Earth and Planetary Sciences Course Descriptions
2011-12 General Catalog
A232 Earth and Marine Sciences Building
(831) 459-4089
Lower-Division Courses
1. Oceanography. W
An introduction to the physical environment of the ocean. Origin and evolution of ocean basins; sea-floor morphology; origin, distribution, historical record, and economic significance of marine sediments; ocean currents, waves, tides, and changing sea level; beaches, shorelines, and coastal processes; marine resources, pollution, and human impacts on the oceans. Students may also enroll in and receive credit for Ocean Sciences 1. Laboratory/discussion-1.5 hours. (General Education Code(s): PE-E, IN.) G. Griggs
2. Earth Catastrophes. F
The role of catastrophic processes in shaping Earth and the environment in which we live. The physical processes causing earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, floods, windstorms, landslides, and meteorite impacts will be described, along with the role played by these rapid processes in the geological and biological evolution of the planet. Interdisciplinary approaches to understanding these phenomena will be discussed. The entire time scale from formation of the universe to the present Earth system will be considered. (Formerly course 80A.) (General Education Code(s): SI, T-2 Natural Sciences.) T. Lay
3. Geology of National Parks. S
Geologic concepts and processes responsible for shaping our national parks including mountain building, volcanic and earthquake activity, sedimentation, weathering, erosion, and glaciation. An understanding of how geology impacts our lives is emphasized. Appropriate for both science and non-science majors who wish to enhance their knowledge, enjoyment, and appreciation of our national parks. (General Education Code(s): SI, IN.) S. Schwartz
4. Earth's Environment and the Cinema. *
Exploration of cinema's role in defining societal awareness of Earth sciences (underlying concepts and factual basis) for disaster and adventure movies and in more subtle presentations. Topics include evolution of life, surface environment and the planet's deep interior, natural hazards, global warming, and meteorite impacts. (Formerly course 80D, Earth Sciences and the Cinema.) (General Education Code(s): PE-E, T2-Natural Sciences.) T. Lay
5. California Geology. F
An introduction to physical geology emphasizing the minerals, rocks, volcanoes, mountains, faults, and earthquakes of California. In-class field trips to study the caves, rocks, and landforms of the campus and the Monterey Bay area. Discussion-1 hour. Concurrent enrollment in 5L required for majors and minors. (General Education Code(s): SI, IN.) E. Knittle
5L. California Geology Laboratory (1 credit). F
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics covered in course 5 with particular emphasis on rock and mineral identification and map interpretation. Field trip. Laboratory three hours. Students are billed a materials fee. E. Knittle
6. Concepts in Environmentalism. *
Learn scientific concepts required to be an informed environmentalist. Topics include urban smog; water resources and pollution; waste treatment; acid rain; global climate change; fossil fuel, nuclear, and renewable energy; overpopulation; and how an individual can minimize his or her environmental impact. Offered in alternate academic years. (General Education Code(s): IN.) P. Chuang
7. The History of Life. *
An examination of the major events in the history of life, from the origin of life approximately four billion years ago, to the wave of extinctions that has decimated plants and animals around the globe over the past 30,000 years. (General Education Code(s): SI, IN.) M. Clapham, P. Koch
8. Planetary Discovery. *
An introductory look at modern solar system exploration, focusing on spacecraft missions presently underway. We will examine the scientific context of each mission, the instrumentation and dynamics of each voyage, and the importance of their discoveries. Open to all students. (Formerly course 80G.) (General Education Code(s): SI, T-2 Natural Sciences.) E. Asphaug
9. Earth History and Global Change. F
Over the past 4.5 billion years, planet Earth has evolved in exciting ways. Environments, climates, and life forms have come and gone in fascinating combinations. Course examines changing physical, biological, and climatological conditions through geologic time, beginning with the evolution of the Earth through changes leading to the current state of the planet, and considers prospects for Earth's future. (Formerly course 80F). (General Education Code(s): PE-E, T2-Natural Sciences.) L. Sloan
10. Geologic Principles. S
Introduction to the scientific study of Earth, the materials composing it, and the processes shaping it. Topics include minerals and rocks, Earth's internal structure, plate tectonics, earthquakes and volcanoes, oceans and the atmosphere, the formation of landscapes and global change. A one-day, optional field trip is included. Concurrent enrollment in 10L required for majors and minors. (General Education Code(s): SI, IN.) A. Fisher
10L. Geologic Principles Laboratory (1 credit). S
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics covered in course 10, with particular emphasis on rock and mineral identification and map interpretation. Laboratory 3 hours. In-lab field trips. Students are billed a materials fee. A. Fisher
11. Earthquakes. W
Causes and effects of earthquakes. How do we measure, mitigate, and try to predict earthquakes? Plate motion, frictional faulting, earthquake triggering, wave propagation, earthquake damage, related hazards, and other social effects. Hazard reduction through earthquake forecasting and earthquake-resistant design. Class includes one full day weekend field trip to local faults. Advanced algebra and high school geometry recommended. Students are billed a materials fee. (Formerly course 80B.) (General Education Code(s): MF, T-2 Natural Sciences, Q.) E. Brodsky
12. Introduction to Weather and Climate. S
Many meteorological phenomena are familiar to us: clouds, fog, rain, snow, wind, lightning, and severe storms. Climate is the sum of weather over long periods and is changing (e.g., greenhouse warming, ozone depletion, urban smog) due to mankind's activities. Conceptual understanding of how and why the present-day atmosphere behaves as it does and how this may change in the future is the primary goal of this course. (Formerly course 80C.) Offered in alternate academic years. (General Education Code(s): MF, T-2 Natural Sciences, Q.) P. Chuang
20. Environmental Geology. W
Introduction to aspects of geology which affect and are affected by humans. Addresses a broad range of topics including resource management, geologic hazards, air and water issues, population and land use, energy costs and effectiveness, and global change, all from a unique geological/environmental perspective. Lectures include strategies for mitigating these issues. Includes a one-day field trip. Concurrent enrollment in 20L required for majors and minors. (General Education Code(s): SI, IN.) S. Tulaczyk
20L. Environmental Geology Laboratory (1 credit). W
