Earth and Planetary Sciences

2011-12 General Catalog

A232 Earth and Marine Sciences Building
(831) 459-4089

Program Description | Course Descriptions

Faculty and Professional Interests

Erik Asphaug, Professor
Asteroids, comets, planet-forming collisions, terrestrial surfaces

Emily E. Brodsky, Professor
Earthquakes, volcanoes, fluid flow in fractured media

Kenneth L. Cameron, Professor Emeritus

Patrick Y. Chuang, Associate Professor
Clouds, aerosols and climate

Matthew E. Clapham, Assistant Professor
Paleobiology, geobiology

Robert S. Coe, Professor
Geophysics, paleomagnetism, tectonics

Daniel Farber, Lecturer
Paleogeomorphology using short-lived nuclides; high-pressure experiments with applications to Earth's deep interior

Noah J. Finnegan, Assistant Professor
Geomorphology, active tectonics

Andrew T. Fisher, Professor
Hydrogeology, crustal studies, coupled flows, modeling

Ian Garrick-Bethell, Assistant Professor
Planetary interiors, paleomagnetism

Robert E. Garrison, Professor Emeritus

James B. Gill, Professor Emeritus

Gary A. Glatzmaier, Professor
Computer simulation of geodynamics and planetary dynamics

Gary B. Griggs, Distinguished Professor, Earth Sciences; Director, Institute of Marine Sciences
Coastal processes, hazards and engineering

Jeremy K. Hourigan, Assistant Professor
Thermochonology, structural geology, tectonics  

Elise Knittle, Professor
Mineral physics, experimental geophysics

Paul L. Koch, Professor
Isotope geochemistry, paleobiology and ecology

Don G. Korycansky. IGPP Associate Research Planetary Scientist
Planetary impacts, asteroid dynamics

Marc G. Kramer, IGPP Associate Research Earth Scientist
Biogeochemistry, Earth surface process, remote sensing

Mikhail Kreslavsky, IGPP Assistant Research Planetary Scientist
Mars surface evolution and planetary data analysis

Leo F. Laporte, Professor Emeritus

Thorne Lay, Distinguished Professor
Seismology, geophysics

Karen C. Mc Nally, Professor Emerita

J. Casey Moore, Professor Emeritus
Structural geology, accretionary prisms, faulting

Francis Nimmo, Professor
Icy satellites, accretion, Mars, planetary geophysics

Adina Paytan, Lecturer, IMS Research Scientist
Biogeochemistry, paleoceanography, environmental and aquatic chemistry

Hilde L. Schwartz, Senior Lecturer
Vertebrate paleontology, environmental geology, paleoecology, chemosynthetic ecosystems

Susan Y. Schwartz, Professor
Seismology, geophysics, active tectonics

Eli A. Silver, Professor
Marine geology and geophysics, active tectonics, remote sensing

Lisa Sloan, Professor
Past and future climate change, climate modeling, Earth system science

Othmar T. Tobisch, Professor Emeritus

Slawek M. Tulaczyk, Professor
Glaciology and glacial geology, soil mechanics

Steven N. Ward, IGPP Research Geophysicist
Seismology, geophysics

Gerald E. Weber, Lecturer Emeritus

Quentin Williams, Professor
Mineral physics, tectonophysics, experimental geochemistry

Ru-Shan Wu, IGPP Research Geophysicist
Seismology, geophysics; wave propagation and subsurface imaging

Xiao-Bi Xie, IGPP Research Geophysicist
Theoretical and applied seismology

James C. Zachos, Professor
Paleoceanography, marine stratigraphy

Xixi Zhao, Lecturer, Earth Sciences; IGPP Research Geophysicist
Paleomagnetism and rock magnetism and their application to the history of Earth's magnetic field

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Kenneth W. Bruland, Professor , Ocean Sciences
Chemical oceanography, biogeochemistry of trace metals and radionuclides, aquatic chemistry, geochemistry

Weixin Cheng, Associate Professor, Environmental Studies
Soil ecology, agroecology, biogeochemistry, global change ecology

Margaret (Peggy) L. Delaney, Professor, Ocean Sciences
Paleoceanography, marine geochemistry

A. Russell Flegal, Professor, Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology
Anthropogenic perturbations of biogeochemical cycles, applications of isotopic tracers in anthropology and archaeology

Jonathan Fortney, Assistant Professor, Astronomy and Astrophysics
Planetary atmospheres and interiors, extrasolar planets

Michael Loik, Associate Professor, Environmental Studies
Plant physiological ecology, climate change ecology, biometeorology, ecohydrology

A. Christina Ravelo, Professor, Ocean Sciences
Stable isotope geochemistry and chemical oceanography, paleoclimatology

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Revised: 8/13/12