Section 2. Paying for Your Education

Your Financial Commitment to the University | Registration Fees | Financial Aid | Student Loan Counseling (pre-loan and exit counseling)

Your Financial Commitment to the University

Billing Information and Payment of Campus Debts

UCSC’s billing is paperless. A billing statement is usually available at the end of each month via  UCSC eBill/ePay (on MyUCSC). Details about billing, including the payment schedule, can be found on the Billings page at the Student Business Services website.

General payments are applied to the oldest charges first, including housing charges. Housing specific payments can only be made via cash/check (not eCheck).

Failure to pay campus debts results in holds on enrollment and use of university services. Details about payment options, hours, and locations can be found on the Payments page at the Student Business Services Payment website.

Statement of Account

Each student at UCSC has a financial account administered by the Student Business Services Office (SBS) in 203 Hahn Student Services.

You can view your account information and activity on MyUCSC. Click on the My Account $ (dollar sign) tile.

At the end of each month, an invoice (also referred to as statement of account) for unpaid charges is viewable on UCSC eBill/ePay on MyUCSC . The invoice includes a description of each item and instructions for making payment, contesting charges, and making inquiries. Unpaid charges appear on subsequent statements as “Previous Balance” and for reference you can access your prior invoices on UCSC eBill/ePay on MyUCSC .

Financial activity posted to the account is considered confidential. No information regarding financial activity may be released or discussed with a third party outside the university (e.g., parent).

For additional information including methods of payment, tips on reading the invoice, plus other billing FAQs, see the Student Business Services website.

Contested Charges

If you have questions or concerns regarding a charge or late fee on your invoice, please contact the office responsible for the charge/fee.

If you believe there is an error on your statement, contact Student Business Services.

To contest an SBS miscellaneous “Late Payment Fee,” use the Late Fee Contest form.

Returned Checks and eChecks

All checks returned to UCSC by a bank or financial institution are subject to returned check charges. More information on returned checks may be found on the Returned Check page at the Student Business Services website.

Registration Fees

At UCSC, registration has two components: enrollment in classes and payment of required quarterly fees. The deadlines for fee payment are in the quarterly Schedule of Classes and on the Academic and Administrative Calendar. Registration fees include general university fees set by the Regents of the University of California and UCSC campus fees. Fee amounts are subject to change without notice. Check regularly for the latest information on registration fee amounts as well as an itemized list of registration fees. Because you may have other debts to the university, any “Previous Balance” shown on your invoice and new charges posted prior to the registration fees must be paid to complete registration. If you are unsure about the amount due, contact Student Business Services.

If You Decide Not to Attend

If you decide not to attend UCSC, complete the withdrawal process at Withdrawal and Leave of Absence . You are responsible for fees once instruction begins. The adjustment of fees for withdrawals is determined by the University of California refund schedule (see schedule of refunds). You must withdraw by the first day of instruction to receive a full refund of registration fees. If you are a financial aid recipient, your aid will also likely be adjusted. See the financial aid withdrawal policy for more information.

Your registration fee assessment will be adjusted, and any payment made will be refunded with the following exceptions:

  • For new students, the $250 Statement of Intent to Register is nonrefundable.
  • For continuing and readmitted students, the $70 Readmission or Leave of Absence fee, if applicable.
  • Any other campus debts are deducted from your refund.

Tuition Deferred Payment Plan (TDPP)

The Tuition Deferred Payment Plan (TDPP) is an alternative method of paying registration fees. TDPP allows your fees not covered by scholarships, loans or other financial aid to be paid in monthly installments. This does not include the Undergraduate Health Insurance Fee. For more information, plans, and pricing about the TDPP, see Tuition Deferred Payment Plan for more information or contact Student Business Services at (831) 459-2107; or send e-mail to

Nonresident Supplemental Tuition Fee

Students who do not qualify as California residents for tuition purposes at UCSC are assessed nonresident supplemental tuition each quarter in addition to their other fees. Nonresident students are ineligible for university grant aid, institutional work-study, and institutional loan.

Every new and re-entering student, including a student returning from a leave of absence of two or more quarters, is required to complete a Statement of Legal Residence for residence classification purposes. Failure to file the form results in assessment of nonresident supplemental tuition by default. Nonresidents who believe that they will qualify as California residents in a future quarter must petition for the change of status in person to the Campus Residence Deputy in the Registrar’s Office prior to the beginning of the quarter for which the change is expected.

For a more complete statement about Residence for Tuition Purposes at the University of California, refer to the UC Residence Policy and Guidelines.  If you have any questions about your residence status, contact a Campus Residence Deputy at the Office of the Registrar, No other university personnel are authorized to provide  information about residence requirements for tuition purposes.

