The evolutionary, social, ethical, and legal issues associated with knowledge of the human genome will be discussed. (General Education Code(s): PE-T.) W. Rothwell, The Staff

88A. BMES Freshman Design Seminar (2 credits). *
A first course in engineering design for bioengineers. In cooperation with the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES). Students choose a design project and work on it in competitive and cooperative teams. Covers research, design, prototyping, and report writing. Enrollment restricted to first-year Bioengineering majors and proposed majors. Enrollment limited to 25. (General Education Code(s): PR-E.) K. Karplus

94. Group Tutorial. F,W,S
Provides a means for a small group of students to study a particular topic in consultation with a faculty sponsor. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

94F. Group Tutorial (2 credits). F,W,S
Provides a means for a small group of students to study a particular topic in consultation with a faculty sponsor. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

99. Tutorial. F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

99F. Tutorial (2 credits). F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

Upper-Division Courses

105. Genetics in the Genomics Era. W
Principles of genetics and genomics focusing on how sequencing technologies enable us to understand gene function, genotype to phenotype relationships, and genetic inheritance. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 20A and BIOE 20B. Enrollment is restricted to bioengineering and bioinformatics majors. A. Brooks

110. Computational Biology Tools. F,W
Hands-on lectures and laboratory geared to teach basic tools and skills used in computational biology (genome browsers, sequence database searching, motif analysis, multiple sequence alignment, gene finders, phylogenetics analysis, protein structure visualization, and others). Web-based tools/databases are used on student laptops. Open to all science students; no prior programming or Unix experience required. Prerequisite(s): course 105, or Biology 100, or Biology 105, or Biochemistry 100A, or Chemistry 103, or declared Bioinformatics majors. Enrollment limited to 25. The Staff, A. Brooks, T. Lowe

122H. Extreme Environmental Virology. F
Examines life in extreme environments with an emphasis on the viruses that live there. Integrates aspects of virology, molecular biology, and computational biology. Students investigate a high-salt, extreme environment at the Don Edwards National Wildlife Refuge, and use DNA extraction methods to find molecular evidence of the organisms that live there and describe the genetic content of viruses and the community living in those high-salt ponds. Enrollment is restricted to College Scholar Students, and or by permission of the instructor. Enrollment limited to 24. (General Education Code(s): TA.) D. Bernick, The Staff

123T. Senior Thesis Writing. W
For bioengineering senior thesis students, guidance in preparing a draft manuscript describing their senior research project. Students also practice conference-style oral or poster presentation. Enrollment is restricted to senior bioengineering majors. Prerequisite(s): course 185 or Computer Engineering 185. Concurrent enrollment in course 193F or 195F or 198F or Computer Engineering 193F or 195F or 198F or Electrical Engineering 193F or 195F or 198F is required. Enrollment limited to 25. K. Karplus, T. Terhaar, M. Akeson

128. Protein Engineering. W
For bioengineering, bioinformatics, and biology majors, focuses on engineering (i.e., changing) of proteins. Topics focus on practical aspects of protein engineering strategies that are crucial to modern biotechnology and biomedicinal applications. Prerequisite(s): Biology 20A, and Biology 100 or Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 100A, or by permission of instructor. R. Dubois, The Staff

128L. Protein Engineering Laboratory (2 credits). S
Students address a current scientific question about protein stability using structure-guided protein engineering. Specifically, Students use recombinant DNA technology to produce an engineered protein that is predicted to have enhanced stability. Students then assess its stability with differential scanning fluorimetry. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): Biochemistry 100A or Biology 100, and Biology 100K or Biology 101L. Concurrent enrollment in course 128 is required. Enrollment is restricted to junior and senior bioengineering majors; other majors by permission of instructor. Enrollment limited to 20. R. Dubois, (F) The Staff

129A. Project Design and Implementation in Biomolecular Engineering I. S
First of a three-part series focused on senior design projects in biomolecular engineering. In this first part, students examine experiments that elucidated the function of biological macromolecules at the Angstrom scale, and how technologies related to those functions were invented and implemented. Guided by these examples, each student develops a senior design project concept or small business proposal and defends its utility, plausibility, and inventiveness in a written document and an oral presentation. Prerequisite(s): BIOL 20A and BIOL 20B; and BIOL 100 or BIOC 100A; course 51A recommended. Enrollment is restricted to junior and senior bioengineering majors or by permission of the instructor. N. Pourmand, M. Akeson

