Modern Literary Studies

2012-13 General Catalog

303 Humanities 1
(831) 459-4778

Program Description | Faculty

Upper-Division Courses

125. Modern Cinema.

125J. Cinema and Subjectivity. S
An examination of the ways in which the technological and institutional practices of cinema construct modes of modern and contemporary subjectivity. Course topic changes; please see the Schedule of Classes for current topic. Satisfies the Modern Literary Studies concentration. May be repeated for credit. D. Selden

125N. The Horror Film. *
Shifting definitions of horror in the movies from the late silent period to the present through close analysis of representative films and critical texts. Course topic changes; please see the Schedule of Classes for the current topic. Satisfies the Modern Literary Studies concentration. (General Education Code(s): IM.) H. Leicester

144. Modern Jewish Cultures.
Modernity transformed Jewish culture: we will explore the ways in which changed social, political, and economic conditions produced new gender roles; professional, personal, communal, and cultural experiences; and generated powerful fictions, autobiographies, films and poems. Among the writers we will read are Isaac Bashevis Singer, Rebecca Goldstein, Saul Bellow, Martin Buber, Hannah Arendt, and S.Y. Agnon. The Staff

144A. Jewish Diaspora, Ethnicity, and Urban Life. *
Focuses on modern Jewish diaspora, ethnicity, and urban life. Satisfies the Modern Literary Studies concentration. (General Education Code(s): ER, E.) B. Thompson

144D. Jewish Writers and the American City. S
An examination of some major Jewish writers and their responses to the American city. Major writers: Henry Roth, Saul Bellow, Bernard Malamud, J. Kaplan, Philip Roth. A look at Yiddish and other minority writers, and including sociological and historical materials on the American city. Satisfies the English and Modern Literary Studies concentrations. (General Education Code(s): ER, E.) B. Thompson

144H. Jewish Writers and the European City. F
Interrogates the master narrative of a specific European city and discusses the ways in which Jewish life and Jewish actions helped to shape that story and were shaped by it. Course topic changes; please see the Schedule of Classes for the current topic. Satisfies the Modern Literary Studies concentration. May be repeated for credit. (General Education Code(s): ER.) M. Baumgarten

144J. Jewish Travel Narratives. W
Exploration of the idea of the Diaspora as a "moving" condition, and of the mutli-dimensional character of global Jewish culture, covering authors who traveled across the Jewish world from medieval times to the present. Satisfies the Modern Literary Studies and Pre- and Early Modern Studies Literature concentrations; also satisfies the Pre- and Early Modern distribution requirement. M. Baumgarten

145. Special Topics in Modern Literature.

145A. Modern Poetry. F
Survey of modern poetry; includes a variety of poetic forms. Course topic changes; see the Schedule of Classes for current topic. Satisfies the Modern Literary Studies concentration; also satisfies the Poetry distribution requirement. May be repeated for credit. (General Education Code(s): TA.) L. Peacock

145B. Modern Literature. S
Study of 19th- and/or 20th-century literature, with attention to its literary and historical context. Course topic changes; please see the Schedule of Classes for current topic. Satisfies the Modern Literary Studies concentration. May be repeated for credit. (General Education Code(s): TA.) L. Martinez-Echazabal

145C. Modern Fiction and Poetry. F
Survey of modern fiction and poetry. Course topic changes; please see the Schedule of Classes for the current topic. Satisfies the Modern Literary Studies concentration; also satisfies the Poetry distribution requirement. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

145H. Detective Fiction. *
Representative works of 19th- and 20th-century detective fiction, including works by Poe, Conan Doyle, Christie, Sayers, Hammett, Chandler, P.D. James, Paretsky, and others. Satisfies the English and Modern Literary Studies concentrations. (General Education Code(s): TA.) J. Jordan

167. German Authors in Translation.

167G. Goethe's "Faust". F
An intensive study of Goethe's "Faust," Parts I and II. All works are read in English. Satisfies the Modern Literary Studies concentration; also satisfies the Poetry distribution requirement. L. Nygaard

168. German Literature in Translation.

168D. Germany in War and Peace. *
Study of selected texts reflecting German society at war or in that ambiguous state called "peace." Attention is given to the place of literature in German cultural life and its special role in the formation of national identity. Satisfies the Modern Literature concentration. L. Nygaard