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics covered in course 20, with emphasis on rock and mineral identification, geologic hazard assessment, geologic resource management, and land use planning. In-lab field trip. Laboratory 3 hours. Students are billed a materials fee. S. Tulaczyk
65. Natural History of Dinosaurs. *
Explores the origin, evolution, and extinction of dinosaurs with emphasis on paleobiology and paleoecology. Covers fundamental paleontological and evolutionary principles, dinosaur anatomy and behavior, the hot-blooded/cold-blooded debate, dinosaur-bird relationships, diversity, and exploits of the great dinosaur hunters. One and a half hour of discussion each week. (General Education Code(s): SI, IN.) P. Koch, H. Schwartz
81B. Fundamentals of Environmental Science. W
Addresses major issues in physical and biological environmental sciences and provides tools to critically evaluate, debate, and make informed choices regarding one's own impact on the environment. Topics include: climate change, water resources, air pollution, evolution, ecology (from populations to ecosystems), and conservation. Quantitative problem solving is an integral part of this course. (Also offered as College Eight 81B. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) (General Education Code(s): MF, IN, Q.) P. Chuang, I. Parker
98. Earth Sciences Internship. F,W,S
A supervised learning experience involving practical application of lower division Earth sciences knowledge while working with approved companies, governmental agencies, or research organizations. Students consult weekly with supervising faculty and prepare a final report of their work, to be evaluated both by the sponsoring agency and the faculty supervisor. Consult sponsoring agency for enrollment criteria; after instruction on resume preparation and interview skills, student must interview and be selected for internship by approved sponsoring organizations. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
99. Tutorial. F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
Upper-Division Courses
100. Vertebrate Paleontology. W
Introduction to vertebrate history, with an emphasis on vertebrate relationships and the co-evolution of organisms and environments. Specific topics include vertebrate origins, systematics and classification, adaptive revolutions, mass extinctions, and the rise and fall of dinosaurs. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements and course 5 or 10 or 20 or Biology 20C, or Anthropology 1. Concurrent enrollment in course 100L is required. H. Schwartz
100L. Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory (2 credits). W
Comparative anatomy and functional morphology of vertebrates, and preservation of vertebrate hard parts, using modern and fossil specimens. Laboratory three hours and one 1-day field trip. Concurrent enrollment in course 100 is required. H. Schwartz
101. The Fossil Record. F
An introduction to paleobiology; the use of fossil evidence to pose and solve evolutionary and geologic questions. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements and course 5 or 10 or 20 or Biology 20C or Anthropology 1. Concurrent enrollment in course 101L is required. M. Clapham
101L. The Fossil Record Laboratory (1 credit). F
Systematics, ecology, and evolutionary history of the major groups of fossil-forming animals. Laboratory 3 hours and one 1-day field trip. Concurrent enrollment in course 101 is required. M. Clapham
102. Marine Geology. F
Geology of the marine environment. Topics include controls on the types, origin, and distribution of marine sediments; geology of oceanic crust; evolution of continental margins and plate boundaries; introduction to paleoceanography. Discussion: 1 hour. Students cannot receive credit for this course and Ocean Sciences 280. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements,and course 5 or 10 or 20 or Biology 20C. A. Ravelo
104. Geologic Hazards. F
The recognition, evaluation, and mitigation of geologic hazards: earthquakes and faulting, tsunamis, volcanism, landslides and mass movements, and flooding. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements, and course 10/L or 5/L or 20/L. S. Schwartz
105. Coastal Geology. S
An investigation of the evolution, morphology, and processes in the coastal zone including the terrestrial (marine terraces, dunes, estuaries, sea cliffs) and marine (beaches, continental shelves, sea level changes, shoreline erosion and protection, waves, tides) components and their interaction. Laboratory: 3 hours. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): course 1 or 5 or 10 or 20; course 10L or 5L or 20L recommended for non-majors. G. Griggs
107. Remote Sensing of the Environment. W
Introduction to geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS) as valuable tools in the study of geology. Covers application of GIS/RS to study of surface processes, including landslides, hydrologic basins, coastal erosion, modern floods, volcanic activity and surface deformation. Prerequisite(s): course 5 or 10 or 20. Enrollment limited to 36. E. Silver
109. Elements of Field Geology. F,S
Basic tools and techniques used in geologic fieldwork. Preparation, analysis, and interpretation of geologic maps. Nine to 10 days of weekend field trips required, including a six-day geologic mapping exercise. Laboratory: 3 hours. Recommended for courses 120, 130, 150, and required for 188A-B. May not be taken concurrently with course 120, 150, or 188. Students are billed a materials fee. (General Education Code(s): W satisfied by taking this course and courses 188A and 188B.) Enrollment restricted to majors and minors in Earth and planetary sciences and the combined majors with anthropology and environmental studies. Prerequisite(s): Satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements, course 5 or 10 or 20, and 5L or 10L or 20L, or by permission of instructor. Concurrent enrollment in 109L is required. Enrollment limited to 25. (F) H. Schwartz, (S) J. Hourigan, (S) P. Koch
109L. Field Geology Laboratory (2 credits). F,S
Laboratory exercises essential to the successful completion of fieldwork required in course 109. Topics include topographic maps, Brunton compass, rock identification and description, geologic map analysis, structure section "construction," and landslide recognition. Concurrent enrollment in course 109 required. Enrollment restricted to majors and minors in Earth and planetary sciences and the combined majors with anthropology and environmental studies or by permission of instructor. Enrollment limited to 25. (General Education Code(s): PR-E.) (F) H. Schwartz, (S) J. Hourigan, (S) P. Koch
110A. Evolution of the Earth. F
Investigation of the processes and mechanisms that have produced the present Earth system, with an emphasis on the temporal evolution of the earth from the Archean to the present. Specific topics covered include cyclicity in Earth processes and the evolution of, and interplay between the planet's crust, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Prerequisite(s): courses 5 or 10 or 20, and 5L or 10L or 20L, and Mathematics 11A or Mathematics 19A or Applied Mathematics and Statistics 15A. (General Education Code(s): PE-E.) Q. Williams, J. Zachos
110B. Earth as a Chemical System. W