129B. Project Design and Implementation in Biomolecular Engineering II. F
Second part of a three-course sequence that is the culmination of the bioengineering program for students who chose a senior design group project to fulfill their capstone requirement. Students apply knowledge and skills gained in biomolecular engineering coursework to articulate, organize, and plan a senior design group project. Student groups complete research, specification, planning, and procurement for their project. Includes technical discussions, design reviews, and formal presentations. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): course 129A or course 150. Enrollment restricted to senior bioengineering majors. M. Akeson

129C. Project Design and Implementation in Biomolecular Engineering III. W
Final part of a three-course sequence that is the culmination of the bioengineering program for students who chose a senior design group project to fulfill their capstone requirement. Students apply knowledge and skills gained in biomolecular engineering coursework to articulate, organize, and plan a senior design group project. Student groups complete research, specification, planning, and procurement for their project. Includes technical discussions, design reviews, and formal presentations. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): courses 129A and 129B. Enrollment restricted to senior bioengineering majors. (General Education Code(s): PR-E.) M. Akeson, The Staff

130. Genomes. F
Advanced elective for biology majors, examining biology on the genome scale. Topics include genome sequencing; large scale computational and functional analysis; features specific to prokaryotic, eukaryotic, or mammalian genomes; proteomics; SNP analysis; medical genomics; and genome evolution. Prerequisite(s): Biology 100 or Chemistry 103 or Biochemistry 100A; and Biology 105; or approval of instructor. Enrollment limited to 30. R. Green

132. Evolutionary Genomics. S
Covers major recent advances in evolutionary genomics. Students learn to analyze and interpret scientific writing in depth. Students also present on work covered in the class and produce one research or review paper. Students cannot receive credit for this courses and course 232. Prerequisite(s): course 130, or BIOE 172, or BIOE 272. Enrollment limited to 50. (General Education Code(s): TA.) R. Corbett-Detig

140. Bioinstrumentation. F
Introduces the fundamental aspects of bioinstrumentation that are essential for beginning-level employment in clinical, pharmaceutical , and biotechnology laboratories. The advantages and disadvantages of several instruments are discussed and demonstrated, such as thermocycler, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), next-generation DNA sequencing platforms, pyrosequencing, fabless nanofabrication, ion-sensitive measurements, microarray fabrication, and fluorescent-activated cell sorter (FACS). Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): course 5; or courses 51A and 51B; or Electrical Engineering 101/L; or Biology 100; or Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 100A. N. Pourmand

155. Biotechnology and Drug Development. *
Recommended for students interested in careers in the biopharmaceutical industry. Focuses on recombinant DNA technology and the drug-development process, including discovery research; preclinical testing; clinical trials; and regulatory review, as well as manufacturing and production considerations. Students may not receive credit for this course and Biomolecular Engineering 255 and Chemistry 255. Prerequisite(s): Biology 20A and Biology 100 or Chemistry 103 or Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 100A. Enrollment limited to 15. P. Berman

160. Research Programming in the Life Sciences. W,S
No programming experience is required, but basic computer and molecular biology understanding is assumed. Students learn programming in Python to manipulate biological data. Programming assignments comprise the majority of the assignments, and a final project using skills developed in this course is required. BioPython and other modules introduced for use in the final project. (Formerly Research Programming for Biologists and Biochemists.) Prerequisite(s): Biology 20A or 21A. Previous or concurrent enrollment in course 160L is required. (General Education Code(s): MF.) The Staff, J. Stuart, D. Bernick

160L. Research Programming in the Life Sciences Laboratory (1 credit). W,S
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics covered in course 160. One two-hour laboratory per week. (Formerly Research Programming for Biologists and Biochemists Laboratory.) Prerequisite(s): Biology 20A or 21A. Previous or concurrent enrollment in course 160 is required. The Staff, J. Stuart, D. Bernick

163. Applied Visualization and Analysis of Scientific Data. W
Python and its Numpy, Scipy, and Matplotlib packages as well as Inkscape are used on scientific data to generate "publication-quality" figures. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 263. Prerequisite(s): course 160 or course 205. Prerequisites can be waived in cases where students have the required programming skills. Enrollment is restricted to juniors and seniors. Enrollment limited to 30. (General Education Code(s): SR.) C. Vollmers

