Courses that Fulfill General Education Requirements

Revised: 03/18/25

Cross-Cultural Analysis (CC) | Ethnicity and Race (ER) | Interpreting Arts and Media (IM) | Mathematical and Formal Reasoning (MF) | Scientific Inquiry (SI) | Statistical Reasoning (SR) | Textual Analysis (TA) | Perspectives: Environmental Awareness (PE-E) | Perspectives: Human Behavior (PE-H) | Perspectives: Technology and Society(PE-T) | Practice: Collaborative Endeavor (PR-E) | Practice: Creative Process (PR-C) | Practice: Service Learning (PR-S) | Composition (C1 and C2)

Descriptions of the goals of each requirement and the number of credits to fulfill it are available here.

Cross-Cultural Analysis (CC code)—One course required (5 credits)

One five-credit course or equivalent is required that emphasizes understanding of one or more cultures and societies outside the United States.


2. Introduction to Cultural Anthropology.
110J. Emerging Humanity.
110K. Culture Through Food.
110O. Postcolonial Britain and France.
110P. India and Indian Diaspora through Film.
110U. Histories and Cultures of Piracy.
126. Contraband: Shadow Economies and the Law.
130A. Peoples and Cultures of Africa.
130B. Brazil.
130C. Politics and Culture in China.
130D. The Cultural Aspects of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict.
130E. Culture and Politics of Island Southeast Asia.
130F. African Diasporas in the Americas.
130H. Ethnography of Russia and Eastern Europe.
130J. Politics and Statemaking in Latin America.
130L. Ethnographies of Latin America.
130M. Inside Mexico.
130S. Ethnography of Russia and Eastern Europe, Abroad.

Applied Linguistics

113. Inter-Cultural Communication.
113I. Intercultural Communication—Global Internship. 


186. Art and Globalization.


4. First-Year Arabic.
5. Second-Year Arabic.
6. Second-Year Arabic.

Carson College

80G. Creating and Financing a Sustainable Startup in the Global Economy.


6. Second-Year Chinese.
80. Chinese for Traveling: Introduction to Spoken Chinese and the Cultures of the Chinese-Speaking World.

College Nine

92. Breaking Stereotypes: Muslim Arab, North African, and Middle Eastern Representation in the U.S. Media.

Cowell College

161G. Delicious: The Cookbook as Literature.
130. Living Harmoniously: Philosophy for Healing.

Critical Race and Ethnic Studies

116. Race and the Pacific: U.S. and Japanese Empires in Comparative Perspective.
117. Making the Refugee Century: Non-Citizens and Modernity. 
130. Blackness In Motion: Anthology of the African Diasporas.
140A. Africa: How to Make a Continent.
153. A Radical History of the Korean War.
171. Arab Feminist Visions.
174. Palestine Through Ethnic Studies Lens.

Earth Sciences

30. Water and the Environment.
32. The Science of Cooking.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

80G. Creating and Financing a Sustainable Startup in the Global Economy.

Environmental Studies

26. Culture and the Environment.
154. Amazonian Cultures and Conservation.

Feminist Studies

1. Feminist Studies: An Introduction.
10. Feminisms of/and the Global South.
40. Sexuality and Globalization.
43. Women, Globalization, and Migration.
80S. Women in Music.
120. Transnational Feminisms.
160 Cuir Américas.
175. Gender and Sexualities in Latina/o America.

Film and Digital Media

132A. International Cinema to 1960.
132B. International Cinema, 1960 to Present.
165G. Gender and Global Cinema.
168. National Cinema and Culture.
168A. Arab and North African Cinemas.
168F. Francophone African Cinema.
168M. National Cinema and Culture: Morocco.


4. Second-Year French.
5. Second-Year French.
6. Second-Year French.
85. (De)constructing contemporary French identity


4. Second-Year German.
5. Second-Year German.
6. Second-Year German.
119. German Media.
120. Advanced German Conversation and Composition.

Global and Community Health

123. Migration as a Social Determinant of Health.


82. Hebrew: Travel Abroad.


2A. The World to 1500.
2B. The World Since 1500.
5B. Early Christianity: First to Fourth Century A.D.
5D. Religions of Abraham.
31A. African History to 1900.
40A. Early Modern East Asia.
40B. The Making of Modern East Asia.
41. The Making of the Modern Middle East.
62A. Classical World: Greece.
62B. Classical World: Rome.
65B. Plagues, Peasants, and Pirates: Late Medieval Europe, 1000-1500.
70A. Modern European History, 1500-1815.
70B. Modern European History, 1815-present.
78. Modern Authoritarianism in Europe and Beyond.
101C. Oceans in World History.
105. Nations and Nationalism.
106A. Vietnam War Memories.
134B. History of Mexico, 1850 to Present.
140B. History of Qing China, 1644-1911.
140C. Revolutionary China 1895-1960.
140D. Recent Chinese History.
140E. Women in China's Long 20th Century.
141A. Classical Chinese Culture and Literature, 10th Century B.C.E. through Sixth Century C.E
141B. Classical Chinese Culture and Literature, Sixth Century through 16th Century
142. History of Hong Kong and Taiwan: Two Peripheries of China.
143B. History of the Philippines, 1815 to the Present
147A. History of Premodern India.
147B. Political and Social History of Modern South Asia.
147C. South Asia in the 20th Century.
150A. Ancient Japan.
150C. Modern Japan.
150F. Engendering Empires: Women in Modern Japan and Korea.
150G. History of Disabilities in East Asia.
155. History of Modern Israel.
156. Interrogating Politics in the Post-Colonial Middle East.
156B. Modern Arab Thought.
156C. Living Egyptian History in the City of Cairo.
157. The Ottoman Empire.
159A. Cleopatra to Constantine: Greek and Roman Egypt.
159D. When Cities Were New: the Rise of Urbanism in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean.
160A. Athenian Democracy.
160C. Topics in Greek History.
163B. Genesis: A History.
165A. Medieval History and Architecture.
166. Northern Ireland: Communities in Conflict.
167B. The Second World War in Europe.
173C. The Soviet Union and its Aftermath.
174. Spies: History and Culture of Espionage.
176. Eastern Europe, 1848-2000.
178C. European Intellectual History, 1870-1970.
181. Modern Britain and the British Empire.
181A. Postcolonial Britain and France.

History of Art and Visual Culture

10. Introduction to African Visual Culture.
20. Visual Cultures of Asia.
22. Religion and Visual Culture in China.
24. Southeast Asia Visual Culture.
28. Ghosts, Haunting, Memory, and Erasure in the Films of Asia.
58. Gardens of Delight: Fifteen Centuries of Islamic Visual Culture.
70. Visual Cultures of the Pacific Islands.
85. Introduction to Global Architecture.
110. Visual Cultures of West Africa.
111. Visual Cultures of Central Africa.
115. Gender in African Visual Culture.
122A. Sacred Geography of China.
122B. Constructing Lives in China: Biographies and Portraits.
122F. Bodies in Chinese Culture.
123A. Modernity and Nationalism in the Arts in India.
123B. Religions and Visual Culture of South Asia.
124A. Arts of Ancient Southeast Asia.
124B. History of Photography in Southeast Asia.
124C. Arts and Politics in Theravada Traditions.
124D. Contemporary Art of Southeast Asia and its Diaspora.
127. What is Modernity?
127A. Buddhist Visual Worlds.
127B. Buddhist Pure Lands.
137A. Northern Renaissance Art.
143C. Latin American Modern Architecture.
160A. Indigenous American Visual Culture Before 1550: Mexico.
162A. Advanced Studies in Early Indigenous American Visual Culture: The Ancient Maya.
162B. Advanced Studies in Early Indigenous American Visual Culture: The Inka.
172. Textile Traditions of Oceania.
179. Topics in Oceanic Visual Culture.
180A. Global Contemporary Art.
186Q. Queer Visual Culture. 
188B Biennials and Mega-Exhibitions.
188M. Heritage, Memory, and Material Culture.
190N. Topics in Mediterranean Visual Culture.
191K. Decolonial Visual Culture.
191O. Topics in Oceanic Visual Culture.

History of Consciousness

80U. Labor and Globalization.
80V. Introduction to Marxism. 
113. History of Capitalism.
114. Histories of Miseducation.
117. Making the Refugee Century: Non-Citizens and Modernity.
131. Postcolonial Paths.
136. Latin American Thought.
140A. Africa: How to Make a Continent.
185C. Comparative Religion: A Critical Introduction.


35. Language Technology: Themes Across Cultures and Histories.
171. Arab Feminist Visions.


4. Second-Year Italian.
5. Second-Year Italian.
6. Second-Year Italian.
50.Basic Italian Conversation.
80. Italian Culture Through Cinema.
101. Italian Culture through Food.
106. Italian Culture Through Film.


5. Second-Year Japanese.
6. Second-Year Japanese.
103. Advanced Japanese.
104. Advanced Japanese.
106. Advanced Japanese.

Latin American and Latino Studies

30. Social Movements in Latin America.
33. Central American Migration.
39. Queer Indigenous Histories in the Americas.
50. Transnational Feminist Organizing in the Americas.
55. AIDS Across the Americas
56. The Right to Health.
60. Latin American Childhoods.
65. Religion and Revolution in Latin America.
80D. Political Change in Mexico.
80H. Comparative Latina/o Histories.
80S. Sexualities and Genders in Latin American and Latina/o Studies.
80X. Central American Peoples and Cultures.
145. Grassroots Social Change in Latin America.
152. Consumer Cultures Between the Americas.
156. Human Rights and Transnational Justice in the Americas.
163. The Amazon: Cultures and Perspectives.
164. Afro-Diasporic and Indigenous Spirituality.
165. Contemporary Peru.
167. Global Latinidades.
184A. Fair Trade at a Global Crossroads: Environment & Culture in Central Veracruz.
184S. Global Seminar: Latin American Spain.
190G. LALS Global Internship.
194G. Chile: Social and Political Change.

Legal Studies

116. Comparative Law
126C. Contraband: Shadow Economies and the Law. 
128C. Social History of Democracy, Anarchism, and Indigenism.
158. Law and Politics of Memory.


80C. Language, Society, and Culture.
132. California Englishes.


