How to Report Alleged Violations
Theft, vandalism, assault, harassment, and threats should be reported directly to the University Police Office, 459-2231. Such violations may lead to criminal prosecution, campus disciplinary processes, or both.
Sexual assault and sexual harassment should be reported to the director, Student Judicial Affairs, and the Title IX/Sexual Harassment Officer.
Cheating and plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty should be reported to the faculty member in charge of the course or the department chair responsible for an affected program.
Violations of regulations about the time, place, and manner of the use of university buildings, grounds, or other
properties should be reported to the appropriate college administrative officer or the director, Student Judicial Affairs. All other violations or alleged violations of university policies and campus regulations should be reported to the appropriate college administrative officer or the director of Student Judicial Affairs.
Revised 10/10/12