170. Drug Action and Development. *
Lectures and case studies explore principles and approaches in drug discovery and development, emphasizing concepts in pharmacology; medicinal chemistry; and genomics- and bioinformatics-based approaches to drug discovery to illustrate pathways from discovery through development for clinical use. Cannot receive credit for this course and course 270. (Formerly Frontiers in Drug Action and Discovery.) (Also offered as Chemistry and Biochemistry 170. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Prerequisite(s): Biology 100 or Chemistry 103 or Biochemistry 100A. Biology 110 and 130/L or 131/L are recommended. Enrollment restricted to juniors and seniors. D. Smith, T. Holman, M. Camps, R. Linington, P. Berman

177. Engineering Stem Cells. S
For bioengineering students interested in stem cells. Class uses project-based learning to discuss basic stem cell concepts and past breakthrough approaches to identify and design solutions for technological hurdles in stem cell research. Prerequisite(s): course 140 or 150, and BIOL 100, or by consent of instructor. Enrollment limited to 30. (General Education Code(s): TA.) C. Forsberg, The Staff

178. Stem Cell Biology. W
Basic concepts, experimental approaches, and therapeutic potential are discussed. Students gain experience in reading the primary scientific literature. Prerequisite(s): Biology 110; Biology 115 recommended. (General Education Code(s): TA.) D. Kim, C. Forsberg

180. Professional Practice in Bioengineering (2 credits). S
Seminar course where students develop a research proposal and the collaborative skills needed for independent research projects. Includes professional practice development in collaboration skills, project management, proposal development, and funding. Prerequisite(s): previous or concurrent enrollment in course 185 or Computer Engineering 185. Enrollment is restricted to junior and senior bioengineering and bioinformatics majors or by permission of instructor. Enrollment limited to 25. (General Education Code(s): PR-E.) D. Bernick, The Staff

185. Technical Writing for Biomolecular Engineers. W
Writing by biomolecular engineers, not to general audiences, but to engineers, engineering managers, and technical writers. Exercises include job application and resume, library puzzle, graphics, laboratory protocols, document specification, progress report, survey article or research proposal, poster, and oral presentation. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements;previous or concurrent enrollment in BIOL 101L, BIOL 100K, or BME 150L. Enrollment restricted to junior or senior bioengineering or bioinformatics majors. Enrollment limited to 20. K. Karplus, The Staff

193. Field Study. F,W,S
Provides for individual programs of study with specific aims and academic objectives carried out under the direction of a BME faculty member and a willing sponsor at a field site, using resources not normally available on campus. Credit is based upon written and oral presentations demonstrating the achievement of the objectives of the course. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

193F. Field Study (2 credits). F,W,S
Provides for individual programs of study with specific aims and academic objectives carried out under the direction of a BME faculty member and a willing sponsor at a field site, using resources not normally available on campus. Credit is based upon written and oral presentations demonstrating the achievement of the objectives of the course. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

194. Group Tutorial. F,W,S
A program of study arranged between a group of students and a faculty member. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

194F. Group Tutorial (2 credits). F,W,S
A program of independent study arranged between a group of students and a faculty member. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

195. Senior Thesis Research. F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

195F. Senior Thesis or Research (2 credits). F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

198. Individual Study or Research. F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

198F. Individual Study or Research (2 credits). F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

199. Tutorial. F,W,S
For fourth-year students majoring in bioinformatics or bioengineering. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

Graduate Courses

200. Research and Teaching in Bioinformatics (3 credits). F
Basic teaching techniques for teaching assistants, including responsibilities and rights of teaching assistants, resource materials, computer security, leading discussion or lab sessions, presentation techniques, maintaining class records, electronic handling of homework, and grading. Examines research and professional training, including use of library and online databases, technical typesetting, writing journal and conference papers, publishing in bioinformatics, giving talks in seminars and conferences, and ethical issues in science and engineering. Required for all teaching assistants. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. J. Stuart, R. Green, K. Karplus

201. Scientific Writing (3 credits). W
Covers effective writing styles for scientific communication for bio-science and engineering graduate students. Covers instruction for writing grant applications, scientific manuscripts, and thesis proposals. Students practice by preparing, editing, and evaluating each of these documents. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. R. Green