61C. Devils, Dervishes, and Bawdy Tales from Baghdad to Canterbury: The Story within the Story.
61S. Sacred Texts.
61T. Travel Narratives.
80D. Literary Traditions of India.
80Q. Jane the Virgin: Latinx Readers and (Latin) American Literature
80T. Literature and Magic.
80W. Captive Minds: The Literature of Pre-modern Slavery.
81D. The Prophet and the Quran.
81J. The 1001 Nights.
114A. "Orlando Furioso".
114B. Don Quixote de la Mancha. 
116I. Philosophy in India.
117A. Old Iranian Literature
124B. The Contemporary Latin American Short Story.
125H. Modern Arabic Novel.
130A. Ancient Literature in Cross-Cultural Perspective.
130D. The Global Middle Ages.
133C. Modern Japanese Novel.
133D. Topics in the Literatures and Cultures of Southern Asia.
133E. Contemporary Chinese Society, Culture, and Politics.
133G. The Nuclear Pacific.
133H. Korean War Literature and Film.
133I. Global Japan: Literatures of the Japanese Diaspora.
133J. Colonial Punjab.
133K. Contemporary Asian Literature.
134A. Caribbean Literature.
137A. Global Cities.
138C. Modern Turkish Literature.
141A. Early Mediterranean Cultures.
141B. Classical Chinese Culture and Literature, 10th Century B.C. through Sixth Century
141C. Classical Chinese Culture and Literature, Sixth Century through 16th Century
141D. Arab-Islamic Literatures I: 500-1200.
141E. Arab-Islamic Literatures II: 1200-1900.
141G. Granada: The Moor's Last Sigh and the Muslim's Frontier: The City in the Mediterranean Imagination.
155E. Cinema and Social Change in Latin America.
160C. Cruelty: Enjoying the Pain of Others.
160J. Exile, Diaspora, Migration.
162C. So Many Little Lives: Representations of Trauma in Asian American Literature.
164B. Hebrew Poetry.
165C. Mesoamerican Indigenous/Indigenista Literature
167C. Metamorphoses: Pre/Post Modern Transformations.
168A. The Culture of Islamic Law.
168B. Islamic Law and Society.
181D. Reading Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Part 1.
181E. Reading Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Part 2.
182L. Science-Fiction Francaise.
185H. L'Opera italiana.
188A. Literatura medieval.
188E. Teatro del Siglo de Oro español
188G. Literatura y vida en "Don Quijote" y otros textos cervantinos.
188I. La novela picaresca.
189A. De la conquista a Sor Juana.
189B. El Siglo XIX en America Latina: cultura, politica y sociedad.
189E. Cuba.
189L. Poesía latinoamericana.
189M. Prosa contemporánea hispanoamericana.
189S. La cultura popular en la narrativa latinoamericana.
189X. Estudios mediaticos.
190X. Temas de la literatura y cultura españolas y latinoamericanas.


11D. Introduction to World Music.
80A. Music of the Silk Road.
80I. Music of Modern Israel.
80Q. A Survey of African Music.
80S. Women in Music.
80T. Mizrach: Jewish Music in the Lands of Islam.
80X. Music of India.
81E. Music and Resilience in Latin America. 
81I. Music of Indonesia. 
81J. Jazz Mirror of Global Interconnection.
81P. History of Jewish Music.
150I. Special Topics in Music Theory: Hindustani Music.
180D. Music of Insular Southeast Asia.

Oakes College

160 Cuir Américas.


4. Persian 4.


22. Introduction to Ethical Theory. 
30S. Introductory Topics in Value Theory.


60. Comparative Politics.
61. Politics of Social Policy.
65. Introduction to International Relations.
116. Comparative Law.
140D. Politics of East Asia.
152. Middle East Politics.
154. The Philippines and the World.
158. Law and Politics of Memory.
166. Politics of Migration.
187. Decolonial Global Health: A View from the Middle East and Africa.


65A. Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese.
65B. Accelerated Intermediate Portuguese.
80. Voices from the Portuguese-Speaking World: Portugal, Brazil and Africa.


114. Human Development as a Cultural Process.


15. World Society.
114. Sports and Society.
128C. Social History of Democracy, Anarchism, and Indigenism.
188A. Social Change in the Global Economy.


4 Second-Year Spanish.
5 Second-Year Spanish.
5M Medical Spanish.
6 Second-Year Spanish.
156A. The Language of Latin America Cinema.
156J. Contemporary Central America.
156M. Mexico and the Southwest.
190A. Temas de la literatura y cultura españolas y latinoamericanas.

Spanish for Heritage Speakers

4. Spanish for Heritage Speakers.
5. Spanish for Heritage Speakers.
6. Spanish for Heritage Speakers.

Stevenson College

43. Comparative Nationalisms in Historical Perspective.

Theater Arts

22. Indonesian Dance and Drama.
31A. Dance Studio I: Asian or Asian Diasporic Practice.
80Z. Indian Dance.
122. Indian Performance: Rama, Siva, Krishna.
131X. Advanced Contemporary Forms and Practices Within a Global Dance Context.
151I. Studies in Performance: Indonesian Dance and Drama.
161B. Black Women and Diasporic Theatrical Expression.
161D. Asian Theater: An Anthropological Approach.
161H. Shakespeare in Asia.
167. Africanist Aesthetics: Live Dialogues in the Americas and Africa.


170. Rhetoric, Language, and Power.

Ethnicity and Race (ER code)—One course required (5 credits)

One five-credit course or equivalent is required that focuses on issues of ethnicity and/or race.


104. Human Variation and Adaptation.
110C. California Pasts.
110T. Motherhood in American Culture.
130I. Cultures of India.
130N. Native Peoples of North America.
130O. Native Feminisms, Gender, and Settler Colonialism.
130P. Ethnography of Southern Cone Chile and Argentina.
130T. Religion and Politics in the Muslim World.
149. Anthropology of Activism.
159. Race and Anthropology.
176D. Colonial Encounters in the Americas.
176G. Andean Archaeology.

Applied Linguistics

122. Linguistic Diversity & Social Justice.


80F. Introduction to Issues in Digital Media.
80Q. Queer Art.
106G. Nonfiction Creative Storytelling with Immersive Media: Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality and Animation.

College Ten

35. Knowledge For Justice.
135. Apprenticeship in Community Engaged Research. 

Community Studies

132. American Cities and Social Change.

Cowell College

175T. Memory in the Americas.

Critical Race & Ethnic Studies

10. Critical Race and Ethnic Studies: An Introduction.
13. California Indian History.
45. Pilipinx Historical Dialogue.
60E. Blackness and Indigeneity in Europe. 
68. Approaches to Black Studies.
70B. Black Radical University?
100. Comparative Theories of Race and Ethnicity.
111. The Sounds of Struggle. 
121. The Struggle for K-12 Ethnic Studies.
131. Black Freedom Movements
134. The Black “Middle East.”
135. Language and Racialization.
159. Latinxs and the History of U.S. Policing.
161. The Racial and Gendered Economies of Housing.
170. Arab Diasporic Communities.
173. Palestine: A History from Below.
181. The Lynch Doctrine: From Rough Justice to Stand Your Ground.
188S. Topics in Settler Colonial Critique.
190Y. Solidarity.

Earth and Planetary Sciences

15. Science as a Colonial Practice.


60. Schooling, Democracy, and Justice.
121. The Struggle for K-12 Ethnic Studies.
128. Immigrants and Education.
140. Language, Diversity, and Learning.
162. Critical Youth Studies in Education. 
177. Teaching Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students Math and Science.
181. Race, Class, and Culture in Education.

Environmental Studies

147. Environmental Inequality/Environmental Justice.

Feminist Studies

13. California Indian History
15. Feminism and Social Justice.
18. Black Feminist Ethnographies.
19. Black Feminisms: An Introduction.
20. Feminism and Social Justice.
115. Gender, Sexuality, and Transnational Migration Across the Americas.
119. Indigenous Feminisms.
139. African American Women's History.
145. Racial and Gender Formations in the U.S.
150. Mediating Desire.

Film and Digital Media

80C. Indigenous California in Film and Media.
165B. Race on Screen.
165D. Asian Americans and Media.
165E. Chicana/o Cinema, Video.


80. Introduction to Biblical Hebrew.


9. Introduction to Native American History.
10A. United States History to 1877.
10B. United States History, 1877 to 1977.
11A. Latin America: Colonial Period.
11B. Latin America: National Period.
12. Introduction to Latino American History.
15. The United States of America from its Founding through Our Time.
32A. Islam in Africa and the African Diaspora.
44. Modern South Asia, 1500 to Present.
58. From Pirates to Refugees: The History of the Mediterranean.
74. Introduction to Jewish History and Cultures.
74A. Introduction to Middle Eastern and North African Jewish History: Ancient to Early Modern.
74B. Introduction to Middle Eastern and North African Jewish History, 1500-2000.
80X. Civil Rights Movement: Grassroots Change and American Society.
104D. Museums and the Representation of Native American History, Memory, and Culture.
106B. Asian and Asian American History, 1941-Present.
109A. Race, Gender, and Power in the Antebellum South.
110A. Colonial America, 1500-1750.
110H. Greater Reconstruction: Race, Empire, and Citizenship in the Post-Civil War United States.
116. Slavery Across the Americas.
119. Indigenous Feminisms.
120. W.E.B. Du Bois.
121A. African American History to 1877.
121B. African American History: 1877 to the Present.
123. Immigrants and Immigration in U.S. History.
128. Chicana/Chicano History.
134A. Colonial Mexico.
139L. A More Perfect Union: Race Relations, Civil Rights, and the Federal Government During the 20th Century.
147E. Imperial Sport: Cricket in South Asia, 1800s to the Present.
178E. Modern Jewish Intellectual History.
181B. Africa and Britain in an Imperial World.
185C. Communism, Nationalism, and Zionism: Comparative Radical Jewish Politics.
185I. Latin American Jewish History in the Modern Period.
185M. Zionism: An Intellectual History.
185O. The Holocaust and the Arab World.

History of Art and Visual Culture

35. European Visual Culture in a Global Context 1500-1900.
39. African-American Art.
46. Introduction to U.S. Art and Visual Culture.
60. Indigenous American Visual Culture.
64. Indigenous North American Materiality and Resistance.
65. Native American Art and the Environment.
76. Oceanic Digital Arts.
80. Colonial Histories and Legacies: Africa, Oceania, and the Indigenous Americas.
118. Art of the Contemporary African Diaspora.
119. Arts and Politics of African Urban Space. 
124E. Southeast Asian-American and Diasporic Visual Culture.
127F. The Politics of Exclusion: Asian American Visual Culture. 
130. Blackness and the Psychoanalytic Imaginary.
140B. Victorian America.
140C. Race and American Visual Arts.
140D. Chicano/Chicana Art: 1970-Present.
140F. Black Visual Culture.
144A. Latin American Art and Visual Culture.
163. The Native in Colonial Spanish America.
164A. Art and Visual Culture of Indigenous California.
165. Indigenous Artists and the Borderland Missions.
170. Art of the Body in Oceania.
176. Visual Sovereignty.
178. Museums and Cultural Heritage in Oceania.
186I. Indigenous Art and Activism. 
190J. Visual Cultures of the Vietnam-American War.
190X. Art and Identity in Oceania.
191C. Subalternatives: Representing Others.

