Writing Program

2011-12 General Catalog

166 Kresge College
(831) 459-2431

Program DescriptionCourse Descriptions

Faculty and Professional Interests


James Wilson, Lecturer with Security of Employment, Chair
Modern European literary, artistic, intellectual, and political movements (especially of France, Italy, and Spain); poetry of Ezra Pound; Chinese poetry and philosophy; translation; argument in popular culture; the rhetoric of sports

Senior Lecturer with Security of Employment

Elizabeth Abrams
Composition and rhetoric; writing pedagogy, writing across the curriculum; 19th-century and 20th-century American history and literature, especially concerning the Civil War

Carol M. Freeman, Emerita

Donald L. Rothman, Emeritus

Roswell Spafford, Emerita


Sondra Archimedes
Victorian literature and culture; gender studies; cultural studies

Jeffrey M. Arnett
Creativity and well-being

Derede Arthur
Cultural studies, 18th20th-century British literature, theory of the novel, theories of education, cognitive ethology

Mark Baker
Media and democracy, postmodernism, 20th-century literature and culture of the Americas , community participation, writing and social responsibility

Farnaz Fatemi
Comics and graphic novels, poetry, Middle East issues and cross-cultural perspectives, writing pedagogy

BK Faunce
Late 18th-century and early 19th-century British literary culture, film, literary theory

Timothy Fitzmaurice, Emeritus

Susan Gorsky
Composition and rhetoric, writing pedagogy, 19th-century and 20th-century British and American literature, social justice and community

Roxanne Power Hamilton
Writing, poetry, magazine editing, inter-arts performance, gender and queer studies

Robin King
Visual arts, media criticism, sociology of learning and emotions, multi-cultural studies, politics of food

Nancy Krusoe, Emerita

Brij Lunine Writing pedagogy; w
riting across the curriculum, teaching research; writing pedagogy, reception studies, cultural studies, popular culture and youth subcultures

Patrick McKercher
Virtual reality educational environments, outreach projects, collaborative research with James Burke, environmental education

Ellen Newberry
Educational partnerships with K12 schools, transfer/re-entry student writing, womens studies, and queer studies

Sarah-Hope Parmeter, Coordinator, Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR)
Writing and democracy; multilingual, multicultural rhetorics; cross-age writing partnerships and public school collaboratives; lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgender young adult literature; rhetoric of the sciences

Annalisa Rava
Animals and human society, science fiction studies, literature and postmodernism

Dan Scripture, Emeritus

Jude Todd
Philosophies of nature, ecopsychology, Native American world views, permaculture, visual arts, cross-cultural and interdisciplinary studies

Amy Weaver
Creative nonfiction, writing pedagogy

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Revised: 8/13/12