Astronomy and Astrophysics

2011-12 General Catalog

Astronomy Department Office
201 Interdisciplinary Sciences Building
(831) 459-2844

Faculty | Course Descriptions

Program Description

The science of astronomy has the universe as its domain. Galaxies, stars, planets, and an ever-increasing variety of phenomena observed from ground- and space-based observatories are among the objects of study. Areas of special interest at UCSC include cosmology, the formation and evolution of planets, stars, and galaxies, high-energy astrophysics, active galaxies, supernovae and nucleo-synthesis, extra-solar planets, interstellar medium, intergalactic medium, solar system dynamics, and all aspects of observational optical and infrared astronomy. Astronomers use concepts from and contribute to the development of many other scientific disciplines, including optics, mechanics, relativity, atomic and nuclear physics, applied mathematics, chemistry, geology, and meteorology. The interdisciplinary nature of astronomy, including its historical and philosophical elements, makes its study valuable to those planning careers in a variety of fields.

The Astronomy and Astrophysics Department offers a broad undergraduate curriculum that fulfills the needs of students seeking a general education but also enables students wishing to obtain a minor or major in astrophysics to study the subject in greater depth.

The graduate program is intended for those with a professional interest in the subject. The interests of the faculty embrace a wide range of both theoretical and observational aspects of astronomy. Current research and course offerings include our solar system and other solar systems, stellar structure and evolution, stellar spectroscopy, the interstellar medium, galactic structure, active galaxies and quasars, cosmology, general relativity and gravitational radiation, the origin of the elements, infrared and radio astronomy, advanced astronomical instrumentation, astrobiology, high-energy astrophysics, and X-ray and gamma-ray astronomy.

Graduate students have access to state-of-the-art instrument development and data reduction technology, the UCO/Lick Observatory computer network, and an unusually extensive astronomical library at the Lick Observatory headquarters on campus. Graduate students may conduct supervised research using selected telescopic facilities of the Lick Observatory on Mount Hamilton, 55 miles from Santa Cruz. The 10-meter Keck Telescope in Hawaii, the world’s largest, is administered from the UCSC campus and is used for frontier research by UC astronomers.
The Center for Adaptive Optics (CfAO) is also headquartered at UCSC. Education is central to the CfAO’s mission, and a key element of this is the support provided by the center to graduate students. In addition to research, the center provides interdisciplinary access to a nationwide network of scientists in astronomy and vision science.

Undergraduate Courses

Instruction in astronomy for undergraduates at UCSC is designed to meet the needs of several groups of students.

Courses  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 80B, and 80D, providing a general survey of the universe as now understood from historical and modern observations, are offered for those not specializing in a scientific discipline.

Courses 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 18, emphasizing basic physical laws and theories as applied to astronomy, taken together provide a survey of modern astronomy for students with some facility in mathematics. Taken separately, these courses provide an in-depth introduction to gravitational interaction, stellar evolution, and extragalactic astrophysics. These courses are designed for students intending to major in a scientific subject, although qualified nonscience majors may enroll. A good high school background in mathematics and physics is required.
Prior or concurrent enrollment in a basic calculus course (Mathematics 11A or 19A) and a basic physics course (Physics 5A/L or 6A/L) is helpful but not required.

Finally, a more thorough quantitative treatment of selected topics in astronomy and astrophysics at the upper-division level is provided by courses 111, 112, 113, 117, and 118. Completion of course work in calculus of several variables (Mathematics 22 or 23A-B) and Physics 5B/M or 6B/M and 101A is required for these advanced courses.

Astrophysics Minor

For undergraduate students having a particular interest in the subject, a minor in astronomy and astrophysics is offered. Most students who minor in astronomy and astrophysics are majors in another science, though majors in other fields are also possible. The minor in astronomy and astrophysics requires that students take the Physics 5 or 6 series (with associated laboratories), Physics 101A, a minimum of two courses from the Astronomy 11–18 series, and a minimum of three courses from the following, Astronomy 111–118. A senior thesis on an astronomy-related topic is also encouraged. Interested students should contact the Astronomy and Astrophysics Department office for further information.

Astrophysics Major

The UCSC major in astrophysics is administered by the Physics Department and combines a core physics major with advanced electives in astrophysics, an astrophysics laboratory course, and senior thesis work on a topic in astrophysics. It is a rigorous program designed to prepare students for a broad range of technical careers or for entry into graduate or professional programs. A full description of the major can be found in the physics section of this catalog.

Preparation for Graduate Work in Astrophysics

The UCSC graduate program in astronomy and astrophysics is designed for Ph.D. students seeking a professional career in teaching and research. In view of the thorough preparation in mathematics and physics required for graduate study, most entering astronomy graduate students major in physics or astrophysics as undergraduates.

