Community Studies

2011-12 General Catalog

213 Oakes Academic Building
(831) 459-2371

Program Description | Course Descriptions

Faculty and Professional Interests


William H. Friedland, Emeritus

Nancy Stoller, Emerita

David T. Wellman, Emeritus

Carter Wilson, Emeritus

Deborah A. Woo, Emerita

Associate Professor

Julie Guthman
Sustainable agriculture and alternative food movements, international political economy of food and agriculture, politics of obesity, political ecology, race and food, critical human geography

Mary Beth Pudup
Urban and regional political economy, historical geography of the U.S., public policy, community gardening and urban agriculture, non-profit sector 

Assistant Professor

Field Program Coordinator

Michael Rotkin
Marxist theory, capitalist system, community organizing, electoral politics, media, government and non-profit programs, community power structure, institutional analysis, and affirmative action


Andrea Steiner
Health policy, critical public health, social gerontology, ageism, women's health activism

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Dana Frank (History)
U.S. social and economic history; women, labor, and working-class history; contemporary political economy

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Revised: 8/13/12