Spanish and Spanish for Spanish Speakers Course Descriptions

2011-12 General Catalog

Language Program
218 Cowell College
(831) 459-2054

Program DescriptionFaculty

Lower-Division Courses

61. Spanish for Spanish Speakers. F
This course deals with orthography (syllabification, accentuation, etc.), basicgrammatical features, verbal structures, and development of conversation skillsand confidence in spoken Spanish. Focus on development of writing skills:description, dialogue, exposition, and commentary on contemporary issuesrelevant to Spanish speakers of the Americas. Students need to utilize theSelf-Placement Guidelines, available in 133 Humanities Building to assureproper placement in this class. (General Education Code(s): CC, IH.) The Staff

62. Spanish for SpanishSpeakers. W
Comprehensive review of the subjunctive, the passive voice, different uses of"se," and other nuances of the language. Intensive practice inunderstanding specialized readings, presentation/discussion of major ideas,vocabulary expansion, and writing essays on topics discussed. Prerequisite(s):course 61 or placement exam. Students who have not taken Spanish for SpanishSpeakers 61 need to speak with an instructor in the Spanish for Spanish Speakers Program. (General Education Code(s): CC,IH.) The Staff

63. Spanish for SpanishSpeakers. S
Comprehensive grammar review. Rigorous practice in reading historical,sociopolitical, and literary works pointing out nuances of Spanish. Rigorousexperimentation with various writing styles: analytical, argumentative, andcreative. Prerequisite(s): course 62 or placement exam. (General EducationCode(s): CC, IH.) The Staff

94. Group Tutorial. F,W,S
Provides a means for a small group of students to study a particular topic inconsultation with a faculty sponsor. Students submit petition to sponsoringagency. Enrollment limited to 10. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

99. Tutorial. F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May berepeated for credit. The Staff

99F. Tutorial (2credits). F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May berepeated for credit. The Staff

Upper-Division Courses

125. Mexico and the Southwest. S
An interdisciplinary survey of the cultural history of the Mexican people inboth Mexico and the U.S. Southwest. Topics include literature, art,folklore, oral tradition, music, politics, as well as "everyday"cultural manifestations. Conducted in Spanish. May be counted toward fulfillment of upper-division majorrequirements for Latin American and Latino studies and language studies.Prerequisite(s): course 6, 56, Spanish for Spanish Speakers 63, or SpanishPlacement Examination score of 70. Enrollment limited to 25. (General EducationCode(s): CC.) The Staff

194. Group Tutorial. F,W,S
Provides a means for a small group of students to study a particular topic inconsultation with a faculty sponsor. Enrollment limited to 10. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

199. Tutorial. F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May berepeated for credit. The Staff

199F. Tutorial (2credits). F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May berepeated for credit. The Staff

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Revised: 8/13/12