The chemical properties of Earth materials and the chemical processes by which the planet has evolved to its present state. Specific topics covered include properties of minerals; the genesis of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks; and the linkage between the solid Earth and the hydrosphere. Enrollment is permitted by permission code with equivalent or exceptional background, or if enrolled concurrently in Chemistry 1B. Prerequisite(s): courses 5, or 10, or 20, and 5L, or 10L, or 20L, and Chemistry 1B. E. Knittle
110C. The Dynamic Earth. S
Physical processes occurring in the interior of the earth, at its surface and in the oceans and atmospheres including plate tectonics, structural deformation of rocks, and material and heat transport. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): course 5 or 10 or 20; and 5L or 10L or 20L; and course 111 or Mathematics 22 or 23A; and Physics 6A or 5A. E. Brodsky
110L. Evolution of the Earth Laboratory (2 credits). F
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics covered in course 110A. Emphasis is on quantifying and evaluating different phenomena related to thermal, tectonic, climatic, and evolutionary processes. Prerequisite(s): concurrent enrollment in course 110A. (General Education Code(s): PR-E.) Q. Williams, J. Zachos
110M. Earth as a Chemical System Laboratory (2 credits). W
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics covered in course 110B. Emphasizes identification of the major rock-forming minerals and common rock types; principles of basic crystallography. Prerequisite(s): concurrent enrollment in course 110B. E. Knittle
110N. The Dynamic Earth Laboratory (2 credits). S
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics covered in course 110C. Prerequisite(s): concurrent enrollment in course 110C. E. Brodsky
111. Mathematics in the Earth Sciences. F
Series and sequences, vectors, 3D analytic geometry, partial differentiation, matrix algebra, and differential equations with applications in the Earth sciences. Topics include matrix manipulation, systems of linear equations, least-squares, Taylor series, gradients, optimization, analytic and numerical solutions to differential equations. Prerequisite(s): courses 5 or 10 or 20, and Mathematics 11B or Mathematics 19B or Applied Mathematics and Statistics 15B. (General Education Code(s): Q.) (F) E. Asphaug
116. Hydrology. *
Introduces processes involving water on and near Earth's surface, including meteorology, water properties, surface flows in steams and runoff, flood analysis, ground water, water budgets, sediment transport, erosion, and water quality. Problem set and laboratory each week. Laboratory/field: 3 hours. Students are billed a materials fee. Alternates annually with course 146. Enrollment restricted to majors and minors in Earth and planetary sciences and the combined majors with anthropology and environmental studies. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements, course 5 or 10 or 20, Mathematics 11A or 19A or Applied Mathematics or Statistics 15A, or by permission of instructor. Course 5L or 10L or 20L recommended. A. Fisher
117. Paleomagnetism. S
How the fossil magnetism of rocks is used to decipher Earth's history: applications to tectonics, geochronology, stratigraphy, structural geology, geomagnetism, and archeology. Includes an overnight field trip to collect samples for a class research project. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): course 5, 10 or 20; Mathematics 11A or Mathematics 19A or Applied Mathematics or Statistics 15A; course 117L must be taken concurrently. R. Coe
117L. Paleomagnetism Laboratory (2 credits). S
A hands-on research project in the Paleomagnetic Laboratory. Students collectively drill oriented cores in the field (one–two days), prepare and measure the samples, and analyze and interpret the data. Each student writes an individual final report based on the class results. Prerequisite(s): concurrent enrollment in course 117 is required. R. Coe
119. Introduction to Scientific Computing. W
Introduction to solving scientific problems using computers. A series of simple problems from Earth sciences, physics, and astronomy are solved using a user-friendly scientific programming language (IDL). Prerequisite(s): Mathematics 11A or Mathematics 19A or Applied Mathematics or Statistics 15A. (General Education Code(s): IN.) M. Krumholz, G. Glatzmaier
120. Sedimentology and Stratigraphy. S
Stratigraphic principles used in classifying sedimentary rocks. Fundamentals of sedimentary mechanics. Analysis and interpretation of facies and depositional systems. Introduction to seismic facies and basin analysis. Course includes four Saturday field exercises. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements, and course 110A. Course 110B is recommended as preparation. May not be taken concurrently with course 109. M. Clapham, L. Sloan
120L. Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Laboratory (2 credits). S
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics in course 120, including sedimentary petrology, sedimentary structures, sequence stratigraphy, and geohistory analysis. Prerequisite(s): concurrent enrollment in course 120. M. Clapham, L. Sloan
121. The Atmosphere. *
Course focuses on understanding basic atmospheric weather and climate phenomena starting from the fundamentals of physics and chemistry. Using this approach, covers topics such as atmospheric circulation, precipitation, clouds, storms, urban and regional air quality, atmospheric aerosols, and climate and global change. Prerequisite(s): Mathematics 11B or Mathematics 19B or Applied Mathematics or Statistics 15B, and Chemistry 1C, and Physics 5A or 6A. Offered in alternate academic years. P. Chuang
125. Analytical Paleobiology. *
Project-based introduction to analytical methods in paleobiology and paleoecology, including univariate and multivariate statistics, cluster analysis and ordination approaches, and morphometrics. Requires one weekend field trip at the start of the quarter. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements and course 101. Offered in alternate academic years. (General Education Code(s): SR.) M. Clapham
128. Isotopes: Fundamentals and Applications in Earth and Marine Sciences. W
Explores the fundamentals and concepts of stable, radiogenic, and cosmogenic isotope chemistry with applications relevant to Earth, marine, and biological sciences. Prerequisite(s): course 110B or permission of instructor. J. Zachos
130. Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. S
Introduction to the relationship between tectonic environments and the genesis of rock assemblages, primarily igneous and metamorphic. Examples from California and elsewhere are used to illustrate petrogenetic processes and characteristic petrologic features of rocks from all major tectonic settings. Students are billed a materials fee. (Formerly Magmas and Volcanoes.) Prerequisite(s): course 110B. Concurrent enrollment in course 130L is required. Offered in alternate academic years. E. Knittle
130L. Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology Laboratory (2 credits). *
An introduction to optical mineralogy and the petrography of igneous rocks. (Formerly Magmas and Volcanos Laboratory.) Prerequisite(s): course 110B. Concurrent enrollment in 130 is required. Offered in alternate academic years. E. Knittle
