Student Conduct
In order to carry on its work of teaching, research, and public service, the university has an obligation to maintain conditions under which the work of the university can proceed freely, in accordance with the highest standards of quality, institutional integrity, and freedom of expression with full recognition by all concerned of the rights and privileges, as well as the responsibilities, of those who comprise the university community. Each member of the UCSC community shares the responsibility of maintaining an environment conducive to the achievement of the university’s purposes.
The university’s standard of conduct for students consists of systemwide policies, campus regulations, and individual college rules. The chancellor has delegated authority to the college administrative officers, director of student judicial affairs, dean of graduate studies, college provosts (for academic dishonesty issues), and vice chancellor of student affairs to impose discipline for violation of these policies, regulations, and rules. See the Student Policies and Regulations Handbook, section 100.00, for a complete listing of violations.
Individual colleges have developed additional rules and standards of conduct applicable to members of the college communities and these are available at the college offices.
Procedural due process is basic to the proper enforcement of university policies, campus regulations, and college rules. The college administrative officer has initial responsibility for procedures for students of the college. In addition, the administrative officer of each college has original jurisdiction for students residing in the college, regardless of official collegiate affiliation.
The director of Student Judicial Affairs assumes initial responsibility for the following allegations:
- stalking
- activities of campuswide student organizations, clubs, or athletic teams
- allegations of criminal charges which may be forwarded to the District Attorney
- death threats and bomb threats
- actions arising from student demonstrations
- hate- or bias-motivated conduct
- physical violence
- non-academic conduct that may result in suspension, interim suspension, or dismissal
- non-academic conduct involving students enrolled in summer session and graduate students
Voluntary resolution of an alleged violation of student conduct policies, regulations, and rules is encouraged. When the student and the college administrative officer (or his or her designee) are unable to agree upon an informal resolution, the student is entitled to a directed appeal or, under certain circumstances, an opportunity for a hearing before the Campus Judicial Board. The board is appointed by the vice chancellor and consists of staff and students. Disciplinary procedures are outlined in the Student Policies and Regulations Handbook. Information and advice regarding disciplinary procedures are also available from the director, Student Judicial Affairs, at 245 Hahn Student Services Building, 459-4446.
Revised 08/03/15