Electrical Engineering Course Descriptions

2011-12 General Catalog

Electrical Engineering
Baskin School of Engineering
335 Baskin Engineering Building
(831) 459-2158

Program Description | Faculty

Lower-Division Courses

80J. Renewable Energy Sources. S
Introduction to energy storage and conversion with special emphasis on renewable sources. Fundamental energy conversion limits based on physics and existing material properties. Various sources, such as solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and fuel cells described. Cost-benefit analysis of different alternative sources performed, and key roadblocks for large-scale implementation examined. Latest research on solar cells and applications of nanotechnology on energy conversion and storage introduced. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 81J. (General Education Code(s): PE-E, T2-Natural Sciences.) A. Shakouri

80S. Sustainability Engineering and Practice. F
Topical introduction to principles and practices of sustainability engineering and ecological design with emphasis on implementation in society. Provides an understanding of basic scientific, engineering, and social principles in the design, deployment, and operation of resource-based human systems, and how they can be maintained for this and future generations. No specialized background in engineering, science, or social sciences is assumed. (General Education Code(s): PE-E, T7-Natural Sciences or Social Sciences.) A. Shakouri

80T. Modern Electronic Technology and How It Works. W
Basic knowledge of electricity and "how things work," how technology evolves, its impact on society and history, and basic technical literacy for the non-specialist. Broad overview of professional aspects of engineering and introduction and overview of basic systems and components. Topics include electrical power, radio, television, radar, computers, robots, telecommunications, and the Internet. (General Education Code(s): SI, T7-Natural Sciences or Social Sciences, Q.) K. Pedrotti

81C. Technological Innovation and Environmental Challenges. S
Introduces key technological solutions to environmental problems; discusses their underlying principles; and examines their societal dimensions. Topics include: conventional and renewable energy; emerging technologies for transportation, energy efficiency clean water; planetary engineering; and lean manufacturing. (Also offered as College Eight 81C. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) (General Education Code(s): SI, T-2 Natural Sciences.) K. Pedrotti, J. Vesecky

94. Group Tutorial. F,W,S
A means for a small group of students to study a particular topic in consultation with a faculty sponsor. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

94F. Group Tutorial (2 credits). F,W,S
A means for a small group of students to study a particular topic in consultation with a faculty sponsor. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

99. Tutorial. F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

99F. Tutorial (2 credits). F,W,S
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

Upper-Division Courses

101. Introduction to Electronic Circuits. F,W
Introduction to the physical basis and mathematical models of electrical components and circuits. Topics include circuit theorems (Thevenin and Norton Equivalents, Superposition), constant and sinusiodal inputs, natural and forced response of linear circuits. Introduction to circuit/network design, maximum power transfer, analog filters, and circuit analysis using Matlab. Topics in elementary electronics including ampliphiers and feedback. Prerequisite(s): Physics 5C/N or 6C/N, and Mathematics 24 or previous or concurrent enrollment in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 20 or 20A. Concurrent enrollment in course 101L is required. M. Isaacson, J. Vesecky, H. Schmidt, J. Kubby, A. Shakouri, W. Liu, K. Pedrotti

101L. Introduction to Electronic Circuits Laboratory (2 credits). F,W
Illustrates topics covered in course 101. One two-hour laboratory session per week. Students are billed for a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): Physics 5C/N or 6C/N; and Mathematics 24 or previous or concurrent enrollment in Applied Mathematics and Statistics 20 or 20A. Concurrent enrollment in course 101 is required. M. Isaacson, J. Vesecky, H. Schmidt, J. Kubby, A. Shakouri, W. Liu, K. Pedrotti

103. Signals and Systems. F,S
The course covers the following topics: characterization and analysis of continuous-time signals and linear systems, time domain analysis using convolution, frequency domain analysis using the Fourier series and the Fourier transform, the Laplace transform, transfer functions and block diagrams, continuous-time filters, sampling of continuous time signals, examples of applications to communications and control systems. Prerequisite(s): courses 101/L and Applied Mathematics and Statistics 20 or 20A. H. Sadjadpour, P. Milanfar, B. Friedlander

103L. Signals and Systems Laboratory (2 credits). F,S
Use and operation of spectrum analyzers; advanced signal analysis using oscilloscopes; measuring impulse response, step response, frequency response, and computer analysis of real signals. MATLAB programming is taught and used as a tool for signal analysis. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): course 101and 101L, and Applied Mathematics and Statistics 20 or 20A. Concurrent enrollment in course 103 required. H. Sadjadpour, P. Milanfar, B. Friedlander

