Queer and Sexuality Studies

2011-12 General Catalog

Feminist Studies
315 Humanities 1

(There were no substantive changes to the Queer and Sexuality Studies Program Description from the General Catalog 2010-12.)

Program Description

Scholarship pertaining to the critical study of gender and sexuality can be found across a broad range of departments at UCSC. This presence is manifested in a diverse faculty, in course offerings, and in research programs. Courses with queer content can be found in American studies, anthropology, community studies, feminist studies, film and digital media, history, history of consciousness, legal studies, literature, sociology and theater arts.

For more specialization, departments such as Community Studies, Feminist Studies, and Literature have sufficient flexibility to allow students to design a course of study within those majors to explore these interests. For students who prefer to take a more self-directed approach, there is the option of designing an individual major.

Research activities are sponsored by the Queer Theory research cluster (a part of the Center for Cultural Studies), the Queer and Sexuality Studies Working Group, and many campus departments and student organizations.

The Lionel Cantú GLBTI Resource Center serves as a clearinghouse for queer activities on the UCSC campus. Each quarter, the center prepares a list of all course offerings with queer content. Information is available at http://queer.ucsc.edu or via e-mail at queer@ucsc.edu.

More information may be obtained from members of the faculty working group:  Anjali Arondekar (Feminist Studies), Carla Freccero (Literature, Feminist Studies, History of Consciousness), Irene Gustafson (Film and Digital Media), Marcia Ochoa (Feminist Studies), B. Ruby Rich (Community Studies and Film and Digital Media), Gabriela Sandoval (Sociology). Additional faculty contacts: Julie Bettie (Sociology), Benjamin Carson (Music), Sheila Crane (History of Art and Visual Culture), Jody Greene (Literature, Feminist Studies), Herbert Lee (Applied Mathematics and Statistics), Peter Limbrick (Film and Digital Media), Catherine S. Ramírez (American Studies), Jenny Reardon (Sociology), Lisa Rofel (Anthropology), Danny Scheie (Theater Arts), Daniel Selden (Literature), Elizabeth Stephens (Art).

Please contact Anjali Arondekar in the department of Feminist Studies in the Humanities Division (aarondek@ucsc.edu) for information about course offerings and resources.

Revised: 8/13/12