Community Studies
2018-19 General Catalog
213 Oakes Academic Building
(831) 459-2371
Program Statement | Course Descriptions
Faculty and Professional Interests
William H. Friedland, Emeritus
Nancy Stoller, Emerita
David T. Wellman, Emeritus
Carter Wilson, Emeritus
Deborah A. Woo, Emerita
Leslie Lopez
Political economy of education and cultural production, social movements in Latin America/U.S., journalism and oral history, literacy and language, immigration, youth
Andrea Steiner
Health policy, critical public health, social gerontology, ageism, women’s health activism, numeracy education in social justice
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David Brundage (History)
American immigration history, with particular focus on the Irish in America and on transnational immigrant politics; U.S. labor and social history; modern Irish history
Heather E. Bullock (Psychology)
Poverty and economic inequality, welfare policy, feminist psychology, intersections of classism, racism, and sexism
Nancy N. Chen (Anthropology)
Medical anthropology, visual anthropology, urban anthropology, Asian American identity, mental health, food, China
T.J. Demos (History of Art and Visual Culture)
Contemporary art and visual culture, investigating in particular the diverse ways that artists and activists have negotiated crises associated with globalization, including the emerging conjunction of post-9/11 political sovereignty and statelessness, the hauntings of the colonial past, and the growing biopolitical conflicts around ecology and climate change
Dana Frank (History)
Late 19th- and 20th-century U.S. social history, including women's, labor, and working-class history, race and ethnicity; modern Honduras; U.S. history in transnational perspective
Hiroshi Fukurai (Sociology)
Citizen participation in the justice system, international law, race and inequality, East Asian law and politics, military and justice, and advanced quantitative methods
Julie Guthman (Social Sciences)
Sustainable agriculture and alternative food movements, international political economy of food and agriculture, politics of obesity, political ecology, race and food, critical human geography
Craig W. Haney (Psychology)
Applications of social psychological principles to legal settings, assessment of the psychological effects of living and working in institutional environments, social contextual origins of violence, development of alternative legal and institutional forms
David E. Kaun, Emeritus
Regina D. Langhout (Psychology)
School-community-university collaboration; how schooling and neighborhood experiences are informed by social class, race, and gender; young people and empowerment; participatory action research
Craig Reinarman, Emeritus (Sociology)
Patricia Zavella, Emerita (Latin American and Latino Studies)
Associate Professor
Eva Bertram, (Politics)
American politics, public policy, political economy, and political history, including social policy and the welfare state , and the changing character of work and labor markets in the United States
Cynthia Cruz (Education)
Critical ethnography; community-based learning; decolonial pedagogies; foundations of education; LGBTQ street youth; women of color thought; cultural studies and education; and technology and digital practices of homeless youth
Miriam Greenberg (Sociology)
Urban sociology, media studies, cultural studies, political economy, globalization, and urban political ecology
Steven McKay (Sociology)
Work and labor markets; globalization and social change; political sociology; race; masculinity; migration; ethnography/qualitative methods
Mary Beth Pudup (Social Sciences)
Urban and regional political economy, historical geography of the U.S., public policy, community gardening and urban agriculture, non-profit sector
Catherine Ramirez (Latin American and Latino Studies)
United States cultural history, with a focus on immigration and assimilation; theories of citizenship; Latino literature; comparative ethnic studies; feminist and gender studies; cultural studies and the study of visual culture
Jessica K. Taft (Latin American and Latino Studies)
Youth activism; childhood and youth studies; social movements; participatory democracy; girls studies; Latin American radicalisms; feminist theory; qualitative and participatory research methods
Veronica Terriquez (Sociology)
Immigrant incorporation, civic engagement, social inequality, Latinos in the U.S., youth transitions to adulthood, quantitative methods, mixed methods
Assistant Professor
James Battle (Sociology)
Anthropologies and technologies of science and medicine; biological, pharmaceutical, and technological citizenship; racial classification, bioethics, and health disparities; history of social medicine; risk, translation, and uncertainty
Rebecca Covarrubias (Psychology)
Culture, self, and identity; social representations of race, gender, and social class in educational/health contexts; student performance, belonging, and well-being; community and school interventions
Lindsey Dillon (Sociology)
Urban geography, critical race theory, political ecology, environmental justice, feminist approaches to science and technology studies
Madeleine Fairbairn (Environmental Studies)
Environmental sociology, sociology of agriculture, property ownership and land tenure, food politics and social movements, political ecology
Revised: 07/15/18