104. Bio-electronics and Bio-instrumentations. W
Focuses on the analysis, design, and measurement of components and systems of biomedical devices which interface biological systems with electronics mechanics, and optics. Topics include: abiotic/biotic interface; low-power analog/digital circuits and systems; signal integrity; energy harvesting; wireless techniques; regulatory/ethic compliance tailored for both invasive and non-invasive biomedical applications. Prerequisite(s): course 103. Enrollment restricted to juniors, seniors, and graduate students. W. Liu

115. Introduction to Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (MEMS) Design. S
Begins with overview of MEMS devices and processes that are used to fabricate them. The basic governing equations for MEMS devices in different energy domains (mechanical, electrical, optical, thermal, and fluidic) reviewed, and both analytical and finite element coupled-domain modeling is used to design MEMS devices. Students work in teams to design, lay out, and fabricate MEMS devices and test structures using a standard multi-user process available through a foundry service. A presentation and term paper describing the design and layout will be required. Prerequisite(s): courses 101/L, 135/L, 145/L, Mathematics 19A and 19B, Mathematics 23A and 23B, and Mathematics 24 or Applied Mathematics and Statistics 20 or 20A, Physics 5A, 5B, 5C, and 5D. Enrollment limited to 15. J. Kubby

123A. Engineering Design Project I. W
First of a two-course sequence that is the culmination of the engineering program. Students apply knowledge and skills gained in elective track to complete a major design project. Students complete research, specification, planning, and procurement for a substantial project. Includes technical discussions, design reviews, and formal presentations; engineering design cycle, engineering teams, and professional practices. Formal technical specification of the approved project is presented to faculty. Prerequisite(s): Electrical Engineering 171 and Computer Engineering 100; previous or concurrent enrollment in Computer Engineering 185 and in at least one of the following: Electrical Enginneering 157, Computer Engineering 121 or Computer Engineering 118; permission of department and instructor. Students are billed a materials fee. (General Education Code(s): PR-E.) S. Petersen, J. Vesecky

123B. Engineering Design Project II (7 credits). S
Second of two-course sequence in engineering system design. Students fully implement and test system designed and specified in course 123A. Formal written report, oral presentation, and demonstration of successful project to review panel of engineering faculty required. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): course 123A. S. Petersen, J. Vesecky

130. Introduction to Optoelectronics and Photonics. F
Introduction to optics, photonics and optoelectronics, fiber optic devices and communication systems: Topics include: ray optics, electromagnetic optics, resonator optics, interaction between photons and atoms, dielectric waveguides and fibers, semiconductor light sources and detectors, modulators, amplifiers, switches, and optical fiber communication systems. Taught in conjunction with course 230. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 230. Prerequisite(s): Physics 5B and 5C, or 6B and 6C; concurrent enrollment in course 130L. C. Gu

130L. Introduction to Optoelectronics Laboratory (1 credit). F
Includes a series of projects to provide hands-on experience needed for basic concepts and laboratory techniques of optical fiber technology. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): Physics 5L-M-N, or 6L-M-N; concurrent enrollment in course 130. Enrollment limited to 30. C. Gu

135. Electromagnetic Fields and Waves. W
Vector analysis. Electrostatic fields. Magnetostatic fields. Time-varying fields and Maxwell's equations. Plane waves. Concurrently enrollment in course 135L required. Prerequisite(s): course 101/L; Mathematics 23B; and Mathematics 24 or Applied Mathematics and Statistics 20 or 20A. Students must concurrently enroll in course 135. M. Isaacson

135L. Electromagnetic Fields and Waves Laboratory (2 credits). W
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics in course 135. One two-hour laboratory session per week. Students must concurrently enroll in course 135. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): course 101/L; Mathematics 23B; and Mathematics 24 or Applied Mathematics and Statistics 20 or 20A. Students must concurrently enroll in course 135. M. Isaacson

136. Engineering Electromagnetics.
Course will cover electromagnetic wave propagation, transmission lines, waveguides, and antennas. Prerequisite(s): course 135/L. Enrollment restricted to School of Engineering and Division of Physical and Biological Sciences majors or permission of instructor. M. Isaacson

145. Properties of Materials. F,S
The fundamental electrical, optical, and magnetic properties of materials, with emphasis on metals and semiconductors: chemical bonds, crystal structures, elementary quantum mechanics, energy bands. Electrical and thermal conduction. Optical and magnetic properties. Prerequisite(s): Physics 5A/L, 5B/M, and 5C/N or 6A/L, 6B/M, and 6C/N. Students must also concurrently enroll in course 145L. H. Schmidt, N. Kobayashi, J. Kubby, A. Shakouri