History of Consciousness

80P. The Black Panther Party: History and Theory of a Political Movement.
80R. Urban Consciousness: Life, Inequality, and the City.
83. White Like Me: Whiteness and the Racial Imaginary.
103. The Problem of California.
106. The U.S. Horror Film: Race, Capitalism, and Monsters. 
115. The Radical Right, A Symptom of Capitalism.
132. How to Break a Nation? De/Anti/Post-Colonial Discourses.
166. Race, Science, and Humanities.


45. Race and Technology.

Latin American and Latino Studies

1. Introduction to Latin American and Latino Studies.
10. Introduction to Chicanx & Latinx Studies.
20. Latino Politics.
31. Latinx Feminisms
40. Latinos and Labor.
45. Intersections of Race, Class, and Gender.
62. Chicanx Education: Race, Segregation, and Advocacy.
80F. Latinos in the U.S.: A Comparative Perspective.
80J. Race, Nation, and War.
90. Contemporary Brazil.
100. Concepts and Theories in Latin American and Latina/o Studies.
112. Immigration and Assimilation.
143. Race and Ethnicity.
150. Afro-Latinos/as: Social, Cultural, and Political Dimensions.
161P. Theater in the “Chicano Power” Movement.
171. Brazil in Black and White.
175. Migration, Gender, and Health.
178. Gender, Transnationalism, and Globalization.

Legal Studies

112. California Pasts.
121. Race & Justice in America.
128I. Race and Law.


80M. Language and Indigeneity in Mesoamerica.
131.  Spanglish: Language and Identities through Contact.
135. Language and Racialization.


61J. Introduction to Jewish Literature and Culture.
61R. Race in Literature.
80H. The Politics of Fashion.
80I. Topics in American Culture.
80L. The Holocaust: The Destruction of European Jewry.
80N. Latino Expressions in the U.S.
81C. The Novels of Toni Morrison.
110C. The Traditional U.S. Canon: Beginnings to 1900.
112P. Gwendolyn Brooks.
121L. Green Ache: Ecopoetics, Race, and Material.
121M. Blue and Brown: Race, Gender, and Blackness.
121N. RAGE: Race and Performance.
126F. Speculative Fiction As Cultural Theory and Practice.
133F. Pacific Rim Discourse.
135E. The Historical Imaginary.
135H. African Futurisms.
138A. Culture and Nation.
139B. Los Angeles Circa 1992.
146F. The Dissenting Tradition in America.
147A. Twain, Slavery, and the Literary Imagination.
148I. Toni Morrison's Americas.
154C. Hip Hop Hi Art.
160E. Theorizing Race and Comics.
160I. Race, Militarism, and Empire in Asia and the Pacific.
160K. Race, Labor, and Migration.
160N. John Brown: Prophet or Fanatic?
160T. Reading Torture.
161A. African American Literature.
161B. African American Women Writers.
162A. Asian American Literature.
162B. Literature of the Asian Diaspora.
164D. Jewish Diaspora, Ethnicity, and Urban Life.
164H. Jewish Writers and the European City.
164J. Jewish Writers and the American City.
164K. Jewish Comedy.
165A. Chicano/Mexicano Geographies.
165B. Latino Fictions of the Americas.
167H. Disability in Transnational Asian American Studies. 
167K. Race and the Environment in the Atlantic World.
169A. White Flow(n): Race, Gender, and Material.
185B. Letteratura e cultura italiana.
189C. Introducción a Spanish Studies.
189F. Literaturas Latinas en los Estados Unidos: en inglés, español y Spanglish.
189I. Literatura e indigeneidad.


11B. Introduction to Jazz.
80E. Race and American Music.
80F. Music in Latin American Culture: Regional Traditions.
80P. Popular Music in the United States.
81A. Survey of Rap and Hip Hop Music.
81C. Global Popular Music.
81M. Chicano/Latino Music in the United States.

Oakes College

46. Multiracial Visibility Project.


21. Governing the Golden State.
121. Race & Justice in America.


117E. Migrant Europe.
128I. Race and Law.
135. Healing Justice. 
143. Black botanical Medicine in the Americas.
148. Educational Inequality.
156. U.S. Latina/o Identities: Centers and Margins.
170. Ethnicity and Race.
170P. The Political Economy of Race.
178Z. Disability and Society.


105. Introducción a Spanish Studies.
155. Topics in Hispanic Linguistics: Language Contact in the Spanish Speaking World.

Stevenson College

80H. Rainbow Theater: An Introduction to Multicultural Theater.

Theater Arts

31B. Dance Studio I: Ballet.
31L. Dance Studio I: Introduction to Latin American Social Dances.
80A. Introduction to African American Theater.
80M. Chicano/a Teatro.
80R. Bollywood Dance and Culture in India and Indian Diaspora.
80U. Everybody Dance Now!
131A. Dance Studio II: Asian or Asian Diasporic Practice.
131B. Dance Studio II: Ballet.
131L. Advanced Latin American Social Dances.
151A. Studies in Performance: African American Theater Arts Troupe.
161P. Theater in the "Chicano Power" Movement.
166. Ballet: A History.


130. Writing and Identity.


1. First-Year Yiddish.

Interpreting Arts and Media (IM code)—One course required (5 credits)

One five-credit course or equivalent is required that focuses on the practice, analysis, interpretation, and/or history of one or more artistic or mass media (media in which non-textual materials play primary roles).


110A. Public Life and Contemporary Issues.
110B. From Indiana Jones to Stonehenge: Archaeology as Popular Culture.
110G. Westside Stories: Race, Place and the California Imaginary.
110Q. Queer Sexuality in Black Popular Culture.
110R. Discourses in American Religions and Their Role in Public Life.


10D. 2D Foundation.
10E. 3D Foundation.
10F. 4D Foundation.
80D. Introduction to Photography.
147T. Design Studio: Costume.

Art and Design: Games and Playable Media

20. Games as Art.
25. Games as Art & Activism.
30. Games as Activism.
80G. Visual Communication and Interaction Design.

Biomolecular Engineering

163. Applied Visualization and Analysis of Scientific Data.

Community Studies

20. Media and Social Movements

Computational Media

80K. Foundations of Video Game Design.

Cowell College

65. Meaning, Paradox, and Love.
70A. Introduction to Book Arts.
70B. Intermediate Book Arts.
70C. Advanced Book Arts.

Creative Technologies

11. Issues in Digital Expression.

Critical Race and Ethnic Studies

110G. Westside Stories: Race, Place and the California Imaginary.
110Q. Queer Sexuality in Black Popular Culture.
114. Race and Disability in American Drama.

Crown College

60. The Environment on Film: Rhetoric of Ecocriticism.
70B. Introduction to Broadcast Media and Podcasting.
98B. Podcasting: Digital Storytelling in Ireland.

Digital Arts and New Media

50. Gayming: An Introduction to Queer Theory in Games.
51. Queer and Trans Art History Since Stonewall.
52. Altering the Digital Image and Creative Art Practices.
144. Surveillance and Digital Design.
147. Introduction to Queer Game Studies.


102. Education, Media, and Society.
120. The Arts in Schools: Aesthetic Education Theory and Practice.

Feminist Studies

12. Podcasting: Feminist Files.
14. Popular Culture in South Asia.
16. Media Histories--News and New Media.
21. Religion in American Politics and Culture.
71. Introduction to Visualizing Abolition Studies.
110Q. Queer Sexuality in Black Popular Culture.
126. Images, Power, and Politics: Methods in Visual and Textual Analysis.

Film and Digital Media

80A. The Film Experience.
80M. Understanding Media.
80S. Special Topics in Film and Digital Media.
80X. Sex in the Cinema.
130. Silent Cinema.
134A. American Film, 1930-1960.
134B. American Film, 1960-Present.
136A. Experimental Film and Video.
136B. History of Television.
136D. Documentary Film and Video.
160. Film Genres.
162. Film Authors.
165C. Lesbian, Gay, and Queer Film and Video.


108. French Cinema.


20. U.S. Popular Music Movements.
39E. Monsters, Media, and the History of the Supernatural in Modern Japan.
50. Pyramids and Papyrus: the History of Ancient Egypt.
51. Pyramids of Earth: Religion and Symbol in the Ancient World.
75. Film and the Holocaust.
80D. Visualizing Modern East Asia.
104C. Celluloid Natives: American Indian History on Film.
122A. Jazz and United States Cultural History, 1900-1945.
122B. Jazz and United States Cultural History, 1945 to the Present.
139J. Britain Made Digital: A History of the Nation and its Empire.
139M. Murderers, Witches, and Rebels: Depicting Difference in Colonial Latin America.
150E, History and Memory in the Okinawan Islands.
159B. Women and Gender in Ancient Egypt.
159C. Temple and City: The Egyptian New Kingdom and the City of Thebes.
163C. Jesus in History and Film.
172B. German Film, 1919-1945.
172C. History of German Film, 1945 to Present.

