Course Approval Calendar

Course approval deadlines are intended to be the same calendar dates for all academic years, until/unless revised by CCI. 


Deadlines for course approvals or course revisions
to appear in the following schedules/catalog

Submitted by Department /College to Division in Curriculum Approval and Tracking (CAT)

Submitted to CCI by Division

Course Approvals for Winter Schedule October 5 October 15
Course approvals and revisions that affect upcoming year's Program Statements November 5 November 15
Course approvals for Spring Schedule January 5 January 15
Course approvals for Summer Schedule

January 5


January 15

Course approvals for Fall Schedule in Order to be approved in time for the beginning of priority enrollment February 5 February 15
Additional Course approvals and revisions to appear in the upcoming year's UCSC General Catalog May 5 May 15
Late course approvals for the Fall Schedule (may not be approved  until after student enrollment has begun) May 5 May 15

Revised: 7/5/24  KM