Kresge College Course Descriptions
2011-12 General Catalog
College Office
(831) 459-2071
Lower-Division Courses
12A. Service Learning (3 credits). F,W,S
Students find a volunteer position with the instructor's assistance and perform community service in non-profit organizations, schools, unions, or local government agencies. Students meet weekly, keep a journal, and write a "social action witnessing" report of their experience. Enrollment restricted to college members. Enrollment limited to 15. May be repeated for credit. (General Education Code(s): PR-S.) F. Williams
12B. Service Learning (2 credits). S
Students find a volunteer position with the instructor's assistance and perform community service in non-profit organizations, schools, unions, or local government agencies. Students meet weekly, keep a journal, and write a "social action witnessing" report of their experience. Enrollment restricted to college members. Enrollment limited to 15. May be repeated for credit. (General Education Code(s): PR-S.) F. Williams
15A. The Writer as Witness (3 credits). *
Students are involved in a community service project to produce a portfolio of social-action writing that situates the writer as witness in the community. Enrollment restricted to college members. Enrollment limited to 20. W. Cooper
15B. The Writer as Witness (2 credits). *
Students are involved in a community-service project to produce a portfolio of social-action writing that situates the writer as witness in the community. Enrollment restricted to college members. Enrollment limited to 20. W. Cooper
24. Imagining Utopia (3 credits). S
Explores possible futures by studying several utopian visions, projects, and manifestos. Students imagine a future by writing a manifesto and other creative non-fiction pieces that embrace a utopian imagination. Enrollment restricted to college members. Enrollment limited to 20. W. Cooper
42. Student-Directed Seminar (no credit). F,W,S
Seminar taught by upper-division Kresge students under Kresge faculty supervision. (See course 192.) Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. The Staff
60C. Prison Narratives (3 credits). S
Seeks to ask hard questions about the role of the prison, its increasing use in our nation, and the use of torture by the U.S. government in Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib, and other prisons. Readings include J. James's Imprisoned Intellectuals, Alexander Berkman's Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist, and other writings by American prisoners. Eve Ensler's What I Want My Words to Do to You is shown. Course is primarily reading and discussion; students are asked to keep a reading journal and to write a critical/creative essay at the end of the quarter. (Formerly Language of the Prison House.) Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements. Enrollment restricted to college members. Enrollment limited to 20. W. Cooper
60F. Writer's Read (2 credits). *
Students attend weekly creative writing readings by fiction writers and poets, read excerpts from the writers' works, participate in question and answer sessions, and write short, creative and/or analytical responses to the readings and writings. Enrollment restricted to Kresge and Porter college members. Enrollment limited to 35. May be repeated for credit. M. Perks
60K. The Art of Comedy: Literature and Performance (3 credits). W
Students analyze comedic writing and practice writing comedy. Students develop pieces to be delivered in a performance at the end of the quarter. Enrollment restricted to college members. Enrollment limited to 22. E. McKenzie
62. Transformative Action. W
Introduces the most effective methods for social change. Examines social entrepreneurs, innovators, and visionaries. Reviews traditional methods of activism and new theories of nonviolent social change. Presents case studies of success in addressing problems of social injustice. Enrollment limited to 75. C. King
62A. Transformative Action (2 credits). S
Addresses the most effective methods of social change. Examines principles and strategies of transformative action and case studies of leaders solving world problems. Empowers students to be innovators in real-life community projects. Integrates nonviolence, psychology, sustainability, and social justice. The Staff
62B. Transformative Action (2 credits). S
For students who enrolled in the winter quarter Transformative Action course, to further investigate, research, and refine their Big Idea. Opportunity given to deepen and integrate Transformative Action principles into projects. Enrollment by instructor permission only. C. King
63. Kresge Garden Cooperative (2 credits). S
Offers hands-on gardening skills within a student-run space. Focuses on developing a strong cooperative garden on campus, with special attention to the documentation of this process. Enrollment limited to college members. Enrollment limited to 24. D. Shaw