134. Thermochemistry of Geologic Systems. *
Introduction to the thermodynamic and kinetic principles with a strong emphasis on applications to Earth materials. Implications for phase equilibria, geothermometry/geobarometry, element partitioning, and physical properties of minerals, magmas, and solutions. Will be offered in the 2010-11 academic year. Prerequisite(s): course 110B. Offered in alternate academic years. Q. Williams
140. Geomorphology. W
An introduction to the evolution of the Earth's landscape, with emphasis on the processes responsible. Review of climatic and tectonic forcing followed by detailed discussion of weathering, glaciers, hillslopes, wind, rivers, and coastal processes with emphasis on their geographic distribution. One single day and one three-day field trip. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements and course 110A. Concurrent enrollment in 140L is required. The Staff
140L. Geomorphology Laboratory (2 credits). W
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics covered in course 140. These extensive laboratory exercises emphasize the quantification of the geomorphic processes and forms, and on the writing of concise summaries of the science in the form of abstracts. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): Concurrent enrollment in course 140 is required. The Staff
142. Engineering Geology for Environmental Scientists. *
Introduction to the formation, composition, and classification of soils; the chemical interaction of soil and groundwater; and basic soil mechanics: stress-strain behavior, effective stress concept, consolidation, soil testing methods. Applications to problems including slope stability, landslides, liquefaction, subsidence, soil creep, debris flows. Laboratory: 3 hours. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): course 5 or 10 or 20; Mathematics 11A or Mathematics 19A or Applied Mathematics or Statistics 15A. Offered in alternate academic years. S. Tulaczyk
146. Ground Water. W
Explores saturated and unsaturated fluid flow below Earth's surface, well hydraulics, and recourse evaluation and development. Introduces modeling, field techniques, geochemistry, and contaminant transport and remediation. Problem set and laboratory each week; final paper. Laboratory: 3 hours. Students are billed a materials fee. Alternates annually with course 116. Enrollment restricted to majors and minors in Earth and planetary sciences and the combined majors with anthropology and environmental studies. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements, course 5 or 10 or 20, Mathematics 11A or 19A or Applied Mathematics or Statistics 15A, or by permission of the instructor. Course 5L or 10L or 20L recommended. A. Fisher
148. Glaciology. S
Introduction to the role of snow and ice in the dynamics of the earth surface system. Snow deposition and metamorphosis. Heat and mass balance at snow and ice surfaces. Flow of glaciers, ice sheets, and sea ice. Methods of climate reconstruction. Ice age theories. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements, and courses 5 or 10 or 20; and Mathematics 11A or Mathematics 19A or Applied Mathematics or Statistics 15A. Offered in alternate academic years. S. Tulaczyk
150. Structural Geology. F
Principles and methods of analysis of brittly and ductily deformed rocks. Includes descriptions of structures, field analysis of structures, and mechanics of deformation. Three day-long field trips on weekends. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements, and course 110A or 110B; course 109 recommended; concurrent enrollment in course 150L is required. The Staff
150L. Structural Geology Laboratory (2 credits). F
Structural analysis of faults, folds, and maps. Use of stereographic projections. Cross section construction and balancing from field data. Concurrent enrollment in course 150 is required. The Staff
152. Tectonics. S
The processes, techniques, and interpretations involved in the study of active crustal movements; constraints from plate tectonics; horizontal and vertical motions and rates; geodesy, including GPS; stress measurement; image interpretation; fault system analysis; paleoseismicity; fluid effects. Examples from the circum-Pacific. Laboratory-3 hours. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 207. Students are billed a materials fee. (Formerly Active Tectonics.) Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements, and course 10 or 5 or 20 and 10L or 5L or 20L, and Physics 5A or 6A or equivalent per instructor permission. E. Silver
160. Planetary Science. F
Broad introduction to planetary science. Topics include the fundamental characteristics of solar system bodies; space exploration of these bodies; formation and evolution of surfaces, atmospheres and interiors of planets, satellites and small bodies. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements, and Mathematics 11B or Mathematics 19B or Applied Mathematics and Statistics 15B; and Physics 5A or 6A. I. Garrick-Bethell
162. Planetary Interiors. W
The chemical and thermal structure and evolution of silicate planet interiors. Topics include equation of state of mantle and core materials, thermal history of the mantle and core, dynamics of mantle convection, geophysical determination of interior structure. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 262. Prerequisite(s): course 160; and course 111 or Mathematics 22 or 23A; and Physics 5C or 6C. Offered in alternate academic years. I. Garrick-Bethell
163. Planetary Surfaces. *
Comparative study of surfaces and atmospheres of planetary bodies in solar system, focusing on comparative planetology and geophysical processes at work, including differentiation, impact cratering, tectonics, volcanism, and geomorphic evolution. Explores terrestrial planets, giant planets and their moons. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 263. Prerequisite(s): course 160. Enrollment limited to 20. Offered in alternate academic years. E. Asphaug
164. Planetary Atmospheres. S
A quantitative study of the origin, chemistry, dynamics, and observations of the atmospheres of terrestrial and gas-giant planets. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 264. Prerequisite(s): course 160. Enrollment limited to 18. W. Nimmo
168. Reflection Seismology. †
Introduction to reflection seismology, presenting an overview of data acquisition, processing, and interpretation; common depth point method; velocity determinations; filtering; migration; display. Applications to seismic stratigraphy and structure of the crust and of continental margins. Laboratory: 3 hours. Prerequisite(s): course 111; or Mathematics 11A and B; or Mathematics 19A and B; or Applied Mathematics and Statistics 15A and B. Offered in alternate academic years. The Staff
172. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. W
Introduces fluid motion influenced by rotation. Topics include the Coriolis force, geostrophic flow, potential vorticity, the shallow water model, quasigeostrophic approximation, planetary waves, Ekman theory, thermal wind, models of the large-scale oceanic and atmospheric circulation, and equatorial dynamics. Taught in conjunction with course 272. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 272. (Also offered as Ocean Sciences 172. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Prerequisite(s): Physics 107 or Applied Mathematics and Statistics 107; Mathematics 22 or 23B recommended. Offered in alternate academic years. C. Edwards
