College Eight Course Descriptions

2011-12 General Catalog

College Office
(831) 459-2361

Lower-Division Courses

10. Academic Success (2 credits). *
An interactive course providing students with the opportunity to assess and revise methods of and purposes in studying. Critical, effective approaches to reading, writing, participating in lectures and sections, taking exams, balancing competing responsibilities, and utilizing campus resources are all explored. Prerequisite(s): permission of college adviser. Enrollment limited to 30. The Staff

20C. The Water Environment: Literature of the Sea (2 credits). *
Students consider the representation of the sea in selected texts, noting how it becomes the focal point for the fears, hopes, and prejudices of Western civilization. Students write critical papers and their own narratives. Enrollment restricted to first-year and sophmore college members. Enrollment limited to 25. C. Calsoyas

20D. College Students' Lives (2 credits). *
Students understand their peers and themselves better through an exploration of issues that affect the daily life of college students. Topics include campus/student cultures, the academic system, and other critical issues. Overview of campus resources also provided. Enrollment restricted to first-year and sophomore College Eight members. J. Pehlke

20F. Justice on Earth (3 credits). *
Examines issues of oppression, privilege, and social justice within a global and environmental context through self-reflective and group work. May include an optional service-learning component requiring travel during spring break. Enrollment limited to 20. The Staff

20G. Peregrine Falcons Return (2 credits). W
Required training laboratory for students who wish to pursue a hands-on, two-credit service project (laboratory or field) that is focused on peregrine falcon conservation. Enrollment limited to 26. G. Stewart

28. Peer Leadership in Higher Education (3 credits). S
Overview of theories of student development, critical student issues, and skills needed for appropriate peer leadership interventions. Utilizes a variety of learning modes including readings, discussions, case studies, lectures, and group projects. Interview only: approval of instructor; Resident Assistant (RA) pre-employment training course. Enrollment limited to 25. May be repeated for credit. J. Pehlke

61. Education for Sustainable Living Program (2 credits). S
Analyzes sustainability and its application in daily life and on campus, involving collaboration between students, faculty, staff, administration, and the community. Guest lecturers, discussions, an optional UC-wide retreat, and essays allow engagement with aspects of ecological and social sustainability. J. Borrego

80A. Introduction to University Discourse: Environment and Society. F
Explores rhetorical principles and conventions of university discourse, providing intensive practice in analytical writing, critical reading, and speaking. Introduces students to environmental history, ethics, and policy options, and teaches them to analyze and interpret key literary texts. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 80B. Concurrent enrollment in course 81A is required. Enrollment restricted to first-year college members who have not satisfied the C1 requirement. (General Education Code(s): TA, T3-Social Sciences, C1.) S. Rajan

80B. Rhetoric and Inquiry: Environment and Society. F
Explores the intersections of investigation, interpretation, and persuasion and hones strategies for writing and research. Introduces students to environmental history, ethics, and policy options, and teaches them to analyze and interpret key literary texts. Students cannot receive credit for this course and course 80A. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the C1 requirement; concurrent enrollment in course 81A is required. Enrollment restricted to first-year college members. (General Education Code(s): TA, T3-Social Sciences, C2.) S. Rajan

81A. The Environment and Us (3 credits). F
Takes students through a wide range of approaches to environmental citizenship and provides conceptual and practical tools to explore alternatives. Students also participate in a hands-on sustainability project designed to connect academic learning with practical applications. Concurrent enrollment in course 80A or 80B is required. Enrollment restricted to first-year college members. S. Rajan

81B. Fundamentals of Environmental Science. W
Addresses major issues in physical and biological environmental sciences and provides tools to critically evaluate, debate, and make informed choices regarding one's own impact on the environment. Topics include: climate change, water resources, air pollution, evolution, ecology (from populations to ecosystems), and conservation. Quantitative problem solving is an integral part of this course. (Also offered as Earth Sciences 81B. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Prerequisite(s): courses 80A or 80B. Enrollment restricted to first-year and sophomore college members. (General Education Code(s): MF, IN, Q.) P. Chuang

81C. Technological Innovation and Environmental Challenges. S
Introduces key technological solutions to environmental problems; discusses their underlying principles; and examines their societal dimensions. Topics include: conventional and renewable energy; emerging technologies for transportation, energy efficiency clean water; planetary engineering; and lean manufacturing. (Also offered as Electrical Engineering 81C. Students cannot receive credit for both courses.) Prerequisite(s): courses 80A or 80B. Enrollment restricted to first-year and sophomore college members. (General Education Code(s): SI, T-2 Natural Sciences.) K. Pedrotti, J. Vesecky

90. College Eight Garden Internship (1 credit). F,W,S
One-credit internship in the College Eight Garden. Offers students of College Eight an opportunity to become involved in an experimental learning project focusing on application of concepts of sustainable agriculture. Enrollment restricted to members of College Eight. Enrollment limited to 10. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

93. Field Study. F,W,S
The Staff

99. Tutorial. F,W,S
May be repeated for credit. The Staff

99F. Tutorial (2 credits). F,W,S
Individual study for lower-division students directed by a faculty member affiliated with College Eight. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

Upper-Division Courses

128. Advanced Peer Leadership Practicum (3 credits). S
Advanced practicum for the application of skills and theoretical knowledge studied in course 28. Uses many learning modes including readings, discussions, case studies, lectures, and group projects. Prerequisite(s): course 28. Enrollment by permission of instructor. Enrollment limited to 25. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

160. Developing Leadership to Facilitate Environmental Education. W
Prepares students to facilitate an action research team for "Sustainable Living" (courses 61/161) during spring quarter. Workshops and training selected to build the skills and preparation to become successful facilitators. Topics include: facilitation skills; syllabus planning and curriculum building; experiential learning techniques; leadership skills; and non-violent communication training. Enrollment by interview only. Enrollment restricted to sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Enrollment limited to 30. S. Rajan

161. Education for Sustainable Living Program. S
Analyzes sustainability and its application in daily life and on campus, involving collaboration between students, faculty, staff, administration, and the community. Guest lecturers, discussions, an optional UC-wide retreat, and essays allow engagement with aspects of ecological and social sustainability. Enrollment limited to 25. The Staff

193. Field Study. F,W,S
The Staff

193F. Field Study (2 credits). F,W,S
Provides for individual programs of study sponsored by the college and performed off campus. Must be sponsored by College Eight faculty. Approval of the student's adviser and the academic preceptor is needed to enroll. May be repeated three times for credit. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. The Staff

195. Senior Thesis. F,W,S
May be repeated for credit. The Staff

198. Independent Field Study. F,W,S
The Staff

199. Tutorial. F,W,S
May be repeated for credit. The Staff

199F. Tutorial (2 credits). F,W,S
Individual study for upper-division students directed by a faculty member affiliated with College Eight. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency. May be repeated for credit. The Staff

*Not offered in 2011-12

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Revised: 8/13/12