145L. Properties of Materials Laboratory (2 credits). F,S
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics covered in course 145. One two-hour laboratory per week. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): Physics 5A/L, 5B/M, and 5C/N or 6A/L, 6B/M, and 6C/N. Students must also concurrently enroll in course 145. H. Schmidt, N. Kobayashi, J. Kubby, A. Shakouri

151. Communications Systems. W
An introduction to communication systems. Analysis and design of communication systems based on radio, transmission lines, and fiber optics. Topics include fundamentals of analog and digital signal transmission in the context of baseband communications, including concepts such as modulation and demodulation techniques, multiplexing and multiple access, channel loss, distortion, bandwidth, signal-to-noise ratios and error control. Digital communication concepts include an introduction to sampling and quantization, transmission coding and error control. Prerequisite(s): courses 103, 101/L, and Computer Engineering 107 or probability theory and random variables background. Enrollment restricted to School of Engineering and Division of Physical and Biological Sciences majors or permission of instructor. H. Sadjadpour, P. Mantey, B. Friedlander

152. Introduction to Wireless Communications.
Introduction to the principles of wireless communications systems. Wireless propagation channels and their impact on digital communications. Modulation techniques for wireless systems and their performance. Multi-antenna systems and diversity. Multicarrier and spread spectrum. Multi-access methods: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA. The structure of cellular systems. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 252. Prerequisite(s): Computer Engineering 107 and course 151, or by consent of instructor. Enrollment restricted to juniors and seniors. B. Friedlander

153. Digital Signal Processing.
Introduction to the principles of signal processing, including discrete-time signals and systems, the z-transform, sampling of continuous-time signals, transform analysis of linear time-invariant systems, structures for discrete-time systems, the discrete Fourier transform, computation of the discrete Fourier transform, and filter design techniques. Taught in conjunction with Electrical Engineering 250. Students cannot receive credit for this course and Electrical Engineering 250. (Also offered as Computer Engineering 153. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Prerequisite(s): course 103. Enrollment restricted to School of Engineering and Division of Physical and Biological Sciences majors or permission of instructor. H. Sadjadpour, P. Mantey, P. Milanfar

154. Feedback Control Systems. F
Analysis and design of continuous linear feedback control systems. Essential principles and advantages of feedback. Design by root locus, frequency response, and state space methods and comparisons of these techniques. Applications. Prerequisite(s): course 103. Enrollment restricted to School of Engineering and Division of Physical and Biological Sciences majors or permission of instructor. Enrollment limited to 30. P. Milanfar, P. Mantey, J. Rosen, W. Dunbar, G. Elkaim

157. RF Hardware Design. W
Engineering design cycle for wireless and RF systems: design, practical hardware implementation, and prototype. Prerequisite(s): courses 101/L, 103, and 171, and Computer Engineering 174; or consent of instructor. Concurrent enrollment in course 157L is required. Enrollment limited to 30. K. Pedrotti, S. Petersen

157L. RF Hardware Design Laboratory (2 credits). W
Laboratory to accompany course 157, emphasizing hardware-design practice and principles applies to RF apparatus. Students design and implement a substantial final project during the last half of the course. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): courses 101/L, 103, 171, and Computer Engineering 174; or consent of instructor. Concurrent enrollment in course 157 is required. Enrollment limited to 30. K. Pedrotti, S. Petersen

171. Analog Electronics. S
Introduction to (semiconductor) electronic devices. Conduction of electric currents in semiconductors, the semiconductor p-n junction, the transistor. Analysis and synthesis of linear and nonlinear electronic circuits containing diodes and transistors. Biasing, small signal models, frequency response, and feedback. Operational amplifiers and integrated circuits. Prerequisite(s): course 101/L; previous or concurrent enrollment in course 171L required. C. Gu, W. Liu, A. Shakouri, K. Pedrotti

171L. Analog Electronics Laboratory (2 credits). S
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics covered in course 171. One two-hour laboratory session per week. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): courses 101/L; previous or concurrent enrollment in course 171 required. C. Gu, W. Liu, A. Shakouri, K. Pedrotti

172. Advanced Analog Circuits. S
Analog circuit design covering the basic amplifier configurations, current mirrors, differential amplifiers, frequency response, feedback amplifiers, noise, bandgap references, one- and two-stage operational amplifier design, feedback amplifier stability, switched capacitor circuits and optionally the fundamentals of digital-to-analog and analog-to-digital converters. Emphasis throughout will be on the development of approximate and intuitive methods for understanding and designing circuits. Cannot receive credit for this course and course 221. Prerequisite(s): course 171. W. Liu, K. Pedrotti