History of Art and Visual Culture

27. Image and Ideology in Indian Art.
30. Introduction to European Visual Culture.
40. Museum Cultures: The Politics of Display.
41. Introduction to Modern Art.
43. History of Modern Architecture.
45. Photography Now.
47. Introduction To Contemporary Art.
50. Ancient Mediterranean Visual Cultures.
51. Greek Eyes: Visual Culture and Power in the Ancient Greek World.
55. Unclothed: The Naked Body from Antiquity to the Present.
117. Contemporary Art of Africa.
122D. Chinese Landscape Painting.
122E. Art and Propaganda in China.
127C. Ritual in Asian Religious Art.
127E. Modern/Contemporary Architecture of the Asia Pacific.
133A. Themes in the Study of Medieval Visual Culture.
135B. German Art, 1905–1945.
135D. French Painting, 1780-1855.
135E. Jewish Identity and Visual Representation.
135G. Blood, Guts, and Gore: Representing War from Leonard da Vinci to Abu Ghraib. 
135H. Topics in European and Euro-American Visual Culture.
135K. Art and Science in Europe 1500-1900.
135L. Nineteenth-Century Europe in Prints.
135P. Paris, "Capital of the 19th Century".
137E. Renaissance Prints.
138. Fascism and Film.
140A. America in Art.
140P. Pop Culture as High Art.
141A. Modern Art: Realism to Cubism.
141B. Death, Desire, and Modernity.
141C. Modern Art: Pop to Present.
141E. Histories of Photography.
141F. The Camera and the Body.
141H. Media History and Theory.
141I. Be Here Now: Art, Land, Space.
141J. Critical Issues in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture.
141K. Activist Art Since 1960: Art, Technology, Activism.
141M. Museum Practices.
141Z. Deep Dive: Museums of the Bay Area.
143A. Contemporary Architecture and Critical Debates.
143B. History of Urban Design.
143D. Architecture and the City in Modern and Contemporary Visual Culture.
143F. Memory, Place, and Architecture.
143H. City on a Hill: The Architecture of the Campus.
151. Greek Myths Antiquity to the Present.
152. Roman Eyes: Visual Culture and Power in the Ancient Roman World.
154. Byzantine Visual Culture: Politics and Religion in the Empire of Constantinople, 330-1453 A. C.
155. Constructing Cleopatra: Power, Sexuality, and Femininity Across the Ages.
157B. Italian Renaissance: Art and Architecture.
157C. High Renaissance.
157D. Art of the Venetian Renaissance.
160B. Indigenous American Visual Culture Before 1550: The Andes.
186. Horror and Gender in Art and Visual Culture.
190C. The Mediterranean from the Rise of Christianity to the Rise of Islam.
191P. Topics in Contemporary Art.
191S. Topics in American Art and Visual Culture.
191W. Art, Disaster, and Resilience.

History of Consciousness

80N. Prophecy Against Empire.
80O. Understanding Popular Music.
80T. What is the Witch: Terror, Subjectivity, Modernity.
104. Political Writing.
133. What Freedom is to Me.


55. Technologies of Representation.

John R. Lewis College

20. Understanding Popular Music.

Latin American and Latino Studies

70. Cinema and Social Change in Cuba.
75. Art and Social Change in Latin America: Diego Rivera.
78. Anti-Colonial Dancing of the Americas.
128. Latino Media in the U.S.
129. America Latina: Cine Dictadura y Memoria.
138. Dancing in the Americas.
161R. Theatre of American Cultures: Fighting Oppression.


61H. Introduction to Film Analysis.
81B. Literature and Photography.
81F. Ghosts of Slavery, 1960-80s/2000-20s.
149A. Behind the Berlin Wall.
150D. The Power of Writing: Books and Libraries 600-1500.
151K. Gender, Race, and Disability in American Drama.
151L. Theater in India.
154B. Literature and the Arts.
155A. Cinema and Subjectivity.
155C. New German Cinema.
155D. Italian Cinema and Literature.
155H. The Horror Film.
155L. Vampire Film. 
155N. Cinema in India.
155O. Women In/As Horror: Critical Approaches to the Horror Film.
156E. Mapping Fictions: Geocritical Approaches to Cultural Studies.
157A. Modern Ancient Drama.
167J. Exhibiting Monsters.
183I. Deutscher Film: Geschichte, Kultur, Gesellschaft.
189G. Cine y Literatura.
189H. La Globalizacion en/del Cine Latin/o Americano.


7. Music, Mind, Evolution, Language.
11A. Introduction to Western Classical Music.
80G. American Musical Theater.
80H. The Hollywood Musical.
80M. Film Music.
80N. Music of the Grateful Dead.
80V. The Music of the Beatles.
80Y. Music, Anti-Semitism, and the Holocaust.
81F. Music, Mass Media, and Marketing.
81K. Scenes and Subcultures.
81L. Music in Animated Film.
81U. The Music and Life of Prince.
150C. Special Topics in Music Theory: Tonal Counterpoint.
150P. Special Topics in Music Theory: 20th-Century Popular Song.
150T. Post Tonal Analysis.
150X. Theoretical Practices of American Music.

Oakes College

128. Latino Media in the U.S.


36S. Introductory Topics in Philosophy and Contemporary Culture.


117. Politics of Aesthetics.

Porter College

2. Reading Films for Truth.
45. Archives In Place: The Radical University Across Time.
35M. The Mockumentary Film. 
63W. Ways of Knowing.
90B. Art and Politics After Google.
131P. What is Photography? History, Politics, and Critique of Photographic Representation.


124. Brazilian Cinema.


151. Media Activism.

Stevenson College

80G. Self and Society Through Film.

Theater Arts

10. Introduction to Theater Design and Technology.
20. Introductory Studies in Acting.
40. Introduction to Directing.
80D. Commercial Design 1900 to Present.
80L. Muppet Magic: Jim Henson's Art.
80N. Walt Disney.
80P. Pixar - Story Matters.
80Q. Introduction to Queer Theater.
108. Theater and Interaction Design.
113. The History of Design for Theater.
116A. History of Clothing and Costume.
117. Design Studio: Costume.
161E. Mass Performance.
161R. Theatre of American Cultures: Fighting Oppression.
161X. Experimental Performance.
165. Dance Modernism.
168. Disability in Performance.

Visualizing Abolition Studies

1. Introduction to Visualizing Abolition Studies.

Mathematical and Formal Reasoning (MF code)—One course required (5 credits)

One five-credit course or equivalent is required that emphasizes university-level mathematics, computer programming, formal logic, or other material that stresses formal reasoning, formal model building, or application of formal systems.

Applied Math and Statistics

3. Precalculus for the Social Sciences.
6. Precalculus for Statistics.
10. Mathematical Methods for Engineers I.
11A. Mathematical Methods for Economists I.
11B. Mathematical Methods for Economists II.
20. Mathematical Methods for Engineers II.
114. Introduction to Dynamical Systems.
147. Computational Methods and Applications.


101. Introduction to Computer Programming for the Arts.

Astronomy and Astrophysics

2. Overview of the Universe.
3. Introductory Astronomy: Planetary Systems.
4. Introductory Astronomy: The Stars.
5. Introductory Astronomy: The Formation and Evolution of the Universe.
7. Black Holes.
12. Stars and Stellar Evolution.
13. Galaxies, Cosmology, and High Energy Astrophysics.
15. Dead Stars and Black Holes.
16. Astrobiology: Life in the Universe.
18. Planets and Planetary Systems.

Biology: Ecology and Evolutionary

138. Modeling Evolution and Ecology.
139. Mathematical Modeling and Data Science in Ecology and Evolution.

Biomolecular Engineering (BME)

160. Research Programming in the Life Sciences.

Computer Science and Engineering

5J. Introduction to Programming in Java.
10. Introduction to Computer Science.
16. Applied Discrete Mathematics.
20. Beginning Programming in Python.

Cowell College

66. Introduction to Systems Theory.

Crown College

85. Mathematical Problems in Data Science.

Earth Sciences

11. Earthquakes.
119A. Introduction to Scientific Programing.
119B. Advanced Scientific Programing.


11A. Mathematical Methods for Economists I.
11B. Mathematical Methods for Economists II.
22P. Introduction to Python for Data Science.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

8. Robot Automation: Intelligence through Feedback Control.
163. Introduction to Small-Scale UAV Theory and Practice (7 credits).


53. Semantics I.
101. Phonology I.
111. Syntactic Structures.
112. Syntax I.


3. Precalculus.
11A. Calculus with Applications.
11B. Calculus with Applications.
16A. Mathematics for Life and Environmental Sciences.
16B. Mathematics for Life and Environmental Sciences.
19A. Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics.
19B. Calculus for Science, Engineering, and Mathematics.
20A. Honors Calculus.
20B. Honors Calculus.
21. Linear Algebra.
22. Introduction to Calculus of Several Variables.
23A. Vector Calculus.
23B. Vector Calculus.
100. Introduction to Proof and Problem Solving.
152. Programming for Mathematics.


80L. Artificial Intelligence and Music.
80U. Physics and Psychophysics of Music.
130. Harmony and Form in 19th-Century and Early 20th-Century Music.


7. Elementary Logic.
9. Introduction to Logic.


5A. Introduction to Physics I.
6A. Introductory Physics I.
7A. Elementary Physics I.
15A. Honors Introduction to Physics I.
80U. Physics and Psychophysics of Music.

Scientific Inquiry (SI code)—One course required (5 credits)

One five-credit course or equivalent is required that focuses on the essential roles of observation, hypothesis, experimentation and measurement in the sciences.


1. Introduction to Biological Anthropology.
3. Introduction to Archaeology.
89. Foundations for Global and Community Health.

Applied Physics

170B. Mathematical Modeling 2.

Astronomy and Astrophysics

1. Introduction to the Cosmos. F,W
6. The Space-Age Solar System.
10. From the Big Bang to Planet Earth.

Biology: Ecology and Evolutionary

136. Environmental Physiology
146. Acoustic Ecology.

Biology: Molecular, Cell, and Development

80A. Female Physiology and Gynecology.
80N. Nutrition.
88. Studies in Medicine: Its Art, History, Science, and Philosophy.
89. Foundations for Global and Community Health.

Biomolecular Engineering (BME)

18. Scientific Principles of Life.

Chemistry and Biochemistry

1A. General Chemistry.
3A. General Chemistry.
4A. Advanced General Chemistry: Molecular Structure and Reactivity.
80H. Introduction to Wine Science and Chemistry.

Carson College

81C. Designing a Sustainable Future.

Cowell College

156M. Medical Ethics.

Critical Race and Ethnic Studies

12. Science and Justice: Critical Intro. 

Earth and Planetary Sciences

2. Earth Catastrophes.
3. Geology of National Parks.
5. California Geology.
7. The History of Life.
8. Planetary Discovery.
10. Geologic Principles.
20. Environmental Geology.
66. Natural History of Dinosaurs.

Electrical Engineering

30. Engineering Principles of Electronics.
80B Engineering Innovations for Medicine and Natural Sciences.
80T. Modern Electronic Technology and How It Works.
81C. Designing a Sustainable Future.

Environmental Studies

23. The Physical and Chemical Environment (beginning spring 2024).
24. General Ecology.


81. Science in the Colonial World.
101D. Topics in the World History of Science.
151. History of Science, Medicine, and Technology from Antiquity to the Enlightenment.

Latin American and Latino Studies

54. Racism, Science, and Health: Colonial and Carceral Legacies.
177. Migrant Health and Social Justice.
183. Ecologías Hemisféricas.


