
Winter Quarter 2019

Plan Ahead By Validating Your Enrollments

All students will now have validation appointments to plan ahead for enrollment. These will coincide with Advising Week, beginning on Nov. 8, 2018, and ending when individual enrollment appointments begin. Validation will allow students to check if prerequisites are met, for time conflicts, and other registration issues before enrollment appointments.

Teaching Block and Final Examination Schedule

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday classes meet for 1 hour and 5 minutes per class. Tuesday and Thursday classes and Monday and Wednesday evening classes meet 1 hour and 35 minutes per class. Passing time between classes is 15 minutes. A schedule planner that lays out all the teaching time blocks can be found online here.

The schedule for final examinations includes final examinations on Fridays during the fall and winter quarters in addition to the scheduled finals on Monday through Thursday. Spring final examinations are still scheduled Monday through Thursday in spring 2019. The final examination schedule can be found online here.

Paperless Bills Available on UCSC eBill/ePay

The Statement of Account is not mailed. It is available on UCSC eBill/ePay or MyUCSC. Students can sign up for UCSC eBill/ePay and e-check payment by logging into MyUCSC.

Winter Registration Fees

E-bills for winter quarter charges will be viewable on UCSC eBill/ePay on Nov. 28. Undergraduate registration fees are due by 4 p.m. on Dec. 18. A late registration fee of $50 is assessed after the due date.

Check for Enrollment Holds

To prevent delays in enrolling, check MyUCSC for enrollment holds before priority enrollment begins and take action to clear your holds before your appointment time.

Revised: 11/08/18