175. Energy Generation and Control. S
Introduces electrical energy generation, sensing, and control, emphasizing the emerging smart grid. Topics include 3-phase AC power systems, voltage and transient stability, fault analysis, grid protection, power-flow analysis, economic dispatch, and high voltage DC distribution (HVDC). Prerequisite(s): course 101. Concurrent enrollment in course 175L required. J. Balachandra

175L. Energy Generation and Control Laboratory (2 credits). S
Computer analysis and simulation of energy generation, components, power-flow analysis, systems, and control covering topics from course 195. Weekly computer simulations reinforce the concepts introduced in course 175. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): course 101. Concurrent enrollment in course 175 required. J. Balachandra

176. Energy Conservation and Control. F
AC/DC electric-machine drives for speed/position control. Integrated discussion of electric machines, power electronics, and control systems. Computer simulations. Applications in electric transportation, hybrid-car technology, robotics, process control, and energy conservation. Prerequisite(s): courses 103 and 171. Concurrent enrollment in course 176L is required. J. Balachandra

176L. Energy Conversion and Control Laboratory (2 credits). F
Simulink-based simulations of electric machines/drives in applications such as energy conservation and motion control in robotics and electric vehicles. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): courses 103 and 171. Concurrent enrollment in course 176 is required. J. Balachandra

177. Power Electronics. W
Switch-mode power electronics. Switch-mode DC power supplies. Switch-mode converters for DC and AC motor drives, wind/photovoltaic inverters, interfacing power electronic equipment with utility systems. Power semiconductor devices, magnetic design, electromagnetic interference (EMI). Prerequisite(s): courses 103 and 171. Concurrent enrollment in course 177L is required. J. Balachandra

177L. Power Electronics Laboratory (2 credits). W
Simulink-based simulations with power electronic devices and systems in applications such as energy conservation and motion control in robotics and electric vehicles. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): courses 103 and 171. Concurrent enrollment in course 177 is required. J. Balachandra

178. Device Electronics. W
This course reviews the fundamental principles, device's materials, and design and introduces the operation of several semiconductor devices. Topics include the motion of charge carriers in solids, equilibrium statistics, the electronic structure of solids, doping, the pn junction, the junction transistor, the Schottky diode, the field-effect transistor, the light-emitting diode, and the photodiode. Prerequisite(s): courses 145/L and 171/L. Enrollment restricted to School of Engineering and Division of Physical and Biological Sciences majors or permission of instructor. C. Gu, N. Kobayashi, W. Liu, K. Pedrotti

180J. Advanced Renewable Energy Sources. S
Provides a comprehensive overview of renewable energy sources. Fundamental energy-conversion limits based on physics and existing material properties discussed. Various sources and devices, such as solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal, and fuel cells described. Solar- and wind-site assessment, as well as biofuel energy balance, also discussed. Key scientific and economic roadblocks for large-scale implementation examined. Finally, the latest research on application of nanotechnology to energy conversion and storage introduced. Taught in conjunction with course 80J. Prerequisite(s): Mathematics 3 or Applied Mathematics and Statistics 3, 5 or 7. Enrollment limited to 30. (General Education Code(s): PE-E.) A. Shakouri

183. Special Topics in Electrical Engineering.
Topics vary with instructor. Sample topics include smart grids, bioelectronics, antennas, etc. Enrollment by instructor permission. Approval of undergraduate adviser required for credit as an upper-division elective. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

193. Field Study. F,W,S
Provides for individual programs of study with specific academic objectives carried out under the direction of a faculty member of the electrical engineering program and a willing sponsor at the field site and using resources not normally available on campus. Credit is based on the presentation of evidence of achieving the objectives by submitting a written and oral presentation. May not normally be repeated for credit. The Staff

193F. Field Study (2 credits). F,W,S
Provides for individual programs of study with specific academic objectives carried out under the direction of a faculty member of the electrical engineering program and a willing sponsor at the field site and using resources not normally available on campus. Credit is based on the presentation of evidence of achieving the objectives by submitting a written and oral presentation. May not normally be repeated for credit. The Staff

195. Senior Thesis Research. F,W,S
Individual directed study for upper-division undergraduates. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. If using this course to replace the capstone design requirement (courses 123A and 123B), students must take course 157 or Computer Engineering 118 to fulfill the ABET team design experience. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

