2011-12 General Catalog
226 College Eight
(831) 459-4306
Program Description | Course Descriptions
Faculty and Professional Interests
Dane Archer, Emeritus
John Brown Childs, Emeritus
Ben Crow
International development, sociology of waterand markets, global inequality, South Asia and East Africa, political economy, and green enterprise
E. Melanie DuPuis
Economic sociology, sociology of consumption,sociology of development, political sociology, sociology of the environment,technological change, historical sociology, social theory, food and socialchange
William H. Friedland, Emeritus
Hiroshi Fukurai
Global jury systems; deliberative democracy andlay participation in law; wrongful conviction and acquittal; advancedquantitative methods; survey and research
Walter L. Goldfrank,Emeritus
Herman S. Gray
Cultural studies, media and television studies,black cultural politics, social theory
Paul M. Lubeck
Political sociology; political economy ofdevelopment, globalization, labor and work; logics of methodology; religion andsocial movements; Islamic society and identities; information and networks
Dennis C. McElrath, Emeritus
Marcia Millman
Social psychology, the family, sociology ofemotions, field research methods, sociology of medicine
James R. O’Connor, Emeritus
Craig Reinarman
Political sociology; law, crime, and socialjustice; drugs and society
Pamela Ann Roby, Emerita
Dana Y. Takagi
Social inequality, affect, religion, race,quantitative analysis
Andrew Szasz
Environmental sociology (environmentalmovements, policy, environmental justice); theory
Candace West
Language and social interaction, sex andgender, conversation analysis, microanalysis and medicine, animals and society
Associate Professor
Julie Bettie
Cultural studies and popular culture;race/ethnicty, class, and cultural politics; gender, sexuality, and culturalpolitics; critical ethnography, autoethnography, and visual ethnography
Deborah Gould
Politicalemotion; social movements and contentious politics; classic and contemporarysocial theory; sexualities; lesbian/gay/queer studies; feminist and queertheory
Miriam Greenberg
Urban sociology, media studies, culturalstudies, political economy, and globalization
Steven McKay
Work; technology and labor markets; globalizationand social change; race, ethnicity and migration; political sociology;ethnography/qualitative methods
Jennifer E. Reardon
Issues of social identity as influenced by thenew sciences of genetics and genomics; intersection of the sociology of scienceand knowledge and the sociology of race, gender, and class
Helen Shapiro
Political economy, Latin American economichistory and development (with an emphasis on Brazil), industrial policy, theauto industry, the state and transnational corporations
Francesca Guerra
Comparative-historical sociology, race and ethnicity, social justice, poverty,law, crime, deviance, asylum and prison architecture, religious non-profits,history of eugenics, disability studies, mass media, oral history, andqualitative and quantitative research methods
Wendy Martyna
Social psychology, death and dying, gender,social change, family and youth
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Barbara L. Epstein (History of Consciousness)
Social movements and theories of socialmovements, 20th-century U.S. politics and culture, Marxism and related theories of social change
Nancy Stoller, Emerita (Community Studies)
Mark Traugott (History)
Social and economic history, 19th-centuryFrance, French revolutions, European working class, historical methods,workers’ autobiographies
David Wellman, Emeritus (Community Studies)
Working-class culture, American ethnic andracial diversity, social documentary studies, critical race theory,interrogations of whiteness, and qualitative research methods
Associate Professor
Julie Guthman (Community Studies)
Sustainable agriculture and alternative foodmovements, international political economy of food and agriculture, politics ofobesity, political ecology, race and food, critical human geography
Assistant Professor
Shannon Gleeson (Latin American and Latino Studies)
Migrant populations, the effects of documentation status, labor rights, civicengagement, inequality & stratification, political sociology, law &society, mixed methods & comparative approaches
Revised: 8/13/12