50. Introduction to Linguistics.
80S. The Science of Language: An Introduction to Linguistics for Non-Majors.

Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology

41. Physiology of Disease.
108. Introduction to Research Methods in Global and Community Health.
133. Medical Microbiology.

Oakes College

155. Research for Social Justice: Special Topics.

Ocean Sciences

1. The Oceans.
80A. Life in the Sea.


33S. Introductory Topics in the Philosophy of Science.


1. Conceptual Physics.
5B. Introduction to Physics II.
5C. Introduction to Physics III.
6B. Introductory Physics II.
6C. Introductory Physics III.
7B. Elementary Physics II.
15C. Honors Introduction to Physics III.


89. Foundations for Global and Community Health.


12. Science and Justice: Critical Intro.
146. Introduction to Population Health

Statistical Reasoning (SR code)—One course required (5 credits)

One five-credit course or equivalent is required that focuses on developing skills in approaching quantitative data and statistical reasoning.

Astronomy and Astrophysics

8. Exploring the Universe with Astronomical Data.
19. Practical Programming for the Sciences.

Biology: Ecology and Evolutionary

80S. Lies, Damn Lies, and Statistics.
186. Experimental Design and Data Analysis (7 credits). 

Carson College

151S. Sustainability Field Laboratory Tools, Techniques, and Applications.

Community Studies

30. Numbers and Social Justice.

Coastal Science and Policy

182. Quantitative Methods for Coastal Climate Resilience.

Computer Science and Engineering

40. Machine Learning Basics: Data Analysis and Empirical Methods.
80L. Social Data Analytics and Visualization.
80S. Social Networks
107. Probability and Statistics for Engineers.

Crown College

87. Understanding and Communicating the Science Behind Global Warming.
88. Computational Futurology:Use of Data Analysis for Predicting Human Behavior and Activity.
155. Methods in Data Science.

Earth and Planetary Sciences

12. Introduction to Weather and Climate.
125. Statistics and Data Analysis in the Geosciences.


113. Introduction to Econometrics.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

80S. Sustainability Engineering and Practice.
145. Estimation and Introduction to Control of Stochastic Processes

Environmental Sciences

160. Data Analysis in the Environmental Sciences.

Latin American and Latino Studies

15. Truth, Justice, and Statistics. 

Legal Studies

128A. Research Methods in Legal Studies and Critical Criminology.


80L. Predicting Words with Numbers: From Code-Breaking to Spell-Check, and Large Language Models.
147. Quantitative Methods in Linguistics.
171. Psycholinguistics I.


4. Mathematics of Choice and Argument.

Ocean Sciences

90. Fundamentals of Climate.


8. Reason, Logic, and the Idols of Thought.


1B. Physics for Everyone.
133. Intermediate Laboratory.


101. Introduction to Research Methods.


2. Introduction to Psychological Statistics.


3B. Statistical Methods.
128A. Research Methods in Legal Studies and Critical Criminology. 


5. Statistics.
7. Statistical Reasoning in the Age of the Internet.
17. Statistical Methods for Business and Economics.
80A. Gambling and Gaming.
80B. Data Visualization.
131. Introduction to Probability Theory.
132. Classical and Bayesian Inference.

Textual Analysis (TA code)—One course required (5 credits)

One five-credit course or equivalent is required that has as its primary methodology the interpretation or analysis of texts.


100. History and Theory of Biological Anthropology
110Z. Introduction to Disability Studies.
152. Survey of Cultural Anthropological Theory.
170. History of Archaeological Theory.

Applied Linguistics

55. Pardon My French: Politeness, Impoliteness, Swearing, Slang, and Humor.

Biology: Molecular, Cell, and Developmental

114. Cancer Cell Biology.
126. Advanced Molecular Neuroscience.
127. Mechanisms of Neurodegenerative Disease.
129A. Advance Topics in System Neuroscience.
129B. Advanced Topics in Developmental Neurobiology.
129C. Advanced Topics in Nervous System Disorders.

Biomolecular Engineering (BME)

122H. Extreme Environmental Virology.
132. Evolutionary Genomics.
177. Engineering Stem Cells.
178. Stem Cell Biology.


103. Advanced Chinese: Language and Society.
104. Advanced Chinese: Readings in Literature.
105. Advanced Chinese: Readings in History.
107. Introduction to Classical Chinese Prose.
108. Introduction to Classical Chinese Poetry.

College Nine

140. Secrecy, Knowledge, and Politics.

Critical Race and Ethnic Studies

132. Black Speculations.

Crown College

80F. Science Fictions.
89. Workshop in Computational Biology.
96. Digital Theater Workshop: Theorizing Culture and the Future.


131. Social Activism in France: The Tradition of Chanson Francaise Engage. 


5C. Introduction to the Bible.
13. Introduction to American Religious Culture.
39F. Expansion, Power, and Change: Christian World Missions and Missionaries.
39I. Social and Economic History of U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, 1848-Present.
100. Historical Skills and Methods.
116A. Unchained Memory: Slavery and the Politics of the Past.
137A. Jihad and Literary Culture in Africa.
139C. Queer Pasts: A Radical Telling of LGBTQ History in the United States.
147D. Intellectual History of South Asia.
154. Post-Colonial North Africa.
158A. The Escapes of David George: Biographical Research on Slavery and Early America.
159M. The Curse of the Mummy.
167A. The First World War.
170C. From the Trenches to the Casbah: France and its Empire in the 20th Century.
184B. Racism and Antiracism in Europe: From 1870 to the Present.

History of Consciousness

1. Introduction to History of Consciousness.
12. Historical Introduction to Philosophy.
20. Democracy and Dictatorship.
60A. What is Revolution?
60C. What Is Resistance?
65. What is Belief? Mystics, Heretics, and Aliens.
75. Ecological Crisis and Human Freedom.
80S. War and the Media. 
80W. What is Imperialism?
82. Another Brick in the Wall.
85. Politics and Religion.
86. After the Human: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the World.
87. What is Utopia?
107. The Idea of Reality.
108. Parables for a Warming Planet: The Politics of Climate Change.
112. Foundations in Critical Theory.
120. What is a State?
121. What Is Politics?
123. What is Belief? Mystics, Heretics, and Aliens.
129. Politics of Violence.
142. What is a Person?
144. World-Making and Power.
147. Truth, Ideology, And Power.
149. The Good Life.
150. Radical Political Theory.
164. Modern Monsters.
187. The Emergence of the Avant-garde from Disenchantment to Dada.


15. Ethics and Technology.
25. Humans and Machines, A History (if taken Summer 2024 or later).


105. Advanced Japanese.
109. Japanese Language, Culture, and Society.

John R. Lewis College

140. Secrecy, Knowledge, and Politics.

Kresge College

16. The Rise of Capitalism and Its Consequences.
85S. Critical Writing Practicum: Subject and System.
171. Kresge Challenge Seminar.

Latin American and Latino Studies

79. Hip Hop History/Historia Hip Hop.
79S. Hip Hop Historia.
131. Latino Literatures: Assimilation and Assimilability.
137. Speculative Fiction and Chicanafuturism.
144. Mexicana/Chicana Histories.
149. Whiteness in Latin America.
151. Race & Mobility.
168. Inter-American Solidarities.
169. South America: History, Society, and Culture.
170. Indigenous Struggles in the Americas.
180. Borders: Real and Imagined.
181. Forced Migrations.
194E. Unfree Migrations.
194R. Latinx Science Fiction.

Legal Studies

129A. Why Obey?


80K. Invented Languages, from Elvish to Esperanto.
108. Poetry and Language.
119. Narrative Structure: The linguistics of storytelling.


1. Literary Interpretation. F,S
60A. The Graphic Novel: Memoirs.
61F. Introduction to Reading Fiction.
61K. Introduction to the Fairy Tale.
61M. Approaches to Classical Myth.
61N. Introduction to Children's Literature.
61P. Introduction to Reading Poetry.
61W. Writing and Research Methods.
61X. Tragedy: Learning Through Suffering.
61Y. Arthurian Romance.
61Z. Introduccion a generos literarios de Espana y America Latina.
80B. Monsters and Literature.
80E. Animals and Literature.
80M. China in the Post-Reform Period.
80V. Literature and History.
80X. Global Narratives.
80Y. Harry Potter.
80Z. Introduction to Shakespeare.
81A. Homer's Odyssey.
81G. The Good Life.
81H. Literature and Pandemic: The World at the End of the World.
81I. Engineering California
101. Theory and Interpretation.
102. Translation Theory.
LIT 109X. Marxist Literary Criticism.
110A. The Traditional British Canon, Part I.
111B. Geoffrey Chaucer.
111C. John Milton.
111D. William Shakespeare.
112C. Charles Dickens.
112E. Bob Dylan as Poet: From Folk Hero to Electric Messiah.
112I. Kafka in Translation.
112Q. The Deep Read: Special Topics.
114C. Dante's Divine Comedy.
114E. One Way Ticket to Hell  and Back: Exploring Dante's Inferno.
114F. Finding Dante: A Readers Guide to Getting Out of Hell.
116F. Knights, Ladies, Werewolves: Medieval Literature in Translation.
116G. Victorian Monsters. 
118A. Hebrew Bible.
120A. Topics in Poetry.
120B. Poetry of the 17th Century.
120C. Victorian Poetry.
120F. Topics in Modern Poetry.
121G. The Idea of Poetry.
120J. Contemporary American Poetry.
121K. Radical Moderns/Poetry International.
121Q Queer Lyrics: A History of LGBTQ Poetry in the United States.
124C. The Contemporary Short Story.
125A. Ancient Novel.
125B. Studies in the English Novel.
125D. Modern and Contemporary German Literature.
125I. What is the Novel?
125J French Science Fiction.
126G. Science Fiction and the Sublime: Science, Technology, and Subjectivity.
126P. Poe, Past and Present.
131D. Literature in a Global Context.
136B. Beat Literature and the World.
137C. Imagining Paris.
138B. Regions in American Literature.
139A. Topics in American Literature and Culture.
145A. Colonial American Literatures.
146A. Studies in Romanticism.
146B. Victorian Literature.
146D. Nineteenth-Century American Fiction.
146G. Queer(y)ing Victorian Literature.
149D. Topics in Modern Literature.
149G. War in Contemporary American Culture.
149I. Contemporary Medievalisms.
149J. The Good Life.
150E. Letters, Literature: A Correspondence Course.
156A. The Gothic Imagination in Fiction, Film, and Theory.
159M. The Curse of the Mummy.
160F. Topics in Cultural Studies.
160G. Topics in Literary Theory.
160L. Literature and Philosophy.
160M. The War on Terror.
160Q. Gender (Queer) Theories.
160R. Gangsters, Bandits and Rogues: The Image of the Outlaw from the Middle Ages to the Present
160S. Cultures of Socialism.
160U. Conspiracy Theories.
163A. American Indian Literature.
166A. Representations of Gender in Medieval Literature.
166E. Women's Literature.
167E. The Vampire in Literature and Popular Culture.
167F. Animals and Literature.
167M. Creation and its Discontents: From the Human to the Posthuman.
185L. La novella italiana.
185M. Fascismo e resistenza
185O. "I need a hero:" Ariosto's (Un)Epic Renaissance
186A. Introduction to Latin Literature.
188H. Erotismo y Mistica.
189Z. Literatura de Chile.
190U. Topics in Theory.


