Classical Studies

2011-12 General Catalog

Department of History
201 Humanities
(831) 459-2982

Program Description

Faculty and Professional Interests

Karen Bassi, Professor of Literature
Greek and Latin literatures; gender; literary and cultural theory; pre- and early modern studies; historiography; visual and performance studies

John Bowin, Assistant Professor of Philosophy
Ancient philosophy, especially ancient science and metaphysics, and contemporary analytic metaphysics

Maria Evangelatou, Assistant Professor, History of Art and Visual Culture
Medieval visual culture, with emphasis on Byzantium and its periphery; manuscript illumination, Marian cult and iconography; ancient Greek and Roman visual culture; Islamic visual culture; gender studies

Mary-Kay Gamel, Professor of Literature
Performance studies, ancient Mediterranean performance, Greek and Latin literatures, myth, reception of Greek and Roman texts and artifacts, film, feminist approaches to literature and performance

Gildas Hamel, Security of Employment Lecturer
History of Israel, Hellenistic and Roman Palestine, and Christianity; Hebrew and Greek Bible; classical languages; Celtic cultures

Charles W. Hedrick Jr., Professor of History
Greek and Roman history

Jennifer K. Lynn, Lecturer
Later Roman Republic and Principate; Homeric epic; Hellenistic and Augustan poetry

John P. Lynch, Professor of Literature, Emeritus

Dean Mathiowetz, Associate Professor of Politics
Ancient political thought, philosophies of language and affect, early-modern and late-modern political economy

Gary B. Miles, Professor of History, Emeritus

Daniel L. Selden, Professor of Literature
Afroasiatic languages and literatures, Greek and Latin, Hellenistic culture, the classical tradition, history of criticism, literary theory

Program Faculty Advisers

Karen Bassi, Professor of Literature

Mary-Kay Gamel, Professor of Literature

Charles W. Hedrick Jr., Professor of History

Jennifer Lynn, Lecturer

Daniel L. Selden, Professor of Literature


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Revised: 8/13/12