188A. Summer Field Internship. S
Three weeks of summer field study in geologically complex regions in the White-Inyo Mountains of eastern California. Activities include geologic field mapping on topographic and photographic base maps, stratigraphy, petrology, and structure analysis. A fee is required for participation. Contact sponsoring agency for details. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements; courses 109/L, 110A/L, and 110B/M. Enrollment restricted to Earth sciences majors. Concurrent enrollment in course 188B is required. (General Education Code(s): W satisfied by taking this course and courses 109 and 188B.) Interview only via application filed with department. (General Education Code(s): PR-E.) H. Schwartz
188B. Geographic Information Systems with Applications to the Earth Sciences. S
Introduction to basic principles of geographic information systems (GIS). Visualization of earthscapes with applications to problem-solving in the Earth sciences. Laboratory exercises in loading, manipulation, and interpretation of data sets. Field investigations of phenomena visualized in laboratory, including geological description, interpretation, and written report preparation. Lecture and laboratory portions of course occur during spring quarter. Field investigations and report-writing occur in the summer following spring quarter. A fee is required for participation. Contact sponsoring agency for details. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements; courses 109/L, 110A/L, and 110B/M. Enrollment restricted to Earth sciences majors. Concurrent enrollment in course 188A is required. (General Education Code(s): W satisfied by taking this course and courses 188A and 109.) Interview only via application filed with department. Enrollment limited to 25. N. Finnegan
190. Earth Sciences Mentorship (1 credit). F
Faculty research activity, analytic facilities, and career counseling in three separate Earth sciences laboratories are offered with varied formats including field trips, discussions, and equipment demonstrations. Three different faculty participate in each offering. Enrollment restricted to Earth sciences, Earth sciences/anthropology, and environmental studies/Earth sciences majors. Enrollment limited to 24. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
191. Climate Change Science and Policy. W
Explores the scientific basis of current and pending climate change, and the state of climate policy issues in California, the nation, and the world. Work includes foundational lectures on both public policy and climate science; additional guest lectures from policy makers, politicians, and scientists. Students are introduced to and become familiar with addressing climate-change issues from both policy and scientific perspectives; research papers and public presentations are required activities. Prerequisite(s): Satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements. Enrollment restricted to senior majors in Earth and planetary sciences and the combined major with anthropology. L. Sloan
194F. Education Capstone (2 credits). F,W,S
Students write a paper on a lesson plan developed after their CalTeach internship courses. This independent study is supervised by Earth and planetary sciences faculty or ocean sciences faculty, as well as a member of the CalTeach staff or Education Department. Prerequisite(s): Education 185C and 185L. Enrollment restricted to Earth and planetary sciences majors with a concentration in science education. The Staff
195. Senior Thesis. F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. Enrollment restricted to seniors. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements. May be repeated for credit. (General Education Code(s): W.) The Staff
196B. Teaching Earth Sciences in the University. F,W,S
Students facilitate laboratory and field exercises in conjunction with faculty and teaching assistants in various Earth sciences courses. May not count toward upper-division major requirements. Approval of sponsoring agency; interview and selection by primary instructor of specific courses required. Participation in course 196A is expected. Enrollment restricted to Earth sciences, Earth sciences/anthropology, and environmental studies/Earth sciences majors. The Staff
196C. Teaching Earth Sciences in the University (2 credits). F,W,S
Students facilitate laboratory and field exercises in conjunction with faculty and teaching assistants in various Earth sciences courses. May not count toward upper-division major requirements. Approval of sponsoring agency; interview and selection by primary instructor of specific courses required. Participation in course 196A is expected. Enrollment restricted to Earth sciences, Earth sciences/anthropology, and environmental studies/Earth sciences majors. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
198. Earth Sciences Internship. F,W,S
A supervised learning experience involving practical application of Earth sciences through working with approved companies, governmental agencies, or research organizations. Students consult weekly with supervising faculty and prepare a final report of their work. Consult sponsoring agency for enrollment criteria. After instruction on resume preparation and interview skills, students must interview and be selected for internship by approved sponsoring organizations. Enrollment restricted to Earth sciences, Earth sciences/anthropology, and environmental studies/Earth sciences majors. May be repeated for credit. E. Silver
198F. Earth Sciences Internship (2 credits). F,W,S
A supervised learning experience involving practical application of Earth sciences through working with approved companies, governmental agencies, or research organizations. Students consult weekly with supervising faculty and prepare a final report of their work. May not be counted toward upper-division major requirements. Consult sponsoring agency for enrollment criteria. After instruction on resume preparation and interview skills, student must interview and be selected for internship by approved sponsoring organizations. Enrollment restricted to Earth sciences, Earth sciences/anthropology, and environmental studies/Earth sciences majors. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
199. Tutorial. F,W,S
Introduction to research in laboratory, field, or theoretical subjects. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
199F. Tutorial (2 credits). F,W,S
Introduction to research in laboratory, field, or theoretical subjects. May not be counted toward upper-division major requirements. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
Graduate Courses
203. Introductory Teaching Seminar (1 credit). F
Intended for new Earth sciences graduate students. Focus on preparation, assessment, and feedback. Classroom techniques, organizational and time management strategies, practice teaching sessions specific to laboratory and/or science instruction. Required follow-up meetings to discuss practical teaching experience. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. E. Brodsky