180. Latin American Literature in Translation.

180A. Contemporary Mexican Narrative. W
Examines 20th and 21st century Mexican literature, with attention to literary critical issues as they relate to cultural, historical, and political contexts. Satisfies the Modern Literary Studies and World Literature concentrations; also satisfies the Global distribution requirement. (Formerly The Mexican Narrative.) Offered in alternate academic years. (General Education Code(s): E.) N. Klahn

190. Senior Seminar.
Seminar offered to literature majors as a way to satisfy the senior exit requirement. Offered at different times by different instructors, focus is on topics of interest in modern literary studies. All students are required to complete an essay of significant length as part of the seminar course work. Prerequisite: Literature 101. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

190A. Proust and Contemporary Criticism. S
Read substantial portion of Proust's "In Search of Lost Time" in English translation and examines important body of contemporary criticism on Proust that both illuminates the novel and raises significant critical and theoretical issues. Satisfies the Modern Literary Studies concentration; also satisfies the Senior Seminar distribution requirement. Prerequisite(s): Literature 101. Enrollment restricted to senior literature majors. R. Terdiman

190N. Topics in Modern Literary Studies. F,W,S
Selected authors or issues in modern literary and cultural studies. Course topic changes; see the Schedule of Classes for current topic. Satisfies the Modern Literary Studies concentration; also satisfies the Senior Seminar distribution requirement. Prerequisite(s): literature 101. Enrollment restricted to senior literature majors. May be repeated for credit. M. Baumgarten, D. Bell, J. Jordan

190Y. Topics in Modern Jewish Literature and Culture. F
Study of selected authors or issues related to modern Jewish literature and culture. Topic changes; please see the Schedule of Classes for the current topic. Satisfies the Modern Literary Studies concentration; also satisfies the senior seminar distribution requirement. Jewish Studies majors may use this course to satisfy the Jewish Studies senior exit requirement. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements, and Literature 101 (for senior literature majors) or Jewish Studies 101 (for senior Jewish studies majors). May be repeated for credit. B. Thompson

190Z. Topics in German Literature and Culture. S
Study of selected authors or issues related to German literature and culture. Course topic changes; please see the Schedule of Classes for the current topic. Satisfies the Modern Literary Studies concentration; also satisfies the senior seminar distribution requirement. German studies majors may use this course to satisfy the German studies senior exit requirement. Prerequisite(s): Literature 101 and satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements. Enrollment restricted to senior German studies and literature majors. May be repeated for credit. L. Nygaard

192. Directed Student Teaching. F,W,S
Teaching of a lower-division seminar under faculty supervision. (See course 42.) Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. The Staff

195. Senior Essay. F,W,S
Satisfies the Modern Literary Studies concentration; also satisfies the Modern Literary Studies senior exit distribution requirement. Prerequisite(s): Literature 101. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. Enrollment restricted to senior literature majors. The Staff

198. Group Tutorial. F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

199. Tutorial. F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

199F. Tutorial (2 credits). F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. The Staff

Graduate Courses

231. Studies in Literary and Cultural History. F,W
Course topic changes; see the Schedule of Classes for current topic. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. (F) A. Bivens, (F) N. Deutsch, (W) W. Godzich

280. Topics in Theory. W
Explores issues arising in both the modern practice of criticism and in writings on the theory of criticism. Course topic changes; please see the Schedule of Classes for current topic. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. D. Selden

287. Modern Literary Studies (2 credits). *
Course topic changes; please see the Schedule of Classes for the current topic. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

288. Modern Literary Studies (3 credits). *
Course topic changes; please see the Schedule of Classes for the current topic. Three-credit seminar which is companion to the two-credit course 287, Modern Literary Studies. Prerequisite(s): concurrent enrollment in course 287. Enrollment restricted to literature graduate students. Enrollment limited to 12. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

294. Teaching-Related Independent Study. F,W,S
Directed graduate research and writing coordinated with the teaching of undergraduates. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. The Staff

295. Directed Reading. F,W,S
Directed reading that does not involve a term paper. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

296. Special Student Seminar. F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

297. Independent Study. F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

299. Thesis Research. F
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

* Not offered in 2012-13