Part-Time Program: Reduction in Fees

Students who are unable to pursue a bachelor’s degree on a full-time basis due to family obligations, health restrictions, or continuing, permanent employment may be eligible for the Part-Time Program. Students in their final quarter before graduation may participate in the Part-Time Program; however, last-quarter approval may be granted once. To apply, follow the instructions for the Part-Time Program.

Students who have been approved for this program may pursue a degree in any major offered at UCSC, enrolling in a maximum of 10 credits each quarter. Part-time students have access to the same facilities and are eligible for the same campus and college services as full-time students.

Students who qualify for the Part-Time Program pay full university registration and campus fees but receive a 50% reduction in the educational fee and, if applicable, nonresident supplemental tuition.

Students who do not qualify for the Part-Time Program but think they have a legitimate reason to enroll in fewer than 15 credits should see an adviser at their college. The reduction in fees applies only to students in the Part-Time Program. For information on how this affects financial aid, please visit the  Enrolling Part-Time page.

Cancellation of the Part-Time Program

If you intend to enroll in more than 10 credits, you will return to full-time status. To do so, complete the Undergraduate Part-Time Cancellation form.

Fee Waivers

Students in certain programs and categories are entitled to a partial waiver of fees. These include some veterans’ dependents and University of California career employees (see the UCSC Reduced Fee Program .)

If the registration fee assessment on your statement of account does not reflect your fee waiver, email or call (831) 459-2709 before the payment deadline for further information.

Registration Fees for Financial Aid Recipients

If you are offered financial aid, accept the aid awards listed on MyUCSC and enroll in full time credits in order for your aid to pay to your student account. If you are a new loan borrower, you will need to  complete the online student loan counseling and promissory notes (for each loan program for which you participate). For detailed instructions on accepting loans, see the Student and Parent Loans section of the financial-aid website.

Most types of aid will be posted as credits to your UCSC billing account each quarter. This includes all awards you have accepted: student loans, federal, state, and university grants and scholarships administered through UCSC. Work-Study income is earned on the job and therefore is not posted to your account. Scholarships you receive from private agencies will be paid to your account as checks are received in the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office. You are responsible for paying the difference between your balance due and accepted federal, state and institutional aid by the billing due date to avoid late fees. Outside scholarships are not considered as aid towards your bill until they are received and processed.

If your financial aid exceeds the amount you owe the university, a refund may be issued to you beginning the first week of each quarter. If you signed up for Direct Deposit with the Student Business Services Office via MyUCSC , the credit will be deposited into the bank account specified. If not, a check will be printed and mailed to your mailing address during the first week of the quarter. If you have a zero balance (0 as “Amount Due”), you are not required to take any action unless you do not plan to attend. In that case, notify the Office of the Registrar.

If you meet the conditions described above and no credits appear on your statement, review “Holds and To Do’s” on MyUCSC . If you still need assistance, contact the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office, (831) 459-2963, before the registration deadline for further instructions.

Financial Aid

The Financial Aid Scholarship Office manages the awarding of campus scholarships, grants and work-study as well as federal student and parent loans. To apply for financial aid, visit Financial Aid’s Apply for Aid page, The Financial Aid and Scholarship Office is located on the second floor of the Hahn Student Services building in room 205.

Student Loan Counseling

Pre-loan Counseling

Federal regulations mandate that borrowers complete Pre-Loan Counseling, where important information regarding student loans will be given.

Holds on student loan disbursements are placed if pre-loan counseling has not been completed.

See the Entrance Counseling page to complete your pre-loan counseling/entrance interview.

If you are transferring to UCSC from another school and have already attended a pre-loan counseling session, you may satisfy this requirement by providing Student Business Services with a photocopy of the pre-loan counseling form from your previous school or evidence from your online counseling session.

Mail or fax the copy to:

Student Business Services
University of California, Santa Cruz
1156 High Street
Santa Cruz, CA 95064
Phone: (831) 459-4699
Fax: (831) 459-3918

Pre-loan counseling is available in person upon request and by appointment; contact (831) 459-4699 or send email to

Exit Counseling

If you receive a loan while attending UCSC, you will be required to complete exit counseling before you leave school for any reason (graduation, transfer to another school, or withdrawal). Online counseling is available on the Loan Exit Counseling page. In-person sessions will be available upon request.

Loan Def ault and Collections

The Student Business Services Office provides collection services for Perkins and University Loans, short-term loans, and all other campus debts. Information about loan defaults can be found on the Student Business Services loan default page. Contact (831) 459-2107 for more information.

More information on student loan counseling can be found on the Loan Information page at the Student Business Services website.


Revised: 06/06/23