204. Earth and Planetary Sciences Foundations (4 credits). F
Provides a comprehensive overview of key concepts, dominant paradigms, and research frontiers in Earth and planetary sciences in plenary talks by multiple faculty. Provides a required foundation course for all incoming students pursuing graduate degrees in Earth and planetary sciences. Enrollment restricted to Earth sciences graduate students. Enrollment limited to 20. T. Lay
205. Introductory Graduate Seminar (2 credits). F
Lecture and- seminar-style class intended to welcome new graduate students to the department and to introduce students to the research and interests of departmental faculty and researchers. Includes exercises to develop skills in reading scientific abstracts and papers and in writing abstracts and proposals. Two weekend field trips. Students are billed a materials fee. Enrollment restricted to Earth sciences graduate students. E. Brodsky
206. Great Papers in the Earth Sciences. W
Exposure to the most important ideas in the Earth sciences through exploration of the primary literature. Seminal papers in different subdisciplines of the Earth sciences are read and analyzed to provide breadth and improve students' ability to think critically. Enrollment restricted to Earth sciences graduate students. Q. Williams, E. Asphaug
207. Tectonics. S
An overview of tectonic theory and processes for application to the Earth sciences. The course explores the primary tools of tectonic interpretation including plate kinematics, rheology, plate boundary dynamics, and the behavior of active fault systems. Taught in conjunction with course 152. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 152. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or permission of instructor. E. Silver
208. Methods in Paleoclimatology. F
Addresses methods used to reconstruct aspects of paleoclimates and paleoenvironments from the geologic record, focusing primarily on terrestrial records. Topics to be covered include dendrochronology and dendroclimatology, paleopalynology, paleobotany, ice cores, and paleosol studies. Lectures, discussions, and laboratory work. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Offered in alternate academic years. L. Sloan
209. Solid Earth Geochemistry. †
Origin and distribution of the elements in the earth and meteorites; bulk and isotopic composition and differentiation of terrestrial planets, core, mantle, and crust; Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf-U isotopic tracers. Course designed for graduate students, but available to qualified earth sciences majors per instructor permission. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. The Staff
210. Overview of Stellar and Planetary Formation and Evolution. *
Overview of current understanding of star and planet formation and evolution. Examines our solar system in the context of the galactic planetary census. Provides a uniform introduction to astronomy and Earth science planetary students. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. G. Laughlin
213. Biogeochemical Cycles. *
Overview of biogeochemical cycles, present and past, and geochemical models. Topics include: marine, terrestrial, and global views of the carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, silicon, sulfur, and oxygen cycles, and the evolution of these cycles and Earth's redox balance through geologic time. (Also offered as Ocean Sciences 213. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Upper-division undergraduates may enroll with instructor approval. College-level chemistry and an upper-division course in at least one relevant discipline are recommended. M. Delaney
220. Ground Water Modeling. F
Introduction to building and using models to solve hydrogeologic problems. Modeling methods include mainly analytical and finite-difference. Emphasis on using models rather than the details of their functioning, although some coding is required. Comfort with mathematical methods and computers expected. Course designed for graduate students, but available to qualified Earth science majors. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or permission of instructor required. One year of calculus and courses in differential equations and basic hydrologic principles are recommended as preparation. Offered in alternate academic years. A. Fisher
229. Isotopic Methods in Environmental Science. S
Explores how natural variations in stable isotope ratios answer questions in ecology, paleobiology, and other environmental sciences. Format includes lectures by the instructor and student presentations on applications following literature-based research on each topic. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 25. P. Koch
231. Igneous Petrology.†
Systematic study of the major igneous rock suites, combining petrography, experimental petrology, major and trace elements, volatiles, and isotopic characteristics. Laboratory: three hours. Course designed for graduate students but available to qualified earth sciences majors. Course 130 is recommended as preparation. The Staff
240. Communicating Science (3 credits). *
Introduces inquiry-based instructional strategies for communicating a passion for science. These strategies, combined with content knowledge and enthusiasm for sharing it, equips college students to introduce science to K-8 students and teachers in local schools. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 20. A. Paytan
251. Photogrammetry.†
Introduces photogrammetry 's basic principles of imaging systems and digital-image processing for both terrestrial and planetary data, leading to the application of photogrammetry techniques to a final project of the student's choosing. Enrollment restricted to graduate students or by permission of instructor. The Staff
254. The Climate System. *
Focuses on atmospheric and oceanic processes that are important within the Earth's climate system, especially those that operate on annual to centennial time scales. Format includes lectures by the instructors, paper readings, and discussion. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Offered in alternate academic years. P. Chuang, A. Ravelo
256. Paleoclimate Modeling: Methods and Applications. *
Addresses methods of paleoclimate modeling on global and regional scales, from both surface and atmospheric perspectives. Applications of models to current significant paleoclimate problems will be examined. Includes both lecture and seminar formats. Enrollment restricted to graduate students; undergraduates by permission of instructor only. The Staff
258. Deep Time Paleoclimates. S
Weekly lectures/readings/presentations focused on the key events in the long-term evolution of Earth's climate (i.e., before the Pliocene), including early Archean, faint, young-sun period; Proterozoic snowballs; Paleozoic glaciations and greenhouse events; the mid-Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events (OAEs); and Paleogene thermal maxima and glacial intervals. Considerable emphasis on evaluating the proxies of climate and mechanisms of climate change (e.g., greenhouse gasses, paleogeography). Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. Offered in alternate academic years. J. Zachos