181. History of Mathematics.

Merrill College

60. Fake News: Its History and Why We Need Critical Media Literacy.


11. Introduction to Philosophy.
31S. Introductory Topics in Metaphysics and Epistemology.
34S. Introductory Topics in the Philosophy of Language.
35S. Introductory Topics in the History of Philosophy.
145. Political Philosophy after 1968.


4. Citizenship and Action.
20. American Politics.
104. Political Philosophy after 1968.

Porter College

95A. Arts Education in the Community.
151. The Deep Read: Special Topics.
151F. Writing the Future: Science Fiction. 


140H. Sexual Identity and Society.


164. Capitalism and Its Critics.


156F. El Humor en Espanol.

Stevenson College

2. Self and Society 2.
37. Critical Thinking and Skepticism.
44. Shakespeare Research Seminar.
45. Creation and its Discontents: From Human to Posthuman.

Theater Arts

25. Understanding Shakespeare.
61A. Ancient and Medieval Drama.
61B. Drama from the Renaissance to the Modern Age.
61C. The Birth of the Modern: Drama and Performance After the Renaissance.
80K. Shakespeare 4every1.
80X. The Performance of Story in Theater and Film.
161. Advanced Dramaturgy.
163H. Henrik Ibsen and His Impact: Ghosts of the Future.
163K. Special Studies in Playwrights: Euripides.


175. Disability Rhetoric.

Perspectives (5 credits)

Choose one five-credit course or equivalent from any of the three following categories: PE-E, PE-H, PE-T.

Perspectives: Environmental Awareness (PE-E code)

Courses focus on humankind's interactions with nature.


110E. Anthropology of Global Environmental Change.
110H. Brazilian Amazon Cultures and Environments.
110I. Cultures of Sustainability and Social Justice.
110IG. Cultures Of Sustainability And Social Justice Abroad.
110L The Human Ocean.
110W. Land and Waterscapes Entropology.
130Z. Southeast Asian Histories, Societies and Politics in Nine Tasty Foods.
140. The Body in Rain: Environmental and Medical Intersections
146. Anthropology and the Environment.
147. Anthropology and the Anthropocene.
189A. Archaeological Field Techniques.


80E. Environmental Art in the Expanded Field.
182. Materiality of Color.

Art and Design: Games and Playable Media

143. Ecofutures.

Biology: Ecology and Evolutionary

85. Natural History of the UCSC Natural Reserves.
121. Plants, Earth, Climate.
125. Ecosystems of California.
126. Biology of Large Marine Vertebrates.
151D. Ecology and Conservation in Practice Supercourse: Conservation in Practice.

College Nine

60. Water Justice: Global Insights for a Critical Resource.

College Ten

60. Understanding Sustainability: Researching Environmental Justice at UCSC.
105. The Making and Influencing of Environmental Policy.

Community Studies

149. Political Economy of Food and Agriculture.

Critical Race and Ethnic Studies

127. Indigenous Environmentalisms From Oceania to Native California.
140. The Body in Rain: Environmental and Medical Intersections.

Crown College

80L. Food Safety and Environmental Quality: The Complexities of a Safe Salad.
194. Eco-Entrepreneurship in the World.

Earth and Planetary Sciences

1. Oceanography.
106. Coasts in Crisis.
110A. Evolution of the Earth.


50. Economics, Science, and Policy of Climate Change.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

80J. Renewable Energy Sources.
180J. Advanced Renewable Energy Sources.

Environmental Studies

25. Environmental Policy and Economics.
65. Introduction to Fresh Water: Processes and Policy.
80B. Climate Change Science and Solutions.
80F. Introduction to Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems.
80E. Climate Justice.
155. Hacking4Oceans.

Environmental Sciences

30. Biological Principles of Environmental Sciences.
141. Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems.

Feminist Studies

127. Indigenous Environmentalisms From Oceania to Native California.

Global and Community Health

174. Latinx Health and Environmental Justice.


39D. Floods, Epidemics, and Famine: Environmental History of the Early Modern Atlantic World.
82. Global History of the California Gold Rush.
101F. Global Environmental History.
101H. The Horse in World History.
149. Plants, People, and the Making of Modern Southeast Asia.
149F. Southeast Asian Histories, Societies and Politics in Nine Tasty Foods

History of Art and Visual Culture

44. Designing California: Architecture, Design, and Environment.
48. Climate Justice Now! Art, Activism, Environment Today.
73. Can We Really ‘Save’ Animals?
116. African Architecture.
141P. Networks and Natures: Art, Technology, and the Nonhuman.
142. Contemporary Art and Ecology.
143G. After Utopia: Architecture and the City, 1968-Present.

History of Consciousness

116. What is Species?
152. Critical Ecologies: Thinking, Practice, Change.

John R. Lewis College

66. Extinction and Justice.

Kresge College

161. Permaculture and Whole Systems Design.

Latin American and Latino Studies

80P. Environment and Society in Latin America.
94X. Mother Earth, Capitalism, and Crises.
141. The Underside of Green Energy Transitions in the Americas.
174. Latinx Health and Environmental Justice.


112K. Herman Melville.
167G. Reading the Weather: Literature and Global Climate Change.
167I. The Enviromental Humanities.
188R. Humanidades Ambientales.

Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology

150. Applied and Environmental Microbiology.


80K. Sound in Art, Science, and the Environment.
150R. Field Recording: Mapping and Composing Sound, Identity, and Place.

Ocean Sciences

80B. Our Changing Planet.
141. Dynamics of Marine Ecosystems.


28. Environmental Ethics.


2. Elementary Physics of Energy.


149F. Southeast Asian Histories, Societies and Politics in Nine Tasty Foods.


125. Society and Nature.
173. Water.
173X. Water and Sanitation Justice.
185. Environmental Inequality.


156L. Society and Sustainability in Latin America.

Theater Arts

143. Ecofutures.

Perspectives: Human Behavior (PE-H code)

Courses focus on aspects of individual human behavior or the operation of human groups.


107B. Methods and Research in Stable Isotope Ecology.
110D. Tourism Imaginaries and Encounters.
110F. Evolution of Human Diet.
110M. Cultures of Mental Health.
110N. Anthropology of Food.
110S. Evolution of Democracy.
110Y. Feeding California.
125. Magic, Science, and Religion.
161. The Anthropology of Food.
161S. Anthropology of Food, Abroad.

Applied Linguistics

80. Introduction to Applied Linguistics.


80X. Ars Erotica: Sexual Imagery in Culture and Art.

Art and Design: Games and Playable Media

80I. Foundations of Play.

Carson College

80H. Bending the Curves: Solutions to Climate Change.

Community Studies

10. Introduction to Community Activism.
156. Politics of Food and Health.

Computational Media

80L. Entrepreneural Organization and Leadership.

Cowell College

135. The Path of Forgiveness.
138A. The Place of Higher Education in a Democratic Society.
140. Designing Your Life

Critical Race and Ethnic Studies

124. Demilitarizing the University.
172. Arab Uprising: Movements, Revolutions, and Praxis.

Crown College

92G. Social and Creative Entrepreneurship.
140. Designing Your Life.
181. Theories and Practices for a Purposeful World.

Digital Arts and New Media

143. Projects in Ecological Art.
149. Intro to Games Culture.


1. Introductory Microeconomics: Resource Allocation and Market Structure.
2. Introductory Macroeconomics: Aggregate Economic Activity.
20. Economics for Non-Majors.
116. Advanced Topics in Accounting and Ethics.


10. Introduction to Learning.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

80H. Bending the Curve: Solutions to Climate Change.

Feminist Studies

17. Feminist Philosophy.
31. Disability Studies.


39G. History in Action: Oral History in Practice.
76. Hitler and the Holocaust.
118A. Conspiracy Planet: How Conspiracies, Conspiracy Theories, and Conspiracy Scandals Shape History.

History of Consciousness

70. Gandhi and Us.
118. What is Money?
122. What is the Psyche?
137. Why Should I Care?

Kresge College

45. Achieving Consensus in Diverse Communities.

Latin American and Latino Studies

5. Introduction to Human Rights and Social Justice.
49. Chicana Political Organizing Histories.
57. Drugs, Addiction, and Recovery in the Americas.
147. Latin American Identity: The Struggle for Authenticity.
174. Latinx Health and Environmental Justice.
184B. Promotor Strategies in the 21st Century: Education for Community Development.

Legal Studies

173. Disability, Law, & Politics.
182. The Power to Punish.


80D. Language and Mind.
176. Variation in Language Processing.


160P. Misinformation, Disinformation, and Fake News.

Merrill College

41. Pandemic Case Studies: Principles in Public Health


80O. Music, Politics, and Protest.

Oakes College

45. Achieving Consensus in Diverse Communities.
185. Tracing Health.


17. Feminist Philosophy.
23. Philosophy of Cognitive Science.
24. Introduction to Ethics: Contemporary Moral Issues.
27. Business Ethics.


1. Politics: Power, Principle, Process, and Policy.
70. Global Politics.
173, Disability, Law, & Politics.
182. The Power to Punish.
189. Pandemics, Politics, and Global and Community Health.


1. Introduction to Psychology.
178. Nutritional Psychology.


1. Introduction to Sociology.
117M. Immigration Enforcement and Deportations.
136. Social Psychology.
137. Deviance and Conformity.
141. Social Welfare.
147. Health in a Changing America.
159. Pregnancy and Birth.
161. Postpartum.
162. Sociology of Organizations.
172. Sociology of Social Movements.

Stevenson College

40. Love and Politics: An Academic Exploration.

Theater Arts

80C. Monsters.


140. Dangerous Rhetorics.

Perspectives: Technology and Society (PE-T code)

Courses emphasize issues raised by the prevalence of technology in society.


80T. Digital Tools for Contemporary Art Practice.