195F. Senior Thesis Research (2 credits). F,W,S
Prerequisite(s): petition on file with sponsoring agency. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

198. Individual Study or Research. F,W,S
Provides for department-sponsored individual study program off campus, for which faculty supervision is not in person, but by correspondence. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

198F. Independent Field Study (2 credits). F,W,S
Provides for department-sponsored individual study program off campus for which faculty supervision is not in person, but by correspondence. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

199. Tutorial. F,W,S
Individual directed study for upper-division undergraduates. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

199F. Tutorial (2 credits). F,W,S
Individual directed study for upper-division undergraduates. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

Graduate Courses

200. Research and Teaching in Electrical Engineering (3 credits).
Basic teaching techniques for TAs: responsibilities and rights, resource materials, computer security, leading discussion or lab sessions, presentations techniques, maintaining class records, electronic handling of homework, and grading. Examines research and professional training: use of library and online databases, technical typesetting, writing journal and conference papers, publishing, giving talks, and ethical issues. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. C. Gu

211. Introduction to Nanotechnology. W
Introduction to underlying principles of the emerging field of nanotechnology. Intended for multidisciplinary audience with a variety of backgrounds. Introduces scientific principles and laws relevant on the nanoscale. Discusses applications in engineering, physics, chemistry, and biology. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): course 145 or consent of instructor. Enrollment limited to 35. H. Schmidt

212. Introduction to BioMEMS. F
Oriented to general engineering and science students. Topics included are: 1) microfabrication of silicon, glass, and polymer materials; 2) microfluidics and electrokinetics; 3) sensors, actuators, and drug-delivery systems; 4) micro total-analysis systems and lab-on-a-chip devices; 5) detection and measuring systems; 6) genomics, proteomics, DNA, and protein microarrays; 7) emerging applications in medicine, research, and homeland security; 8) packaging, power systems, data communication, and RF safety; and 9) biocompatibility and standards. Recommended for advanced undergraduates and graduate students in bioengineering, electrical engineering, chemistry, and health-related fields including biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, physiology, and genetics. Enrollment restricted to graduate students, or by permission of the instructor. J. Kubby

213. Nanocharacterization of Materials. S
Covers the many characterization techniques used to characterize materials from volumes less than one cubic micrometer, including the basic physics of each method, the methodology used to get quantitative results, and the advantages and limitations of each technique. Enrollment restricted to graduate students, or to undergraduates majoring in engineering or science by permission of instructor. M. Isaacson

215. Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) Design.
Introduction to MEMS technology: covers basic microfabrication technologies, the governing physics for MEMS devices in different energy domains (mechanical, electrical, optical, thermal, and fluidic). Fabrication and design of MEMS devices illustrated using examples of existing research prototypes and commercial products. Students design, lay out, and fabricate an optical MEMS deformable mirror device for applications in adaptive optics. Students are billed a materials fee. Prerequisite(s): courses 135, 145, and 211; and Physics 5A, 5B, and 5C. Enrollment restricted to seniors and graduate students. May be repeated for credit. J. Kubby

216. Nanomaterials and Nanometer-scale Devices. S
Materials controlled at nanometer-scale will revolutionize existing technologies. Offers two core parts: (1) physics and chemistry of nanomaterials discussed in lectures; and (2) advanced research in nanomaterials and nanometer-scale devices presented by leading scientists from academia and industries. Prerequisite(s): course 211; enrollment restricted to graduate students. N. Kobayashi

221. Advanced Analog Integrated Circuits. S
Analog integrated circuit design with emphasis on fundamentals of designing linear circuits using CMOS. Covers MOS devices and device modeling, current mirrors, op-amp design, op-amp compensation, comparators, multipliers, voltage references, sample-and-holds, noise, and an introduction to more complicated systems using these building blocks, such as phase locked loops and analog-to-digital converters. If time permits, integrated circuit layout issues and device/circuit fabrication. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 172. Prerequisite(s): course 171 or equivalent; course 178 or equivalent recommended. Enrollment limited to 20. W. Liu, K. Pedrotti

222. High-Speed Low-Power Integrated Circuit Design.
Digital integrated circuit design covered with an emphasis on high-speed and low-power applications. Covers signaling techniques and circuits including transmitters and receivers, with emphasis on on-chip interconnect, timing fundamentals and timing circuits. Theoretical fundamentals of phase locked loops and design issues of implementation addressed. Course has a project design component. Interview to assess technical skills of student. Enrollment restricted to electrical engineering and computer engineering graduate students. Enrollment limited to 20. May be repeated for credit. W. Liu

