Spanish and Spanish for Spanish Speakers

2011-12 General Catalog

Language Program
218 Cowell College
(831) 459-2054

Program DescriptionCourse Descriptions

Faculty and Professional Interests


Jorge Aladro Font (Literature)
Spanish mysticism, theory and historicaldevelopments of imagery in the Middle Ages to the baroque period, Renaissanceand baroque Hispanic literature, Italian ideas in the Spanish Renaissance,Cervantes

Julianne Burton-Carvajal (Literature)
Twentieth- and 21st-century Latin(o) Americanvisual media, particularly film; melodrama as a transnational form; genderand authorship; history, cultures, and representations of California, particularlythe Central Coast

Norma Klahn (Literature)
Latin American literary and cultural studies(specialization: Mexico), Chicano/Latino literature and culture from a cross-borderperspective, modernity/postmodernity, poetics and politics, genre theory (novel,poetry, autobiography), contemporary critical theories (i.e., border, ethnic,feminist, transnational/global)

Associate Professor

Lourdes Martínez-Echazábal (Literature)
Latin American and Caribbean literatures;Afro-Latin American literatures, cultures, and societies; found[n]ational narratives;Brazilian literature; literatures of Cuba and the Cuban diaspora; criticalrace theory

Juan Poblete (Literature)
Latin(o) American literatures; transnational/globalcultures (literature, radio, film); Latin(o) American cultural studies; 19th-centurystudies; the history of reading practices

Assistant Professor

Eve Zyzik
Spanish linguistics, second language acquisition,cognitive linguistics, language pedagogy and curriculum design

Senior Lecturer

Maria Victoria González-Pagani
Language teaching methodology; Spanish syntax;computer-assisted foreign language learning; Latin American cultural studies,especially women's contributions


Ignacio Aznar, Emeritus

Brenda Barceló
Medical and professional Spanish, languageinstruction technology, Latin American culture, Latin dance expressions, Spanish/English/Spanishtranslation and interpretation, Hispanic linguistics, Romance languages

Carlos Calierno
Bilingualism and intercultural communication;Latin American culture; history of the conquest, music, art, and cinematography

María Morris
Language learning styles and strategies,culture and technology in language training

Marta Navarro
Latin American literature, Mexican/Chicanoculture, Latina/Chicana issues

Ariel Pérez
Language acquisition and teaching methodology,computer-assisted language learning, teaching language for proficiency, oralproficiency assessment; Latin American current affairs

Alvaro Romero-Marco
Spanish literature of the 19th- and 20th-centuries;film, cultural studies

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Revised: 8/13/12