Art and Design: Games and Playable Media

10. Aesthetic Designs.
80H. History of Digital Games.
142. Black Aesthetics: Interventions in Digital Media.
143. Ecofutures.

Biology: Molecular, Cell, and Developmental

80J. Biology of Emerging and Pandemic Diseases.

Biomolecular Engineering

5. Introduction to Biotechnology.
80G. Bioethics in the 21st Century: Science, Business, and Society.
80H. The Human Genome.

Carson College

151A. Sustainability Praxis in the Built Environment.

Computer and Science Engineering

3. Computing Technology in a Changing Society.
41. Clinical AI Applications for Health and Society.
80A. Universal Access: Disability, Technology, and Society.
80N. Introduction to Networking and the Internet.
119. Software for Society

Computational Media

80A. Accessible Games.
80H. Human-Centered AI.
80I. Introduction to Human Computer Interaction.

Computer Science

80J. Technology Targeted at Social Issues.
80S. From Software Innovation to Social Entrepreneurship.
119. Software for Society.

Cowell College

161E. Digital Investigations and Human Rights Witnessing.

Creative Technologies

10. Understanding Digital Design.

Critical Race and Ethnic Studies

142. Black Aesthetics: Interventions in Digital Media.
151. After Man: Race, Gender and Technology.
190N. Science/Fiction and the Possible.

Crown College

80J. Cyborg Society: Myths, Realities, Choices.

Digital Arts and New Media

135. Kinematics: Motion and Machine Art. 
136. Mapmaking for Environmental Activism.

Electrical and Computer Engineering

80E. Engineering Ethics.

Environmental Studies

176. Vulnerability, Complex Systems, and Disasters.

Feminist Studies

30. Feminism and Science.
124. Technology, Science, and Race Across the Americas.
133. Science and the Body.

Film and Digital Media

80T. Technothrillers.
80V. Video Games as Visual Culture.
136C. Visual Culture and Technology: History of New Media.
189. Advanced Topics in Digital and Electronic Media Studies.

Global and Community Health

41. Clinical AI Applications for Health and Society.


90A. Nuclear Pacific.
110E. Rise of the Machines: Technology, Inequality, and the United States, 1877 to 1914.
124A. Panama Canal and U.S. Empire.
139G. Herbs, Potions, and Viruses: History of Medicine and Public Health in Modern China.
151A. Medicine and the Body in the Colonial World.

History of Art and Visual Culture

49. From Memes to Metadata: an Introduction to Digital Visual Culture.
140E. Art and Science in America: "Contact" to circa 1900.
141L. Museums in the Internet Era.
141N. Data Cultures: Art, Technology, and the Politics of Visual Representation.
141O. Sex, Lies, and Surveillance: Contemporary Documentary Arts.
143E. History of Design: The Objects of Technology, 1850-The Present.

History of Consciousness

105. Antisocial Media.
110. Histories of the Atom.

Latin American and Latino Studies

126. Digit@l Americ@s/Digit@l Latin@s.
155. Science, Technology and Social Transformation.
194F Digital Investigations and Human Rights Witnessing.


133. Language OnLine (LOL): Communication in the Digital Era.


61U. Introduction to Speculative Fiction. 
80K. Topics in Medical Humanities.
81E. Social Media and Society.
126A. International Cyberpunk.
154D. Literature and Sound (and Soundscapes).


80C. History, Literature, and Technology of Electronic Music.
80R. Music in the Digital Age.
81G. A Cultural History of the Guitar.


80G. Bioethics in the 21st Century: Science, Business, and Society.
80M. Science and Society.

Science Communication

110. Data-Driven Animation for Science Communication.


30A. Introduction to Global Information and Social Enterprise Studies.
115A. Introduction to Sound Studies.
121G. Genomics and Society.
123. Global and Transnational Perspectives in Science and Technology Studies.
175. Technology and Labor.

Theater Arts

80T. Flashmob! Mass Performance in the Information Age.
106. Digital Illustration.
143. Ecofutures.


160. Writing, Design, and Technology.

Practice (minimum 2 credits)

Choose one minimum two-credit course from any of the three following categories: PR-E, PR-C, PR-S

Practice: Collaborative Endeavor (PR-E code)

Courses provide significant experience with collaboration on a project.


172. Archaeological Research Design.
179. Slavery in the Atlantic World: Historical and Archaeological Perspectives.
189. Archaeology Field Methods.

Art and Design: Games and Playable Media

120. Game Design Experience.

Astronomy and Astrophysics

9B. Introduction to Research in Physics and Astrophysics (3 credits).

Biology: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

82. Introduction to Field Research and Conservation.
142L. Animal Behavior in the Wild (A Virtual Field Course).

Biology: Molecular Cell and Development

102L. Toxic RNA Laboratory I (3 credits).
188. A Life in Medicine (3 credits).

Biomolecular Engineering

129C. Project Design and Implementation in Biomolecular Engineering III.
180. Professional Practice in Bioengineering (2 credits).

Carson College

122. United Nations Contemporary Issues (2 credits).

Chemistry and Biochemistry

139. Chemical Problem Solving: Learning to Think Like a Scientist.

College Nine

85. Global Action (2 credits).
86. College Leadership Development. (2 credits).
120. Practical Activism Conference Planning and Development (2 credits).

College Ten

86. College Leadership Development. (2 credits)
95. Social Justice and Nonviolent Communication (Rumi's Field) (2 credits).
120. Practical Activism Conference Planning and Development (2 credits).

Computer and Science Engineering

115B. Software Design Project.
115D. Software Design Project - Accelerated.
123A. Engineering Design Project I.
129B. Capstone Project II.
183. Web Applications.
187. Full Stack Web Development II.

Computational Media

17. Design Build Experience.
115. Lead by Design: Experiential Learning Collaborative.
120. Game Development Experience.

Cowell College

11A. Experiential Leadership Program Core Course: Tools for Leadership and Conflict Resolution.
11B. ELP Core Course: Leadership From the Inside Out, Networking and Professionalism (2 credits).
11C. ELP Core Course: Tone-Setting and Leading with Cultural/Emotional Intelligence (2 credits).
11D. ELP Elective Course: Risk Management and Social Justice Through the Lens of Outdoor Leadership (2 credits).
11E. Leadership Spring Break Intensive: Backpacking the Canyons of Southern Utah (2 credits).
11F. Slug Ambassador.
80. Dungeons & Dragons &...Yokai!? Global Transformations of Japanese Fantasy.
86. Leading Social Change (2 credits).
111. Mock Trial Workshop (2 Credits)
122. United Nations Contemporary Issues (2 credits).

Critical Race and Ethnic Studies

136. Organizing for Water Justice in California.

Crown College

79. Introduction to Social and Ethical Implications of Emerging Technologies (2 credits).
90. Start-up Entrepreneurship Academy.
97A. Foundations of Applied Ethics and Values of Emerging Technologies.
102. Corporate Innovation Laboratory.

Earth and Planetary Sciences

109L. Field Geology Laboratory (2 credits).

Electrical and Computer Engineering

118. Introduction to Mechatronics (10 credits).
129B. Capstone Project II.

Enviromental Sciences

150. Field and Laboratory Methods in Coastal and Aquatic Science

Environmental Studies

100L. Ecology and Society Writing Laboratory.
136. Organizing for Water Justice in California.

Feminist Studies

136. Organizing for Water Justice in California.

Film and Digital Media

2. Power and Representation in Media (3 credits)
151. Film Directing.
185X. EyeCandy Seminar.

Global and Community Health

190. Global and Community Health Task Force.


4. History of the Present: Investigating the Historical Origins of Contemporary Problems.
39H. U.S. Bases in Asia Pacific: Power, Pollution, and Protest.
80C. Global China.
80Y. World War II Memories in the U.S. and Japan.
158C. Slavery in the Atlantic World: Historical and Archaeological Perspectives.
189. @history: Doing History in a Digital Age.

History of Art and Visual Culture

142M, Museum Exhibitions.

History of Consciousness

149H. The Future. 

Kresge College

2 Power and Representation in Media (3 credits).
10. Reading Marx.
12. Reading Science Fiction: Octavia Butler and Ursula LeGuin.
30. Theater for Public Speaking.
51. City on a Hill Press Practicum in Production.
52. City on a Hill Press Practicum in Production.
60C. Prison Narratives (3 credits).
68. Transformative Communication (2 credits).
71. The World Cafe: The Art of Hosting Conversations That Matter (2 credits).
74. Collaborative Learning: Permaculture Skills (2 credits).
78. Social and Environmental Justice Activism and the Right Livelihood Award Foundation (2 credits).
90C. Collaborative Approaches to Research.
100. University Learning with Intention and Purpose.
102. Internship Course: Services for Transfer And Reentry Students.
105. STARS Intensive Internship Curriculum.
172. Collaborative Learning: The Great Turning.
174. Collaborative Learning: Permaculture Skills.

Latin American and Latino Studies

32. Citizens, Denizens, Aliens.
56L. Laboratory in Social Medicine.


144. Computational Methods for Linguists.


80O. Love, Anarchy, Revolution.
149C. The 1960s.
149H. The Future.


101. Mathematical Problem Solving.

Merrill College

31F. Agency, Dialogue, Action: Fostering Critical Engagement.
32F. Mindful Collaboration: Cultivating Radical Exchange.
33F. Transformative Leadership and Social Change.

Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology

115. Environmental Health Science.


1C. University Concert Choir (2 credits).
2. University Orchestra (2 credits).

Oakes College

11. Foundation of Leadership (3 credits).


9B. Introduction to Research in Physics and Astrophysics (3 credits).
180. Biophysics.

Porter College

131C. Curatorial Practice (2 credits).
193J. The Literary Journal: Process to Product.


182. Qualitative Research Methods.


107F. Digital Social Enterprise and Project Management (2 credits).

Stevenson College

86. Leading Social Change (2 credits).

Theater Arts

139. Random: With a Purpose.


30. Genre Study: STEM (2 credits). 
150. Composing Change.

Practice: Creative Process (PR-C code)

Courses teach creative process and techniques in the arts (including creative writing), at an individual or a collaborative level.