223. Advanced Solid-State Devices.
Offers graduate students the opportunity to learn advanced solid-state devices (e.g., electronic, optoelectronic, photonic devices, and smart sensors) from various scientific, technological, and engineering aspects of functional materials (e.g., semiconductors, metals, insulators) used in these devices. Enrollment restricted to undergraduate students who have completed course 178 or to graduate students. N. Kobayashi

224. Physical Design of Micro- and Opto-Electronic Packages.
Micro- and opto-electronic packaging and materials; mechanical properties and behavior, thermal stress in dissimilar materials, and predictive modeling. Design for reliability, dynamic response to shocks and vibrations; reliability evaluations and testing; plastic packages of IC devices; photonics packages, fiber optics structures, and new frontiers. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. The Staff

225. Basics of Electronics Reliability. W
Basic concepts of reliability engineering taught in application to microelectronic and photonic materials, assemblies, and packages and systems. Emphasis on the physics and mechanics of failure physical design for reliability predictive modeling and accelerated testing, with numerous practical examples and illustrations. Prerequisite(s): basic calculus; electronic and photonic devices and systems. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. The Staff

226. CMOS Radio Frequency Integrated Circuit Design.
Covers narrowband and high-frequency techniques, noise, distortion, nonlinearities, low-noise amplifiers, power amplifiers, mixers, receivers, and transmitters for wireless communications. Topics are presented in the context of integrated designs in CMOS, but topics are fundamental and widely applicable. Prerequisite(s): course 172 or 221 or permission of instructor. K. Pedrotti

230. Optical Fiber Communication. F
Components and system design of optical fiber communication. Topics include step-index fibers, graded-index fibers, fiber modes, single-mode fibers, multimode fibers, dispersion, loss mechanics, fiber fabrication, light-emission processes in semiconductors, light-emitting diodes, laser diodes, modulation response, source-fiber coupling, photodetectors, receivers, receiver noise and sensitivity, system design, power budget and rise-time budget, fiber-optic networks (FDDI, SONET, etc), wavelength division multiplexing (WDM). Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 130. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. C. Gu

231. Optical Electronics.
Introduction to phenomena, devices, and applications of optoelectronics. Main emphasis is on optical properties of semiconductors and semiconductor lasers. Prerequisite(s): course 145/L. May be repeated for credit. H. Schmidt, A. Shakouri, C. Gu

232. Quantum Electronics.
Covers basic theory of interaction of electromagnetic radiation with resonant atomic transitions; density matrix treatment; Rabi oscillation, laser mode-locking, Q-switching; parametric oscillation, stimulated Brillouin and Raman scattering, coherent radiation; and noise in photodetectors and lasers. Prerequisite(s): course 231 or equivalent. A. Shakouri

233. Fiber Optics and Integrated Optics.
Concepts and analysis of optical wave propagation in optical fibers and waveguides. Topics include geometrical optics description and electromagnetic theory of slab waveguides; modes, dispersion, and birefringence in optical fibers; mode coupling and gratings in fibers; wavelength-division multiplexing; nonlinear optics in fibers and solitons; semiconductor optical amplifiers and Er doped fiber amplifiers. Prerequisite(s): courses 135 and 145. C. Gu

234. Liquid Crystal Displays.
Introduction to principle of operation, components and systems of liquid crystal displays (LCDs). Topics include basic LCD components, properties of liquid crystals, polarization of optical waves, optical wave propagation in anisotropic media, Jones matrix method, various display systems, active matrix addressing, and color LCDs. Prerequisite(s): course 135 and 136. Enrollment restricted to seniors and graduate students. C. Gu

235. Optical Information Storage and Processing.
Introduction to applications of optical technologies in data storage and information processing. Topics include basic principles of Fourier optics; electro-optic, acousto-optic, and magneto-optic effects and devices; planar and volume holography; optical data storage systems; and optical information processing, interconnecting, and switching systems. Enrollment restricted to graduate students, or undergraduates having completed Physics 5B and 5C and course 103. C. Gu

236. Integrated Biophotonics.
Covers use of integrated optics for study of biological material; fluorescence spectroscopy, single molecule detection, optical tweezers, layered dielectric media, hollow-core waveguides, photonic crystals, optofluidics, biophotonic systems, and applications. Prerequisite(s): course 233 or equivalent. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 20. H. Schmidt

