Applied Mathematics and Statistics

2014-15 General Catalog

Baskin School of Engineering
(831) 459-2158

 Program Statement | Course Descriptions

Faculty and Professional Interests


Nicholas Brummell
Fluid dynamics; magnetohydrodynamics; numerical simulations of geophysical and astrophysical dynamics, especially solar interior physics; supercomputing

David Draper
Bayesian statistics, hierarchical modeling, Bayesian nonparametric methods, model specification and model uncertainty, quality assessment, risk assessment, statistical applications in the environmental, medical, and social sciences

Pascale Garaud
Astrophysical andgeophysical fluid dynamics, magnetohydrodynamics; analytical and numerical solutions of partial differential equations related to these phenomena

Athanasios Kottas
Bayesian nonparametrics, mixture models, modeling and inference for point processes, nonparametric regression, survival analysis, applications in biometrics, ecology, and the environmental sciences

Herbert Lee
Bayesian statistics, computer simulation experiments, spatial statistics, inverse problems, model selection and model averaging, nonparametric regression, neural networks, classification and clustering

Marc Mangel, Distinguished Professor Emeritus and Research Professor of Applied Mathematics and Statistics

Raquel Prado
Bayesian non-stationary time series modeling, multivariate time series, biomedical signal processing and statistical genetics

Bruno Sansó
Bayesian spatio-temporal modeling, environmental and geostatistical applications, modeling of extreme values, statistical assessment of climate variability

Hongyun Wang
Single molecule studies and biophysics, statistical physics, stochastic processes and stochastic differential equations, classical analysis; numerical analysis

Associate Professor

Qi Gong
Computational methods for real-time control systems, trajectory optimization and motion planning, nonlinear filtering and observer design, robust and adaptive control of nonlinear systems, industry applications of control theory

Abel Rodríguez
Bayesian nonparametrics, Bayesian time series and spatial models, machine learning, document modeling, public health, financial econometrics, structural proteomics, genomics

Assistant Professor

Lee Dongwook
Computational magnetohydrodynamics and gas dynamics; computational mathematics for large-scale scientific computing on high-performance parallel architectures; numerical algorithms for finite-volume, high-order shock capturing methods; Newton-Krylov-type iterative implicit solvers for stiff nonlinear system; nonlinear numerical methods for astrophysics and high-energy-density physics applications

Ju Hee Lee
Bayesian statistics, bayesian nonparametrics, modeling in biosciences and clinical trials

Associate Adjunct Professor

Robin Morris
Bayesian analysis of scientific data, with applications in Earth remote sensing, particle and astroparticle physics, signal processing and engineering

Visiting Assistant Professor

Tatiani Xifara
Bayesian and computational statistics, hidden Markov models, adaptive MCMC and MALA algorithms, statistical ecology


Yonatan Katznelson
Number theory

Bruno Mendes
Parameter and model uncertainty in geophysics and groundwater contamination modeling, Bayesian statistics, parallel computation

Valerie Poyner
Bayesian nonparametric modeling and inference, survival regression analysis, population dynamics, applications in neuroscience and fisheries ecology

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Douglas Bonett (Psychology)
Psychometrics and statistics

William Dunbar (Computer Engineering)
Theory and application of feedback control, single-molecule biophysics, nanopore sensors, dynamics and control of biomolecules

Gabriel Elkaim (Computer Engineering)
Embedded systems; robust software architectures for real-time reactive systems; sensor fusion; guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) system identification; robust and advanced control schemes; feedback control systems; robotics; unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAVs); and cooperative control

Andrew T. Fisher (Earth Sciences)
Hydrogeology, crustal studies, coupled flows, modeling

Lise Getoor (Computer Science)
Machine learning, reasoning under uncertainty, analysis of graphs and networks, artificial intelligence, databases, data integration, visual analytics, data science

Gary A. Glatzmaier (Earth Sciences)
Computer simulation of geodynamics and planetary dynamics

David Haussler (Biomolecular Engineering; Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute;  Director, Center for Biomolecular Science and Engineering;  Distinguished Professor, Biomolecular Engineering; Director, Cancer Genomics Hub; Scientific Co-Director, California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences [QB3]; Consulting Professor, Biopharmaceutical Sciences, Stanford Medical School; Consulting Professor, Biopharmaceutical Sciences, UC San Francisco)
Bioinformatics, genomics, computational genomic data analysis, molecular evolution and comparative genomics, genomic and clinical data sharing and standards, cancer genomics, neurodevelopment, stem cell research, immunogenomics, information theory, pattern recognition, machine learning, artificial intelligence, information theory, theoretical computer science

David P. Helmbold (Computer Science)
Machine learning, computational learning theory, analysis of algorithms

Roberto Manduchi (Computer Engineering)
Computer vision and sensor processing, with application to assistive technology for the visually impaired, mobile and pervasive computing

Richard Montgomery (Mathematics)
Celestial mechanics, differential geometry, gauge theory, mechanics (quantum and classical), and control theory

Katia Obraczka (Computer Engineering)
Computer networks, distributed systems, operating systems, Internet information systems, mobile computing, wireless networks

Hamid Sadjadpour (Computer Engineering)
Wireless communication systems, network information theory and scaling laws, performance analysis of wireless ad hoc and sensor networks, routing and MAC protocol design for wireless networks

Manfred Warmuth (Computer Science)
Online learning, machine learning, statistical decision theory, game theory, analysis of algorithms

Peter Young (Physics)
Condensed matter theory, statistical mechanics

Yi Zhang (Technology and Information Management)
Large-scale information retrieval, recommendation systems, Internet advertising, data mining, natural language processing, and applied machine learning

Revised: 09/01/14