15. Introduction to Drawing for the Major. 
20G. Introduction to Print Media and Drawing.
20H. Introduction to Sculpture and Public Art.
20I. Introduction to Photography.
20J. Introduction to Drawing and Painting.
20K. Introduction to New Media and Digital Artmaking.
20L. Introduction to Drawing.
26. Introduction to Printmaking. 
105. Introduction to 3D Printing, Laser Cutting, and More.
106O. 2D Animation.
113. Illustrating Stories: Fantasy and Documentary Narratives.
114. Landscape Drawing.
132. Figure Painting.
152C. View Camera Photography.
155. Photo Field Research Quarter (PFRQ): California Road Trip (10 credits).
161C. Tradition and Innovation: Relief Printmaking in Korea. 
161J. Mokuhanga: UCSC Printmaking in Japan.
175. Taking Art to the Streets.
181. Art, Power & Politics.

Art and Design: Games and Playable Media

91. Introduction to Game Art Production. 
92. Digital Presentation and Portfolio Design Across Disciplines.
118 Character Creation for Video Games.
132. 3D Character Rigging and Animation for Video Games. 
134. Spectacular Play: Performance, Ritual, and Making a Scene IRL.
139. Queer and Trans Art and Games.
179. Game Design Practicum.

College Nine

65. Learning to DJ.
110. Storytelling for Social Impact.

College Ten

106. Expressive Arts for Social Justice (2 credits).

Computational Media

25. Introduction to 3D Modeling.
26. Introduction to 3D Animation.
150. Creating Digital Audio.
178. Human-Centered Design Research.
179. Game Design Practicum. 

Cowell College

158A. Special Topics: Oral History.
161D. Building the Poem: Process, Form, and the Embodied Text.

Critical Race and Ethnic Studies

113. Music and Performance.
139. Queer and Trans Art and Games.
144. Introduction to Black Poetry.
179A. Critical Filipinx Poetics: A Workshop for Reading and Writing Poetry.
179C. Artivist Creative Nonfiction Workshop.
179E. Writing for Transformation.
183. A Black Lyric.

Crown College

86. Professional Communication in a Digital Age.
98. Podcasting: Digital Storytelling (2 credits).

Digital Arts and New Media

132. Literary Games: The Intersection of Writing and Play. 
133. Introduction to Electronics and Physical Computing. 
134. Hacking for Artists: Experimenting with Digital Media.
138. Procession: Where Sculpture Meets Costumes Meets Performance.
140. Introduction to 3D Printing, Laser Cutting, and More.
141. Introduction to Soft Interaction: Fiber Arts and Reactive Technologies.
146.Game Design in Participatory Performance.
148. Introduction to Game Prototyping.
250I. Interdisciplinary Arts Production Lab.

Environmental Studies

18. Natural History Illustration.

Film and Digital Media

20P. Introduction to Production Technique.
150. Screenwriting.
170A. Fundamentals of Digital Media Production.
170B. Fundamentals of Film and Video Production.
171C. Special Topics Workshop: Found Footage.

John R. Lewis College

110. Storytelling for Social Impact.
111. Joy In Social Movements.

Kresge College

65W. Kresge Lab: Creative Writing (2 credits).
70. Media for Climate Justice,

Latin Americand and Latino Studies

139. Queer Indigenous Histories in the Americas.


61L. True Stories: Memoir.
80U. Introduction to Contemplative Reading.
90. Introduction to Creative Writing.
90X. Introduccion a la Escritura Creativa/Introduction to Creative Writing.
91A. Intermediate Fiction Writing.
91B. Intermediate Poetry Writing.
92A. Escritura de ficción, prosa intermedia / Intermediate Fiction, Prose Writing
92B. Escritura de poesía intermedia / Intermediate Poetry Writing.
123C. History of the Essay: From Seneca to Solnit
127J. How to Write Like a Journalist.
179A. Advanced Writing: Fiction.
179C. Methods and Materials.
179E. Writing for Transformation.


50. Preparation for Proof.


3. Large Jazz Ensemble.
5A. West Javanese Gamelan Ensemble: Beginning (2 credits).
5B. West Javanese Gamelan Ensemble: Intermediate (2 credits).
5C. West Javanese Gamelan Ensemble: Advanced (2 credits).
8A. Beginning Balinese Gamelan (2 credits).
8B. Advanced Balinese Gamelan (2 credits).
9. Wind Ensemble (2 credits).
10. Eurasian Ensemble (2 credits).
12. Mariachi Ensemble (2 credits).
12B. Mexican Folklorico Music and Dance (2 credits).
53A. Beginning Ghanaian Ensemble.
55. Rhythms of North India (2 credits).
55A. Intermediate Rhythms of North India.
56. Collaborative Music-Making for Beginners (2 credits).
58. Songwriting Craft and Practice.
70. Hip Hop's Global Inclusiveness & African Roots. (2 credits).
73. Music and the Ocean (3 credits).
77 Raga Jazz: Application of Indian Music to Western Instruments.
78. Popular and Raga-Based Songs of South Asia.
80Z. Laptop Music.
81R. The 1970s: A Decade in Rock.
129. Live Electroacoustic Music Ensemble.
150Z. Interdisciplinary Arts Production Lab.
163. Early Music Ensemble (2 credits).
164. Jazz Ensembles (2 credits).
166. Chamber Singers (2 credits).
167R. Recording Workshop (2 credits).

Oakes College

70. Diverse Voices in Contemporary American Women's Poetry (2 credits).

Porter College

41I. Improvisation.
41S. Solo Performance Works in the Theater (2 credits).
41W. Playwriting Workshop (2 credits).
61B. Handmade Books (2 credits).
61J. Jewish Personal Narratives on Film (2 credits).
61N. Personal Narratives in Theater and Film (2 credits).
141L. Long Form Improvisation.
141W. Improvisation Workshop.
145R. From Hamlet to Hamilton: Performing Rhythm and Rhyme in the Twenty-First Century.
151P. Building the Poem: Process, Form, and the Embodied Text.
161B. Handmade Books.

Science Communication

100. Science Communication for Scientists. 

Theater Arts

8. Introduction to Iranian Theatre.
14. Drawing.
15. Special Topics in Textiles.
17. Costume Construction.
19. Design Studio: Lighting Studio A.
30. Introduction to Dance Theory and Technique.
31C.Dance Studio I: Contemporary Dance Theory and Technique
31E. The Dance Experience (2 credits).
36. Introduction to Dance Composition.
37. African Dance.
114. Sound Design and Engineering for the Theater.
115A. Design Studio: Scenic Design.
115B. Design Studio: Scenic Design B.
119. Design Studio: Lighting Studio B.
128. Choreographic Workshop (2 credits).
136. Choreography II.
145R. Hamlet to Hamilton: Performing Rhythm and Rhyme in the Twenty-First Century.
150. Pre-production.


163. Creative Rhetoric and Composition.

Practice: Service Learning (PR-S code)

Courses provide the opportunity for supervised campus or community service that contributes to a student's overall education.


188A. Practicum in Archaeology A (2 credits).
188B. Practicum in Archaeology B.
188C. Practicum in Archaeology C.

Biology: Ecology and Evolutionary

95. Seymour Center Docent Training (2 credits).

Carson College

55. Rachel Carson College: Service Learning Practicum (2 credits).
155. Rachel Carson College Sustainability Internship (2 credits).
162. Sustainability Internship Practicum.

College Ten

98. Alternative Spring Break (2 credits).
115. Research Methods for Social Justice (2 credits).

Community Studies

105A. Field Study.
105B. Field Study.
105C. Field Study.
191. Student Volunteer Internship (3 credits).

Cowell College

168. Social Change (2 credits).
174. Global Leadership (3 credits).
184A. Leadership and Institution Building (2 credits).
184B. Leadership and Institution Building (2 credits).
184C. Leadership and Institution Building (2 credits).

Critical Race and Ethnic Studies

14. Center for Racial Justice Service Learning
15. Resource Centers Service Learning Course.

Crown College

70L. Broadcast Production: Radio (2 credits).
91. Creative AI and Marketing.
94. Eco-Entrepreneurship in Costa Rica.
95. Get Virtual Business Assistance.
97B. Center for Applied Ethics and Values of Emerging Technologies (CAEVET) Internship (2 credits).


193. Field Study.
193F. Field Study (2 credits).


50A. CAL Teach 1: Science and Mathematics (2 credits).
50B. CAL Teach 1: Mathematics (2 credits).
50C. CAL Teach 1: Science (2 credits).
151B. Community Literacies Field Study.
180. Introduction to Teaching.

Environmental Studies

83. Environmental Studies Internship.
184. Environmental Studies Internship (2 credits).


186A. Public History Workshop.
188A. Introduction to the Practice of Oral History.

History of Art and Visual Culture

193F. History of Art and Visual Culture Service Learning (2 credits).

Kresge College

63. Kresge Garden Cooperative (2 credits).
64. Tools for World Changers (2 credits).

Legal Studies

185. Legal Studies Internship/Field Seminar: Experiences in Law, Policy, and Society.
188B. Legal Field Practice: Professional Skills and Ethics (3 credits).


108A. Literature Internships.
108B. Literature Internships 2.
191. Methodologies of Teaching (3 credits).

Merrill College

85B. Merrill Classroom Connection Field Study (3 credits).
85C. Merrill Classroom Connection Field Study (2 credits).
90. Theory and Practice of Field Study.
90F. Merrill Field Study Practicum (2 credits).
90S. Theory and Practice of Field Study (2 credits). 

Oakes College

48. Slugs Speak: Our Stories, Our Selves.
73B. Oakes College Mentoring: Service Learning Practicum (2 credits).
76. Social Geography and Justice in Santa Cruz.
130. Writing Resistance: Creative Writing Workshop.
151B. Community Literacies Field Study (3 credits).
152. Transformative Literacies.
153. Community Mapping.
167. Food Systems: Culture, Social Justice, Sustainability
188B. Legal Field Practice: Professional Skills and Ethics (3 credits).
189 Building Websites for Social Change.

Physical and Biological Sciences

182. ACE Program Service Learning.


155. Social-Community Psychology in Practice.
193. Field Study.
193A. Developmental Field Study.
193B. Cognitive Field Study.
193C. Social Field Study.
193D. Clinical/Personality Field Study.
193I. International Field Study.


139I. Community Engaged Research, Learning and Internships.
193I. Sociology Global Internship.

Stevenson College

27. Service Learning (2 credits). 


194A. UCDC Core Seminar.


169. Theory and Practice of Tutoring Writing (3 credits).

Composition (C1 and C2 code)

(C code for students beginning Fall 2018, C1 and C2 code for students entering before Fall 2018)



1A. Introduction to Composition.



2. Rhetoric and Inquiry.


2. Rhetoric and Inquiry.
2GS. Rhetoric & Inquiry, Global Seminar.
2H. Rhetoric and Inquiry, Honors.