Microbiology and Environmental Toxicology

2011-12 General Catalog

430 Physical Sciences Building
Telephone (831) 459-4719
FAX (831) 459-3524

Program Description | Course Descriptions

Faculty and Professional Interests


Victoria Auerbuch Stone, Assistant Professor
Interactions between the pathogen Yersinia pseudotuberculosis and the innate immune system

Manel Camps, Assistant Professor
Molecular mechanisms of reactive DNA methylation toxicity

A. Russell Flegal, Professor
Anthropogenic perturbations of biogeochemical cycles, applications of isotopic tracers in anthropology and archaeology

Karen Ottemann, Professor
Environmental responses of pathogenic bacteria

Chad Saltikov, Associate Professor
Microbial anaerobic respiratory processes that influence the biotransformation of pollutants in the environment

Donald R. Smith, Professor
Neurotoxicity, cellular and organismal responses to environmental toxins

Fitnat Yildiz, Professor
Microbiology, molecular genetics, genomics; the mechanism of persistence of survival of Vibrio cholerae

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Affiliated Faculty Who Sponsor METX Students

Roberto Bogomolni (Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Biophysical chemistry, photobiology, light energy conversion and signal transduction in biological systems

Adina Paytan, Associate Professor, Earth and Planetary Sciences; Assistant Research Scientist, Institute of Marine Sciences
Biogeochemistry, paleoceanography, environmental and aquatic chemistry

Jonathan Zehr (Ocean Sciences)
Aquatic microbial ecology, biological oceanography

Additional Affiliated Faculty

Environmental Toxicology

Kenneth W. Bruland (Ocean Sciences)
Biogeochemistry of trace metals

Don Croll (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)
Foraging ecology of marine sea birds and mammals, island conservation/ecology

Andrew Fisher (Earth and Planetary Sciences)
Hydrology, crustal studies, heat flow modeling

Raphael Kudela (Ocean Sciences)
Ecological modeling and remote sensing, satellite oceanography, phytoplankton ecology and harmful algal blooms

Mark Mangel (Applied Mathematics and Statistics)
Mathematical modeling of biological phenomena, especially the evolutionary ecology of growth, aging, and longevity; quantitative issues in fishery management; mathematical and computational aspects of disease

Matthew McCarthy (Ocean Sciences)
Organic geochemistry, marine organic geochemistry, global biogeochemical cycles

Peter T. Raimondi (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)
Applied marine ecology

Mary Silver (Ocean Sciences)
Biological oceanography, marine plankton, midwater ecology

Cellular Toxicology

Lindsay Hinck (Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology)
Neurobiology, cell biology, development

Ted Holman (Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Bioinorganics and biological chemistry

Pradip K. Mascharak (Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Bioinorganic chemistry

Glenn Millhauser (Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Peptide structure and dynamics, electron spin resonance spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance, agouti proteins

Martha Zuniga (Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology Biology)
Molecular, cellular, and developmental biology of the immune system


Grant Hartzog (Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology)
Biochemistry, genetics, chromatin and transcriptional regulation

Douglas R. Kellogg (Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology)
Coordination of cell growth and cell division

Roger Linington (Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Marine Natural Products, Drugs for Neglected Diseases, Chemical Biology, Chemical Probes

Todd Lowe (Biomolecular Engineering)
Experimental and computation genomics, ncRNA gene finders, DNA microarrays to study the biology of Archaea

Nader Pourmand (Biomolecular Engineering)
Development of new tools and technologies that integrate biology, electronics, and nanofabrication for the detection and study of genes and proteins

Joshua Stuart (Biomolecular Engineering)
Computational genomics

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Revised: 8/13/12