Spanish for Heritage Speakers
2012-13 General Catalog
Language Program
218 Cowell College
(831) 459-2054
Lower-Division Courses
4. Spanish for Heritage Speakers. F
Deals with orthography, lexicon development, morphology, syntax, and other linguistic topics as applied to the development of all language skills (listening, reading, speaking, and writing). Emphasizes reading and writing about well-known and pivotal authentic texts of varying genres and formats from the Spanish-speaking world. Emphasis is on the United States, Mexico, and Spain. Students need to use the self-placement questionnaire posted on the Language Program web page. (Formerly course 61, Spanish for Spanish Speakers.) (General Education Code(s): CC, IH.) The Staff
5. Spanish for Heritage Speakers. W
Deals with orthography, lexicon development, morphology, syntax, and other linguistic topics as applied to the development of all language skills (listening, reading, speaking, and writing). Emphasizes reading and writing about well-known and pivotal authentic texts of varying genres and formats from the Spanish-speaking world. Emphasis is on Central America and the Caribbean. (Formerly course 62, Spanish for Spanish Speakers.) Prerequisite(s): SPSS 61 or SPHS 4 or by consent of instructor. (General Education Code(s): CC, IH.) The Staff
6. Spanish for Heritage Speakers. S
Deals with orthography, lexicon development, morphology, syntax, and other linguistic topics as applied to the development of all language skills (listening, reading, speaking, and writing). Emphasizes reading and writing about well-known and pivotal authentic texts of varying genres and formats from the Spanish-speaking world. Emphasis is on South America. (Formerly course 63, Spanish for Spanish Speakers.) Prerequisite(s): SPSS 62 or SPHS 5 or by consent of instructor. (General Education Code(s): CC, IH.) The Staff
94. Group Tutorial. F,W,S
Provides a means for a small group of students to study a particular topic in consultation with a faculty sponsor. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. Enrollment limited to 10. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
99. Tutorial. F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
99F. Tutorial (2 credits). F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
Upper-Division Courses
194. Group Tutorial. F,W,S
Provides a means for a small group of students to study a particular topic in consultation with a faculty sponsor. Enrollment limited to 10. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
199. Tutorial. F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
199F. Tutorial (2 credits). F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff