Computer Science
2011-12 General Catalog
Baskin School of Engineering
(831) 459-2158
Program Description | Course Descriptions
Faculty and Professional Interests
Martn Abadi
Computer and network security, principles of programming languages, specification and verification methods
Dimitris Achlioptas
Analysis of algorithms, machine learning, random structures
Luca de Alfaro
Formal methods, game theory, embedded systems, software engineering
Scott A. Brandt
Operating systems, storage systems, real-time systems
Cormac Flanagan
Programming languages, computer security, web programming, concurrency, verification, type systems, dynamic analysis
David P. Helmbold
Machine learning, computational learning theory, analysis of algorithms
Harry D. Huskey, Emeritus
Phokion G. Kolaitis
Principles of database systems, logic in computer science, and computational complexity
Robert A. Levinson
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, heuristic search, associative pattern retrieval, hierarchical reinforcement learning, semantic networks
Suresh K. Lodha
Visualization, vision, innovation
Darrell D. E. Long
Storage systems, distributed computing systems, operating systems, mobile computing, performance evaluation, fault tolerance, computer security, multimedia, and video-on-demand systems
Charles E. McDowell
Programming languages, parallel computing, and computer science education
Ethan L. Miller
Archival storage systems, non-hierarchical file systems and metadata management, non-volatile memory and next-generation storage, scalable file systems, reliable and secure storage, distributed systems, information retrieval, computer security
Alex T. Pang
Uncertainty visualization, tensor visualization, scientific visualization, comparative visualization, collaboration software, virtual reality interfaces
Ira Pohl
Artificial intelligence, programming languages, heuristic methods, educational and social issues, combinatorial algorithms
R. Michael Tanner, Emeritus
Allen Van Gelder
Logic programming algorithms, parallel algorithms, complexity, programming languages, automated theorem proving, scientific visualization
Marilyn Walker
Dialogue systems, natural language processing, computer games, human-computer interaction, machine learning, artificial intelligence
Manfred K. Warmuth
Online learning, machine learning, statistical decision theory, game theory, analysis of algorithms
E. James Whitehead Jr.
Software engineering, software evolution, software bug prediction, level design in computer games, procedural content generation
Associate Professor
James E. Davis
Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICTD), technology for global social issues, human computation, computational photography, computer vision, computer graphics
Michael Mateas
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for art and entertainment, game AI, AI and creativity, AI-based interactive storytelling, autonomous characters
Neoklis Polyzotis
Online index tuning, P2P database systems, ranked queries, skyline queries
Wang-Chiew Tan
Database systems: data provenance, information integration
Noah Wardrip-Fruin
Digital media, computer games, electronic literature, software studies
Assistant Professor
Arnav Jhala
Artificial Intelligence: storytelling in games, intelligent machinima generation, smart graphics, and intelligent user interfaces
Adjunct Professor
Don Chamberlin
Database languages and systems, document processing
Associate Adjunct
John D. Funge
Artificial intelligence (AI), game AI, computer games, machine learning, knowledge representation and democratic methods
Carlos Maltzahn
Scalable file system data and metadata management, storage Quality of Service (QoS), data management games, network intermediaries, information retrieval and cooperation dynamics
Thomas Schwarz
Reliability and security in storage systems
Assistant Adjunct Professor
Reiner Kraft
Data mining, contextual analysis, contextual/semantic search
Wesley Mackey
Compiler construction, programming languages
Patrick Tantalo
Graph theory, combinatorics, optimization, algorithms
Linda Werner
Software engineering, computer-science education, testing
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Lawrence Andrews (Film and Digital Media)
Film, video, installation and media art
Alexandre Brandwajn (Computer Engineering)
Computer architecture, performance modeling, queuing network models of computer systems, operating systems
Pak K. Chan (Computer Engineering)
Placement and routing algorithms, field-programmable gate arrays, spectral-based partitioning, circuit theory, computer arithmetic
Gabriel Elkaim (Computer Engineering)
Embedded systems; robust software architectures for real-time reactive systems; sensor fusion; guidance, navigation, and control (GNC) system identification; robust and advanced control schemes; feedback control systems; robotics; unmanned autonomous vehicles (UAVs); and cooperative control
F. Joel Ferguson (Computer Engineering)
Fault diagnosis, failure analysis, logic fault modeling, digital test pattern generation, design-for-test of digital circuits and systems
J. J. Garca-Luna-Aceves (Computer Engineering)
Chair of Computer Engineering
Baskin Professor of Computer Engineering and Director of Networking Sciences Institute
Computer communication, wireless networks, Internet, network science
Jorge Hankamer (Linguistics)
Syntax, semantics, morphology, computational linguistics, Turkish
David Haussler (Biomolecular Engineering; Distinguished Professor of Biomolecular Engineering, Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute; Director, Center for Biomolecular Science and Engineering; Scientific Co-Director, California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences [QB3])
Molecular evolution, neurodevelopment, genomics, bioinformatics, computational molecular biology, statistical models, machine learning, neural networks
Richard Hughey (Biomolecular Engineering and Computer Engineering)
Computer architecture, parallel processing, computational biology
Kevin Karplus (Biomolecular Engineering)
Protein structure prediction, protein design, genome assembly from next-generation sequence data
Tracy Larrabee (Computer Engineering)
Test-pattern simulation and generation, fault modeling, fault diagnosis, design verification, technical writing, logic simulation
Patrick E. Mantey (Computer Engineering)
(Baskin Professor of Computer Engineering)
Multimedia systems, digital signal processing, sensor systems and networks, real-time monitoring and control, image systems, image processing, visualization, geographic information systems, decision support systems
Katia Obraczka (Computer Engineering)
Computer networks, distributed systems, operating systems, Internet information systems, mobile computing, wireless networks
Warren Sack (Film and Digital Media)
Software design and media theory
Martine D. F. Schlag (Computer Engineering)
VLSI design tools and algorithms, VLSI theory, field-programmable gate arrays, FPGA-based computing engines
Barry Sinervo (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology)
Animal behavior, evolution, physiological ecology
Anujan Varma (Computer Engineering)
Computer networking, computer architecture, optical networks
W. Todd Wipke, Emeritus (Chemistry and Biochemistry)
Revised: 8/13/12