German Studies

2015-16 General Catalog

Department of History
201 Humanities
(831) 459-2982


Program Description

German studies is a transnational and transdisciplinary major that deals with the various German-speaking regions of central Europe. Whether one thinks of philosophy, music, art, education, religion, or political and social history, German culture has exercised a profound and often decisive influence on Europe. Some of the most important ideological debates in Western culture have arisen in the German-speaking area, and changes in German culture and society have sometimes had devastating effects on world history. Events and political developments of recent years-such as the unification of East and West Germany and the emergence of the German-speaking region of Europe as a major player in world affairs have had important impacts.

A German studies major provides students with an intellectually diverse program covering history, history of art and visual culture, literature, and philosophy-in which students and faculty come together in exciting and demanding pursuits.

The German studies major is administered by the Department of History. For additional information on curriculum and advising, go to

Program Learning Outcomes

Students who complete the German studies major should graduate with the following knowledge and skills:


Mastery of the German language sufficient to engage in scholarly discussions, to understand lectures in the language, and to read primary and secondary texts in literature, history, philosophy, art, music, and other humanities-related fields.

History and Literature

A knowledge of the history, literature, and culture of Germany and German-speaking Europe.

Transdisciplinarity and Cross-Cultural Analysis

The skills to think, do research, and write in a cross-disciplinary or transdisciplinary fashion.

The ability to work across multiple cultures and linguistic traditions.

Critical Reading

The ability to read closely and to think rigorously, analytically, and imaginatively about different kinds of texts.

The ability to use primary and secondary sources to understand historical and literary narratives.

The ability to understand and evaluate historical ideas, arguments, and points of view, and place them within the larger cultural context of Europe and the world.

The ability to evaluate competing interpretations and multiple narratives of the past through the use of fictional and non-fictional literature.

Research and Evidence

The skills to gather and assess primary historical and literary evidence in order to create and challenge narratives and interpretations of Germany’s present and past.

The skills to compile a bibliography and utilize footnotes effectively.


The ability to provide constructive and effective critiques of each other’s work.

The ability to undertake and complete a shared research project.


The ability to write lucid, concise, and effective prose.

The ability to speak cogently and persuasively in both English and German.

The skills to present clear and compelling arguments, based on critical analysis of diverse historical, literary, and philosophical sources, and effectively communicate them in written essays, oral presentations, and/or other media.

The skills to develop a research question and complete a well-supported piece of written scholarship about it.

Scope and Thematics

Transnational or transcultural circulations of ideas, people, and cultures inside and outside Central Europe.

Modern intellectual and cultural traditions in the German-speaking area and their impact on other parts of the world.

Requirements for the Major

German language level 5 or the equivalent is a prerequisite for the German studies major and all upper-division courses taught in German. Students are encouraged to take German 1 through German 5 as early as possible in their academic program. The major requires a total of 11 courses, including the comprehensive requirement. No more than two of the 11 required courses may be lower-division. A minimum of 40 upper-division units must be completed within the German studies course requirements. In consultation with a faculty adviser, students will plan a program of study to fulfill the following distribution of courses: 

I. Five courses in German literature and history:

  • two core courses in German literature

  • one core course in German history

  • one core course in either German literature or German history depending upon the student’s chosen area of emphasis

  • one comprehensive exit requirement (see below).

II. Three additional core courses, including EAP courses

III. Three additional core courses or courses from the Germany in a European or World Context list.

Distribution requirements. A minimum of five of the 11 required courses must be taught in German or principally through German-language texts. No more than three courses may come from the Germany in a European or World Context list.

Comprehensive requirement. All German studies majors must satisfy the comprehensive exit requirement by completing an approved exit seminar in either German literature or German history: History 196G, History 196P, History 196X, or Modern Literary Studies (LTMO) 190Z. The senior seminar is one of the 11 courses required for the major. Please consult the German studies web site for a more detailed description of these courses at

UC Education Abroad Program. It is strongly recommended that students spend time in residence in Germany through the University of California Education Abroad Program (EAP) or one of its affiliate programs to further enrich their program of study and ensure a command of the language. Students are allowed to transfer up to five courses taken at German universities toward the requirements for the major. However, the four required core courses in German literature and history and the comprehensive requirement must be taken at UCSC.

Disciplinary Communication (DC) requirement. Students of every major must satisfy that major's upper-division Disciplinary Communication (DC) requirement. The DC requirement in German studies is fulfilled by completing History 196G, History 196P, History 196X, or Modern Literary Studies (LTMO) 190Z. Please refer to updated information at Disciplinary Communication Chart.

Honors in the German Studies major. All students who announce candidacy during the academic year are reviewed for honors or highest honors in the major. The German studies faculty advisers determine honors based upon courses applied towards the German studies major. Performance in courses taken elsewhere and being transferred toward the major will be considered when applicable. The minimum standard applied is excellence in most courses for honors, and excellence in all courses for highest honors. Summer, fall, and winter graduates will be reviewed at the end of each of their respective quarters. Spring graduates will be reviewed as of the spring announcement of candidacy deadline.

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Revised: 09/01/15