The suggested minimum requirements for admission to graduate standing at UCSC include the following undergraduate courses:

Basic physics. Mechanics, wave motion, sound, light, electricity and magnetism, thermodynamics, atomic physics, and quantum mechanics (Physics 5A, 5B, and 5C).

Basic mathematics. Calculus (Mathematics 19A-B and 23A-B or equivalent) and statistics (Mathematics and Statistics 5).

Intermediate-level physics. Mechanics (Physics 105); electricity, magnetism, and optics (Physics 110A-B); mathematical methods in physics (Physics 116A-B-C); nuclear and particle physics (Physics 129); and quantum mechanics (Physics 139A-B).

Intermediate-level mathematics. Linear algebra (Mathematics 21), complex analysis (Mathematics 103), and ordinary and partial differential equations (Mathematics 106 and 107).

Graduate Program

Graduate instruction is built upon a two-year cycle of 11 one-quarter courses in astronomy and physics that are required of all students.

Seven courses are specifically required:

Astronomy 202, Radiative Processes

Astronomy 204, Astrophysical Flows

Astronomy 205, Introduction to Astronomical Research

Astronomy 212, Dynamical Astronomy

Astronomy 220A, Stellar Structure and Evolution

Astronomy 230,Diffuse Matter in Space

Astronomy 233, Physical Cosmology

and four additional courses are chosen from the list of electives given below. In addition, students must fulfill the following requirements:

Students must meet at least quarterly with an assigned adviser.

Each student must also be a teaching assistant for at least one quarter.

By the end of their second year, students must:

  • Complete one quarter of independent study with a faculty member and give a department talk on that work.
  • Pass a preliminary examination based on course material, relevant physics, and general astronomical knowledge. 
  • Submit one lead-author paper to a refereed journal that is based on research conducted at UCSC. A one-year probation and extension will be allowed by department faculty vote at the board review meeting at the end of the second year, but such extension will not be considered unless a reasonable first draft is submitted at the board review and accompanied by a proposed completion strategy which has been approved by the student’s adviser.

By the end of the third year, students must complete a qualifying examination that presents and defends a proposed thesis topic.

After passing the board review based on the above-mentioned requirements and the qualifying examination, students pursue independent research leading to the doctoral dissertation. Upon completion of the Ph.D. dissertation, students must pass an oral dissertation defense. A completed draft of the thesis must be submitted to the dissertation committee at least two weeks before the date of the defense, and the defense itself must occur at least two weeks before the campus deadline for thesis submissions in that quarter. Exceptions to this policy will be granted only under exceptional circumstances and must be approved by the department chair, associate chair, and the department graduate advising committee.

The department has established five years as the normative time to degree. Normative times is the elapsed calendar time, in years, that, under normal circumstances, will be needed to complete all requirements for the Ph.D. A one-year extension may be granted if funding is available. Funding support will not, in general, be provided beyond six years. Exceptions for extension beyond six years will be granted only for exceptional extenuating circumstances, and will be decided upon by the department chair, associate chair, and the department graduate advising committee.

Electives (four required) may be drawn from this list:

Astronomy 207, Future Directions/Future Missions

Astronomy 214, Special Topics in Cosmology

Astronomy 220B, Star Formation

Astronomy 220C,Advanced Stages of Stellar Evolution and Nucleosysthesis

Astronomy 222, Planetary Formation and Evolution

Astronomy 223, Planetary Physics

Astronomy 225, High-Energy Astrophysics

Astronomy 231, Diffuse Gas In and Between Galaxies

Astronomy 235, Numerical Techniques

Astronomy 237, Accretion Processes

Astronomy 240A, Galactic and Extragalactic Stellar Systems

Astronomy 240B,High Redshift Galaxies

Astronomy 257, Modern Astronomical Techniques

Astronomy 260,Instrumentation for Astronomy

Astronomy 289,Adaptive Optics and Its Applications

Physics/Astronomy 224,Origin and Evolution of the Universe

Physics/Astronomy 226, General Relativity

Earth Sciences 275, Magnetohydrodynamics

Engineering 206, Bayesian Statistics

Engineering  214,Applied Dynamical Systems

Engineering  217, Introduction to Fluid Dynamics

Physics 210, Classical Mechanics

Physics 215, Introduction to Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

Physics 216, Advanced Topics in Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

Physics 217, Quantum Field Theory I

Physics 218, Quantum Field Theory II

Physics 227, Advanced Fluid Dynamics

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Revised: 8/13/12