205. Bioinformatics Models and Algorithms. F
Covers bioinformatics models and algorithms: the use of computational techniques to convert the masses of information from biochemical experiments (DNA sequencing, DNA chips, and other high-throughput experimental methods) into useful information. Emphasis is on DNA and protein sequence alignment and analysis. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Undergraduates may enroll with prerequisite(s): Computer Science 12B; and Computer Engineering 107 or Applied Math and Statistics 131; and Biology 20A; and concurrent enrollment in Biochemistry 100A. The Staff, K. Karplus, D. Bernick

211. Computational Systems Biology. *
Teaches machine-learning methods relevant for the analysis of high-throughput molecular biology experiments. Students should be fluent in a programming language and should have taken basic molecular biology courses. Prerequisite(s): course 205. Enrollment restricted to graduate students; undergraduates may enroll if they have completed course 205, Computer Science 101, and any upper-division molecular biology or biochemistry course, such as Biochemistry 100 or 100A. J. Stuart

215. Applied Gene Technology. W
Detailed insight into the techniques and technological trends in genomics and transcriptomics, building the necessary foundations for further research in genetic association studies, population genetic association studies, population genetics, diagnostics, medicine, and drug development. Students should already have a deeper understanding of the basic tools of molecular biotechnology than acquired in introductory courses in biotechnology, biochemistry, and molecular biotechnology. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. N. Pourmand

222. Applied Biotechnology: Engineering Immunotherapeutic Drugs. S
For students interested in careers in the biotech industry. Focus is applied technology, with particular emphasis on the application of cell engineering and protein engineering to solve problems encountered in the design and manufacturing of immunotherapeutic drugs produced by recombinant DNA technology. (Formerly Applied Biotechnology: Protein and Cell Engineering.) Enrollment is restricted to graduate students in biomolecular engineering; chemistry and biochemistry; and molecular, cellular, and developmental biology. Prior coursework in biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, and cell biology recommended. Enrollment limited to 15. P. Berman

229. Protein and Cell Engineering. S
Focuses on established and novel strategies for protein and cell engineering. Explores concepts, design, and practical applications of engineered proteins, cells, and organisms as research tools and in therapeutic applications. Recommended for graduate students with interests in bioengineering. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. Undergraduates by permission of instructor. Enrollment limited to 25. R. Dubois, C. Forsberg

230. Computational Genomics. *
Genomics databases: analysis of high-throughput genomics datasets; BLAST and related sequence comparison methods; pairwise alignment of biosequences by dynamic programming; statistical methods to discover common motifs in biosequences; multiple alignment and database search using motif models; constructing phylogenetic trees; hidden Markov models for finding genes, etc.; discriminative methods for analysis of bioinformatics data, neural networks, and support vector machines; locating genes and predicting gene function, including introduction to linkage analysis and disease association studies using SNPs; and modeling DNA and RNA structures. Prerequisite(s): course 205; concurrent enrollment in course 230L, 296, or 297 is required. Enrollment restricted to graduate students; undergraduates may enroll by instructor permission if they have completed course 205, Computer Science 101, BIOC 100A. J. Stuart, R. Green, D. Haussler

230L. Computational Genomics Laboratory (1 credit). *
Project in computational genomics. Prerequisite(s): course 205; concurrent enrollment in course 230 is required. J. Stuart, R. Green, D. Haussler

232. Evolutionary Genomics. S
Covers major recent advances in evolutionary genomics. Students learn to analyze and interpret scientific writing in depth. Students also present on work covered in the class and produce one research or review paper. Students may not receive credit for this course and course 132. Prerequisite(s): course 130 or BIOE 172 or BIOE 272. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 50. R. Corbett-Detig

233. A Technological History of Antibody Genetics. *
Covers the genetics of antibody formation and the histories of immunology and genetics. Students read and analyze seminal papers on antibody genetics. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. C. Vollmers

235. Banana Slug Genomics. *
Students will assemble and annotate the banana slug genome (Ariolimax dolichophallus) from next-generation sequencing data. Students also will explore the capabilities of the latest next-generation bioinformatics tools and write their own as needed. Prerequisite(s): course 205 or graduate status. Seniors who have taken course 110 and a computer programming course may enroll with permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. K. Karplus, The Staff