241. Introduction to Feedback Control Systems. F
Graduate-level introduction to control of continuous linear systems using classical feedback techniques. Design of feedback controllers for command-following error, disturbance rejection, stability, and dynamic response specifications. Root locus and frequency response design techniques. Extensive use of Matlab for computer-aided controller design. Course has concurrent lectures with Electrical Engineering 154. (Also offered as Computer Engineering 241. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Enrollment restricted to graduate students. G. Elkaim, J. Rosen, W. Dunbar

250. Digital Signal Processing.
In-depth study of signal processing techniques, including discrete-time signals and systems, the z-transform, sampling of continuous-time signals, transform analysis of linear time-invariant systems, structures for discrete-time systems, the discrete Fourier transform, computation of the discrete Fourier transform, filter design techniques. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 153. H. Sadjadpour, P. Mantey, P. Milanfar, B. Friedlander

251. Principles of Digital Communications. S
A core course on digital communications theory. Provides an introduction to digital communication, including source coding, characterization of communication signals and systems, modulation and demodulation for the additive Gaussian channel, digital signaling, and over bandwidth constrained linear filter channels and over fading multipath channels. Prerequisite(s): course 151 and 153 (or Computer Engineering 153) and Computer Engineering 107. B. Friedlander

252. Wireless Communications.
In-depth study of the physical layer of wireless communications. Wireless propagation channels and their impact on digital communications. Modulation techniques for wireless systems and their performance. Multi-antenna systems and diversity. Multicarrier and spread spectrum. Multi-access methods: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA. The structure of cellular systems. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 152. Prerequisite(s): course 251. B. Friedlander

253. Introduction to Information Theory. W
An introduction to information theory including topics such as entropy, relative entropy, mutual information, asymptotic equipartition property, channel capacity, differential entropy, rate distortion theory, and universal source coding. (Also offered as Computer Science 250. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Prerequisite(s): Computer Engineering 107, or Applied Mathematics and Statistics 131 or equivalent course, or permission of instructor. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. H. Sadjadpour

254. Multi-User Information Theory.
Topics include basic information theory, multiple-access channel, broadcast channel, interference channel, relay channel, capacity with feedback, capacity of networks, and channels with state and current research. Prerequisite(s): course 253. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. The Staff

255. Multiple-Antenna Wireless Communications.
Basic theory of multiple-antenna wireless systems. Introduction to space-time propagation models, capacity of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels, space-time coding, transmitter CSI, and multiuser space-time systems. Includes discussion of multiple antennas in emerging systems and standards. Prerequisite(s): course 252 and Computer Engineering 107, or Applied Mathematics and Statistics 131, or equivalent. The Staff

256. Introduction to Radar Systems and SAR.
Fundamentals of radar systems and radar-signaling processing, including SAR. Emphasizes real-world applications. MATLAB emphasizes algorithm development and performance analysis. Basic EM theory and a first course in signal processing are recommended. Enrollment limited to 20. F. Dowla

261. Error Control Coding. F
Covers the following topics: introduction to algebra; linear block code; cyclic codes; BCH code; RS codes; spectral domain study of codes; CRC; and product codes. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. H. Sadjadpour

262. Statistical Signal Processing I. W
Covers fundamental approaches to designing optimal estimators and detectors of deterministic and random parameters and processes in noise, and includes analysis of their performance. Binary hypothesis testing: the Neyman-Pearson Theorem. Receiver operating characteristics. Deterministic versus random signals. Detection with unknown parameters. Optimal estimation of the unknown parameters: least square, maximum likelihood, Bayesian estimation. Will review the fundamental mathematical and statistical techniques employed. Many applications of the techniques are presented throughout the course. Note: While a review of probability and statistics is provided, this is not a basic course on this material. Prerequisite(s): course 103 and Computer Engineering 107, or permission of instructor. P. Milanfar

263. Advanced Topics in Coding Theory.
Covers convolutional codes and its principles, maximum likelihood decoding and Viterbi decoding, performance evaluation of convolutional codes, trellis coded modulation (TCM), rotationally invariant convolutional codes, turbo codes, turbo decoding principles, performance evaluation of turbo codes, interleaver design for turbo codes, topics on turbo codes, space-time codes, and LDPC. Prerequisite(s): course 261. Enrollment restricted to electrical engineering, computer engineering, and computer science graduate students. Enrollment limited to 10. H. Sadjadpour

264. Image Processing and Reconstruction. F
Fundamental concepts in digital image processing and reconstruction. Continuous and discrete images; image acquisition, sampling. Linear transformations of images, convolution and superposition. Image enhancement and restoration, spatial and spectral filtering. Temporal image processing: change detection, image registration, motion estimation. Image reconstruction from incomplete data. Applications. Students that have completed Computer Engineering 261 may not take this course for credit. Prerequisite(s): course 153 or permission of instructor. P. Milanfar