65. Power and Representation Lab.
Enrollment limited to 20. The Staff
65A. Power and Representation: Food and Community (2 credits). F
Explores core themes of power and representation through the mediums of food, nature awareness, community, personal empowerment and sustainable living. Students will develop meaningful final projects in collaboration with Kresge Food Co-op, Kresge Garden Co-op, Kresge World Cafe, and projects of their own design. (Formerly Power and Representations: Food Systems.) Concurrent enrollment in course 80A or 80B is required. Enrollment limited to 20. D. Shaw
65B. Power and Representation: Photography (2 credits). F
Focuses on creating a final project individually, or in collaboration with others, that engages issues of power and represnetation through the medium of photography. Concurrent enrollment in course 80A or 80B is required. Enrollment limited to 20. S. Graham
65C. Power and Representation: Creative Writing (2 credits). *
For students who wish to supplement their core experience with creative writing. Students do in-class and out-of-class writing assignments; read and discuss texts; and work to develop their final project. Concurrent enrollment in course 80A or 80B is required. Enrollment limited to 20. F. Fatemi
65D. Power and Representation: Art and Visual Performance (2 credits). F
Students investigate the themes presented in the core course to arrive at a final creative project in pairs, groups, or individually. Concurrent enrollment in course 80A or 80B is required. Enrollment limited to 20. K. Burton
75. Sustainable Food Systems. *
Introduces students to fundamental food-system issues and opportunities. Topics include: hunger, environmental sustainability, race and gender, food and agricultural policy, local food systems, gardening and farming models, social movements, and approaches for analysis and change. Enrollment limited to 55. S. Gillon
76. Social Documentary Photography. *
History of social documentary photography with its practice. Includes analysis of historical and contemporary images from social documentary work; camera, darkroom, and digital skill development; an individual student documentary project; and collective project discussion. Enrollment restricted to Kresge College members. Enrollment limited to 20. The Staff
77. Food Memoir (2 credits). *
Workshop in writing memoir that connects to issues of multiculturalism, gender, and environment. Designed to hone skills in creative writing through stories that students will unify into a larger memoir. Enrollment restricted to Kresge and College Eight members or by permission of instructor. R. Somers
80A. Introduction to University Discourse: Power and Representation. F
Explores rhetorical principles and conventions of university discourse, providing intensive practice in analytical writing, critical reading,and speaking. Explores relationships between individuals and their communities—communities as small as families and friends, colleges and cities; communities as large as nations and the world. Examines ways we constitute ourselves as individuals in relation to communities, focusing on representations of class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, and race in several genres—critical theory, film, art, fiction, non-fiction, and theater. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 80B. Enrollment restricted to first-year college members who have not satisfied the C1 requirement. (General Education Code(s): T5-Humanities and Arts or Social Sciences, C1.) The Staff
80B. Rhetoric and Inquiry: Power and Representation. F
Explores the intersections of investigations, interpretation, and persuasion, and hones strategies for writing and research. Explores relationships between individuals and their communities—communities as small as families and friends, colleges and cities; communities as large as nations and the world. Examines ways we constitute ourselves as individuals in relation to communities, focusing on representations of class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, and race in several genres—critical theory, film, art, fiction, non-fiction, and theater. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 80A. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and C1 requirements. Enrollment restricted to first-year college members. (General Education Code(s): T5-Humanities and Arts or Social Sciences, C2.) The Staff
80H. Reading Chinese Paintings. *
Introduces significant currents in Chinese cultural history and their visual expression through close examination of selected paintings. Readings focus on a rich variety of primary sources in translation. Course intended for honors students by permission of instructor. Enrollment limited to 20. (General Education Code(s): T5-Humanities and Arts or Social Sciences, A.) R. Birnbaum
80T. Power and Representation (Kresge Core Course for Transfer Students). F
Explores the intersections of investigations, interpretation, and persuasion, and hones strategies for writing and research. Explores relationships between individuals and their communities—communities as small as families and friends, colleges and cities; communities as large as nations and the world. Examines ways we constitute ourselves as individuals in relation to communities, focusing on representations of class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender, and race in several genres—critical theory, film, art, fiction, non-fiction, and theater. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements. Enrollment restricted to sophomore, junior, and senior college members. (General Education Code(s): T5-Humanities and Arts or Social Sciences, W.) The Staff
99. Tutorial. F,W,S
A program of directed study arranged between a freshperson or sophomore student and a Kresge faculty member. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
99F. Independent Study (2 credits). F,W,S
A program of directed study arranged between a student and a Kresge faculty member. Class time is less proportional to credit given. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
99G. Independent Study (3 credits). S
A program of directed study arranged between a student and a Kresge faculty member. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The StaffUpper-Division Courses
192. Directed Student Teaching. F,W,S
Teaching of a lower-division seminar under Kresge faculty supervision. (See course 42.) Prerequisite(s): upper-division standing in Kresge, a proposal supported by a Kresge faculty member willing to supervise, and college approval. The Staff
193. Field Study. F,W,S
Supervised off-campus study conducted under the immediate and direct guidance of a Kresge faculty supervisor. To be used primarily by upper-division students doing part-time, off-campus study. Prerequisite(s): approval of student's adviser and the college. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
194. Group Tutorial. F,W,S
A program of independent study arranged between a group of students and a Kresge faculty member. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
195. Senior Thesis. F,W,S
Senior thesis or project for student doing individual major program. May be repeated twice for credit. Prerequisite(s): permission of sponsoring committee and college approval. The Staff
198. Independent Field Study. F,W,S
Provides for college-sponsored individual study programs off campus, for which Kresge faculty supervision is not in person (e.g., supervision is by correspondence.) Prerequisite(s): approval of the student's faculty sponsor and college approval. The Staff
199. Tutorial. F,W,S
A program of individual study arranged between an upper-division student and a Kresge faculty member. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff
Revised: 8/13/12