237. Applied RNA Bioinformatics. F
Teaches methods for RNA gene discovery; gene expression quantification; probabalistic modeling, secondary structure/trans-interaction prediction; mRNA splicing; and functional analysis. Emphasis on leveraging comparative genomics and employing high-throughput RNA sequencing data. Includes lectures, scientific literature discussion, problem sets, and final gene-discovery project. Enrollment restricted to seniors and graduate students. The Staff, A. Brooks, T. Lowe

255. Biotechnology and Drug Development. *
Recommended for students interested in careers in the biopharmaceutical industry. Focuses on recombinant DNA technology and the drug-development process, including discovery research; preclinical testing; clinical trials; and regulatory review, as well as manufacturing and production considerations. Students may not receive credit for this course and Biomolecular Engineering 155 and Biology 179. (Also offered as Chemistry and Biochemistry 255. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Enrollment limited to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. P. Berman

263. Applied Visualization and Analysis of Scientific Data. W
Python and its Numpy, Scipy, and Matplotlib packages as well as Inkscape are used to generate "publication quality" figures from scientific data. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 163. Prerequisite(s): course 160 or 205. Prerequisite(s) can be waived in cases where students have required programming skills. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 10. C. Vollmers

268A. Science and Justice: Experiments in Collaboration. S
Considers the practical and epistemological necessity of collaborative research in the development of new sciences and technologies that are attentive to questions of ethics and justice. Enrollment by permission of instructor. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. (Also offered as Anthropology 267A. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Enrollment limited to 15. The Staff

268B. Science and Justice Research Seminar. *
Provides in-depth instruction in conducting collaborative interdisciplinary research. Students produce a final research project that explores how this training might generate research that is more responsive to the links between questions of knowledge and questions of justice. Prerequisite(s): Sociology 268A, Biomolecular Engineering 268A, Feminist Studies 268A, or Anthropology 267A. Enrollment by permission of instructor. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. (Also offered as Anthropology 267B. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Enrollment limited to 15. The Staff

270. Drug Action and Development. *
Lectures and case studies explore principles and approaches in drug discovery and development, emphasizing concepts in pharmacology; medicinal chemistry; and genomics- and bioinformatics-based approaches to drug discovery to illustrate pathways from discovery through development for clinical use. Cannot receive credit for this course and course 170. (Formerly Frontiers in Drug Action and Discovery.) (Also offered as Chemistry and Biochemistry 270. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Enrollment restricted to graduate students. D. Smith, T. Holman, M. Camps, R. Linington, P. Berman

280B. Seminar on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (2 credits). F,W,S
Weekly seminar series covering topics of current research in computational biology, and bioinformatics. Current research work and literature in these areas are discussed.(Formerly Seminar on Bioinformatics.) May be repeated for credit. The Staff, J. Stuart, D. Kim, A. Brooks, R. Green

281A. Seminar on Processive Enzymes and Nanopores (2 credits). F,W,S
Weekly seminar series covering experimental research in nanopore technology and single-molecule analysis of polymerase function. Current research work and literature is discussed. Students lead some discussions and participate in all meetings. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Qualified undergraduates may enroll with permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. M. Akeson

281B. HIV Vaccine Research (2 credits). F,W,S
Weekly seminar series covering topics of HIV vaccine research. Current research work and literature in this area discussed. Students lead some discussions and participate in all meetings. Enrollment restricted to graduate students; qualified undergraduates may enroll with permission of instructor. Enrollment limited to 10. May be repeated for credit. P. Berman

281C. Seminar in Cancer Genomics (2 credits). F,W,S
Presents current computational biology research to identify genomics-based signatures of cancer onset, progression, and treatment response. Examples of such investigations include: genetic pathway interpretation of multivariate high-throughput datasets; discovery of mutations in whole-genome sequence; identifications and quantification of gene isoforms, alleles, and copy number variants; and machine-learning tools to predict clinical outcomes. Students present their own research, host journal clubs, and attend lectures and teleconferences to learn about research conducted by national and international projects. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. D. Haussler, J. Stuart

281D. Seminar on Protein Engineering (2 credits). F,W,S
Weekly seminar series covering experimental research in protein structure, function, and engineering. Current research work and literature in this area are discussed. Students lead some discussions and participate in all meetings. Enrollment is restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. R. Dubois