265. Introduction to Inverse Problems (3 credits).
Fundamental approaches and techniques in solving inverse problems in engineering and applied sciences, particularly in imaging. Initial emphasis on fundamental mathematical, numerical, and statistical formulations and known solution methods. Sampling of applications presented from diverse set of areas (astronomical, medical and optical imaging, and geophysical exploration). Enrollment restricted to graduate students. P. Milanfar

270. Neural Implant Engineering.
Advanced studies of the basic neuroscience-engineering design requirements and technological issues associated with implantable neural prostheses, with particular emphasis on retinal and cortical function. Course is team-taught via remote web cast. A basic understanding of physics, circuit theory, and electronics is required. Enrollment restricted to graduate students; juniors and seniors may enroll by permission of instructor. W. Liu

280B. Seminar on Integrated Bioelectronics (2 credits). F,W,S
Weekly seminar covering current research in integrated bioelectronics. May be repeated for credit. W. Liu

280I. Seminar on Microscopy and Nanotechnology (1 credit).
Weekly seminar series covering research topics and experimental research in microscopy and nanotechnology. Current research and literature are discussed. Students lead discussion and participate in all meetings. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Enrollment by permission of instructor. Enrollment limited to 10. May be repeated for credit. M. Isaacson

280M. Seminar on Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) (2 credits). F,W,S
Weekly seminar series covering topics of current research interest in Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) design, fabrication and applications. Current research work and literature in these areas are discussed. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Undergraduates may enroll with permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. J. Kubby

280O. Seminar on Applied Optics (2 credits). F,W,S
Weekly seminar series covering topics of current research in applied optics, including integrated, quantum, nonlinear, and nano-optics. Current research work and literature in these areas are discussed. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Undergraduates may enroll with permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. H. Schmidt

280Q. Seminar on Quantum Electronics and Nanoelectronics (2 credits). F,W,S
Weekly series covers current research in quantum electronics including electron and photon transport in nanostructures; nanoscale heat transport; optoelectronic integrated circuits; nanoscale devices for energy conversion; micro-refrigeration; thermal and acoustic imaging of nanostructures. Current research work and recent literature are discussed. Enrollment restricted to graduate students; undergraduates may enroll by permission of instructor. May be repeated for credit. A. Shakouri

281. Guest Seminar Series (1 credit).
Distinguished speakers from industry, universities, and government discuss current developments in electrical engineering and related fields. Emphasis on research questions that may lead to collaborative work with faculty and graduate students. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. May be repeated for credit. N. Mingo, The Staff

283. Special Topics in Electrical Engineering (3 credits).
Graduate seminar on a research topic in electrical engineering that varies with the particular instructor. Topics may include, but are not limited to, electromagnetics, antennas, electronics biotechnology, nanotechnology, signal processing, communications, VLSI, MEMS, and radio frequency. Enrollment restricted to graduate students and consent of instructor. Enrollment limited to 25. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

290. EE Graduate Seminar (1 credit).
Research seminar at the graduate level regarding technical areas of electrical engineering activity that are of interest to the research and/or commercial communities. Enrollment restricted to computer engineering, electrical engineering, or physics graduate students, or by permission of instructor. Enrollment limited to 30. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

291. Tomorrow's Professor: Preparing for an Academic Career in Science and Engineering (3 credits).
The aim of this course is two-fold: (1) inform, motivate, and prepare graduate students for a possible career in academia; (2) expose both undergraduate and graduate students to the academic enterprise, possible career options for those who pursue advanced degrees in engineering and science. Restricted to graduate students. Appropriate for graduate students in all fields of engineering, science, and mathematics; advanced undergraduates in good standing may enroll with permission of instructor. P. Milanfar

293. Advanced Topics in Electrical Engineering. F,S
Graduate seminar course on a research topic in electrical engineering that varies with the particular instructor. Typical topics include, but are not limited to, electromagnetics, antennas, electronics biotechnology, nanotechnology, signal processing, communications, VLSI, and MEMS. Prerequisite(s): Consent of instructor. Enrollment restricted to graduate students. Enrollment limited to 25. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

297. Independent Study or Research. F,W,S
Independent study or research under faculty supervision. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

299. Thesis Research. F,W,S
Thesis research conducted under faculty supervision. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. The Staff

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Revised: 8/13/12