260. Introductory Data Analysis in the Ocean and Earth Sciences. S
Introduces data analysis methods regularly encountered within the ocean and earth sciences. Topics include: error propagation; least squares analysis; data interpolation methods; empirical orthogonal functions; and Monte Carlo methods applied to problems drawn from oceanographic and earth sciences datasets. Introduces and uses a high-level computing and visualization package, MATLAB. Student project consists of analysis of the student's own dataset. (Also offered as Ocean Sciences 260. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Prerequisite(s): previous course in ocean or earth sciences is recommended. Enrollment restricted to graduate students; undergraduates with permission of instructor. C. Edwards
262. Planetary Interiors. W
The chemical and thermal structure and evolution of silicate planet interiors. Topics include equation of state of mantle and core materials, thermal history of the mantle and core, dynamics of mantle convention, geophysical determination of interior structure. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 162. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 20. Offered in alternate academic years. I. Garrick-Bethell
263. Planetary Surfaces. *
Comparative study of surfaces of planetary bodies in our solar system, focusing on comparative planetology and geophysical processes at work, including differentiation; on-impact cratering; tectonics; volcanism and geomorphic evolution; and exobiology. Explores terrestrial planets, giant planets and their moons, and trans-Neptunian objects, focusing on modern exploration. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 163. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Offered in alternate academic years. E. Asphaug
263L. Planetary Field Course (2 credits).†
Field class in comparative planetology. Three- to four -day field trip plus planning and debriefing sessions. Students are billed a materials fee. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 12. Offered in alternate academic years. E. Asphaug
264. Planetary Atmospheres. S
Quantitative study of the origin, chemistry, dynamics, and observations of the atmospheres of terrestrial and gas giant planets. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 164. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. W. Nimmo
265. Order of Magnitude Estimation. W
Practice in making rough estimates and leading-order approximations in physical and chemical processes. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Offered in alternate academic years. W. Nimmo, P. Chuang
266. Geologic Signal Processing and Inverse Theory. *
Theoretical and practical aspects of digital signal analysis including data sampling, spectral estimation, digital filtering, statistical estimation, correlation tools, and principle-component analysis. Emphasis on practical examples of geophysical time series. Multivariable calculus and linear algebra are required and used extensively in the course. (Formerly Geological Signal Processing.) Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. May be repeated for credit. S. Schwartz
269. Advanced Marine Stratigraphy: Techniques and Applications.†
Explores concepts and methods of correlating marine sedimentary sequences. Emphasis on the integration of techniques and development of the Cenozoic stratigraphic record. One 2-hour laboratory each week. Upper-division students who have completed course 120 may enroll in this course. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. J. Zachos
270. Global Seismology. *
Introduction to quantitative earthquake and global Earth structure seismology. Topics include basic elasticity, wave characteristics, seismic ray theory, wave reflection, surface waves, normal modes, seismic instrumentation, application of seismic waves to reveal Earth structure and resulting models, representation of earthquake sources such as explosions and faulting, earthquake rupture scaling, modern methods of modeling seismic recordings to study source complexity, and an introduction to seismotectonics. Laboratory: 3 hours. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Offered in alternate academic years. T. Lay
271. Current Research Topics in Deep Earth Processes. †
Students and instructor lead discussions of recent and significant publications in geophysics and chemistry of deep Earth. Articles structured around current theme of interest are selected by participants and approved by instructor. Emphasis on defining multidisciplinary significance of each article and its relationship to fundamental processes in deep Earth, including core and mantle. Designed for graduate students but available to qualified Earth sciences majors. May be repeated for credit. T. Lay
272. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics. W
Introduces fluid motion influenced by rotation. Topics include the Coriolis force, geostrophic flow, potential vorticity, the shallow water model, quasigeostrophic approximation, planetary waves, Ekman theory, thermal wind, models of the large-scale oceanic and atmospheric circulation, and equatorial dynamics. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 172. (Also offered as Ocean Sciences 272. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Physics 227 is recommended as preparation. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Offered in alternate academic years. C. Edwards
275. Magnetohydrodynamics. S
Study of fluid dynamics and magnetic fields with a focus on convection and magnetic field generation in planets and stars. Students develop a computer program for modeling magneto-convection. Computer programming experience required. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Offered in alternate academic years. G. Glatzmaier
276. Geology of the Peopling of the Americas. †
Using a multidisciplinary approach, examines physical geology, paleoenvironment, human biology, linguistics, and culture history of Americas at end of last Ice Age. Particular emphasis on reconstructing timing, routes, and context of first peopling of the American continents. Taught in conjunction with Anthropology 276D. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 15. P. Koch
278A. Advanced Seismology. W
Elastic wave propagation. Advanced topics in ray theory, WKBJ solutions in seismology, singularities and nonlinearities, surface wave theory, propagating matrices, normal modes, and inversion theory. Selected topics in time series analysis and seismic signal processing, seismic wave dispersion. Course designed for graduate students but available to qualified Earth sciences majors. Physics 110B and 114B are recommended as preparation. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. T. Lay
280D. Short Course in Atmospheric/Climate Science (3 credits). †
Addresses specialized topics in atmospheric and/or climate science that are too narrow for a full (5-credit) format. Examples include: cloud physics; atmospheric boundary layer; aerosol physics and chemistry; atmospheric radiation; atmospheric thermodynamics. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. P. Chuang