281E. Seminar in Genomics (2 credits). F,W,S
Current topics in genomics including high-throughput sequencing, genome assembly, and comparative genomics. Students design and implement independent research projects. Weekly laboratory meetings are held to discuss these projects and related research in the field. Enrollment restricted to graduate students May be repeated for credit. R. Green

281F. Blood Cell Development (2 credits). S
Weekly seminar covering topics in current research on blood cell development and stem cell biology. Current research and literature in these areas discussed. Students lead some discussions and participate in all meetings. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Undergraduates may enroll with permission of instructor. Enrollment limited to 10. May be repeated for credit. C. Forsberg

281H. Seminar in Comparative Genomics (2 credits). F,W,S
Weekly seminar series covering topics of current computational and experimental research in comparative genomics. Current research work and literature in this area discussed. Students lead some discussions and participate in all meetings. Enrollment restricted to graduate students; qualified undergraduates may enroll with permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. D. Haussler

281K. Seminar on Protein Structure Prediction (2 credits). W,S
Weekly seminar series covering topics of current computational and experimental research in protein structure prediction. Current research work and literature in this area discussed. Students lead some discussions and participate in all meetings. Enrollment restricted to graduate students; qualified undergraduates may enroll with permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. K. Karplus

281L. Seminar in Computational Genetics (2 credits). F,W,S
Weekly seminar series covering topics and experimental research in computational genetics. Current research work and literature in this area discussed. Students lead some discussions and participate in all meetings. Enrollment restricted to graduate students; qualified undergraduates may enroll with permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. T. Lowe

281N. Seminar in Transcriptomics (2 credits).
Covers current topics in computational and experimental research in transcriptomics. Current research work and literature discussed. Weekly laboratory meetings held to discuss these projects and related research in the field. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. A. Brooks

281P. Seminar on Nanotechnology and Biosensors (2 credits). F,W,S
Weekly seminar covering topics of research in the development of new tools and technologies to detect and study genes and proteins. Latest research work and literature in these areas are discussed. Students lead some discussions and participate in all meetings. Enrollment restricted to graduate students; qualified undergraduates may enroll with permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. N. Pourmand

281R. Seminar in Stem Cell Genomics (2 credits). F,W,S
Weekly seminar series covering topics in research on stem cell genomics. Current research and literature in this area is discussed. Students lead some discussions and participate in all meetings. Enrollment restricted to graduate students; qualified undergraduates may enroll with instructor permission. D. Kim

281S. Seminar in Computational Functional Genomics (2 credits). F,W,S
Weekly seminar series covering topics of current computational and experimental research in computational functional genomics. Current research work and literature in this area discussed. Students lead some discussions and participate in all meetings. Enrollment restricted to graduate students; qualified undergraduates may enroll with permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. J. Stuart

281V. Immunogenomics Seminar (2 credits). F,W,S
Journal club and research presentations in immunogenomics. Enrollment is by consent of the instructor and is restricted to graduate students, juniors, and seniors. May be repeated for credit. C. Vollmers

281Z. Seminar in Population and Evolutionary Genomics (2 credits). F,W,S
Covers major recent topics in evolutionary and population genomics. Consists primarily of discussions of recent literature and updates on group members' research. Enrollment is available only members of the Corbett-Detig laboratory. May be repeated for credit. R. Corbett-Detig

293. Seminar in Biomolecular Engineering. *
Weekly seminar series covering topics of bioinformatics and biomolecular engineering research. Current research work and literature in this area discussed. Students lead some discussions and participate in all meetings. Enrollment restricted to graduate students; qualified undergraduates may enroll with permission of instructor. The Staff

296. Research in Bioinformatics. F,W,S
Independent research in bioinformatics under faculty supervision. Although this course may be repeated for credit, not every degree program accepts a repeated course towards degree requirements. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

297. Independent Study or Research. F,W,S
Independent study or research under faculty supervision. Although course may be repeated for credit, not every degree program accepts a repeated course towards degree requirements. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

297F. Independent Study or Research (2 credits). F,W,S
Independent study or research under faculty supervision. Although course may be repeated for credit, not every degree program accepts a repeated course towards degree requirements. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

299. Thesis Research. F,W,S
Thesis research conducted under faculty supervision. Although course may be repeated for credit, not every degree program accepts a repeated course towards degree requirements. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff


* Not offered in 2017-18

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Revised: 09/01/17