290. Proseminar.
Special topics offered from time to time by visiting professors or staff members. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
290B. Topics in Glaciology. F
Advanced review of the physics and chemistry of ice and snow. Mass and heat balance of ice masses. Motion of glaciers and ice sheets. Subglacial and englacial hydrology. Thermodynamics of ice masses and the linkage to climate. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. S. Tulaczyk
290C. Topics in Geophysics. F
Different problems and approaches will be stressed from year to year such as geotectonics, paleomagnetism, or properties and processes in the mantle and core. Enrollment restricted to graduate students; qualified Earth sciences majors by permission of instructor. (W) R. Coe
290D. Petrology and Plate Tectonics. †
Selected topics illustrating relationships between igneous and metamorphic rocks and plate tectonics are explored in detail. Designed for graduate students but available to qualified Earth sciences majors. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
290E. Topics in Planetary Science. S
We examine one well-defined topic in planetary science, beginning with a summary of current knowledge and concluding with the latest research literature. Topics will vary from year to year and may include planetary collisions, terrestrial planets, origin of planetary systems, small bodies, the New Mars, and satellites of Jupiter. Achievement will be evaluated based on class participation, exams, and a research project. Open to undergraduate majors with permission of instructor. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. I. Garrick-Bethell, E. Asphaug
290F. Topics in Coastal Processes (2 credits). F,W,S
Instructor and students lead discussions and make presentations on current research, problems, and publications in coastal processes. These topics include littoral drift, sediment transport and storage on the inner shelf, shoreline erosion/change and its documentation, and related issues. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. G. Griggs
290G. Topics in Global Tectonics. *
Explores different problems of special interest in global tectonics with the approach of integrating marine and terrestrial geologic and geophysical information. Course designed for graduate students but available to qualified Earth sciences majors. May be repeated for credit. E. Silver
290H. Topics in Hydrogeology. *
Selected topics in groundwater, hydrothermal systems, and related subjects. Discussion of theoretical models, field and laboratory approaches, and recent research. Topics vary from year to year. Course designed for graduate students but available to qualified Earth sciences majors. Offered in alternate academic years. May be repeated for credit. A. Fisher
290I. Topics in Geomorphology. S
Discussion of journal articles focused on a theme in contemporary geomorphology. Topics include: coupling of climate; tectonics and landscape evolution; mechanics of bedrock river channels; fundamentals of fluvial gravel transport; and inference of tectonic rates and processes from analysis of topography. Enrollment restricted to graduate students; qualified undergraduates may enroll by permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. N. Finnegan
290J. Topics in Earthquake Physics. *
Why do earthquakes happen? Topics include friction, fracture, earthquake triggering, stress in the crust, observed source scalings, and seismicity statistics. Emphasis on observations and current research topics. Enrollment restricted to graduate students and advanced undergraduates. E. Brodsky
290K. Paleontology Seminar (3 credits). S
Seminar discussion based on current readings in the literature around some topic in the history and evolution of life. Course designed for graduate students but available to qualified upper-division science students. Offered in alternate academic years. May be repeated for credit. M. Clapham, P. Koch
290L. Topics in Climate Change. *
Explores current issues and recent developments in the field of past, present, and future climate change. Topic is different each year, but focuses on the interaction between different components of Earth's environment and the effect of that interaction on climate change. Designed for graduate students but open to qualified undergraduates. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 20. May be repeated for credit. L. Sloan
290M. Topics in Atmospheric Science. *
Selected topics encompassing atmospheric physics and chemistry. Topics vary from year to year. Sample topics include: atmospheric physics, atmospheric chemistry, boundary layer meteorology, aerosol science, and atmospheric thermodynamics. (Formerly Topics in Atmospheric Chemistry.) Designed for graduate students, but qualified undergraduates may enroll with permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. P. Chuang
290N. Topics in Mineral Physics. S
Selected topics encompassing the physics and chemistry of Earth's interior, planetary physics, high-pressure experimental geophysics and material properties at high pressure and temperature. Topics vary from year to year. Enrollment restricted to graduate students and qualified Earth sciences majors by permission of instructor.. May be repeated for credit. E. Knittle
290P. Interdisciplinary Topics in the Earth Sciences. W
An understanding of the chemical and physical properties and processes in the earth is sought by integrating information from several subdisciplines in the Earth sciences. Topics vary from year to year, focusing on areas of active research. Course designed for graduate student but available to qualified Earth sciences majors. Prerequisite(s): graduate standing or permission of instructor. Course designed for graduate student but available to qualified Earth sciences majors. May be repeated for credit. S. Schwartz
290Q. Topics in Outer Solar System. *
Exploration of the planets and satellites beyond the asteroid belt, with an emphasis on the underlying physical processes at work. Course includes lectures, computer practicals, and student presentations. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. W. Nimmo
290R. Topics in the Chemistry and Physics of the Earth. *
Explores problems and current research developments in the application of physics and chemistry to planetary interiors. Topics differ from year to year and include, but are not limited to, research related to the accretion, differentiation, evolution, and structure of the terrestrial planets. Course designed for graduate students but available to qualified Earth sciences majors. May be repeated for credit. Q. Williams
290T. Current Research Topics in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology. *
Students and instructor lead discussions of recent and significant problems in paleoceanography and paleoclimatology. Articles structured around current themes of interest are selected by the instructor. Emphasis on major climatic transitions or events which noticeably influenced evolution of biota. Course designed for graduate students but available to qualified Earth sciences majors. P. Koch, J. Zachos
290U. Topics in Thermochronology. W
Surveys the use of thermochronometry to quantify the rates of tectonic processes. Topics include heat conduction and diffusion; radioactive decay; analytical methods; and modeling of thermochronologic data. Seminars review seminal papers from the literature. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 20. J. Hourigan
290X. Topics in Modeling Planetary Interiors. S
Introduces computer modeling of thermal convection in planetary interiors. Students learn to write and run a basic computer code using spectral and finite-difference methods, then are shown how to improve the numerical method and physics. Basic computer programming experience is required (for example, in Fortran, C, IDL, or MATLAB). Course designed for and enrollment restricted to graduate students, but available to qualified science majors. May be repeated for credit. G. Glatzmaier
292. Seminar (no credit). F,W,S
Weekly seminar attended by faculty, graduate students, and upper-division undergraduate students. The Staff
293. Graduate Research Seminar (1 credit). S
Weekly seminar series covering a broad spectrum of topics in the Earth sciences. Graduate students give 15- to 20-minute oral presentations on current or anticipated research. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
296. Special Student Seminar. F,W,S
Permission of instructor required. The Staff
297. Independent Study. F,W,S
Permission of instructor required. The Staff
298. Earth Sciences Internship. F,W,S
A supervised learning experience involving practical, graduate-level application of Earth sciences through working with approved companies, governmental agencies, or research organizations. Students consult weekly with supervising faculty and prepare a final report of their work. Consult sponsoring agency for enrollment criteria. After instruction on resume preparation and interview skills, students must interview and be selected for internship by approved sponsoring organizations. The Staff
299. Thesis Research. F,W,S
Permission of instructor required. The Staff
Revised: 8/13/12